WWE Smackdown Results, August 30 30 Aug 2013 / By Kumar Anubhav Jha
WWE Smackdown on SyFy Live Coverage
Taped on 8/27 in Las Vegas, Nevada [Q1] The Smackdown intro aired and The Miz was already in the ring. He welcomed everyone to MizTV and said there was a lot to talk about, so he would get right to it. He then introduced Big Show, who came out to applause. He then welcomed Dolph Ziggler, who got a surpisingly good reaction. They showed a video of what happened this past Monday during the main event, with Ziggler and Show failing to intervene on behalf of Bryan. Miz said they were told that they needed to watch the destruction of Daniel Bryan, and if they interfered in any manner they would no longer be WWE Superstars, and their careers would be made a living hell. Miz then said “this was a free country”, and it was time the WWE Universe heard their opinions on how management was running the WWE. Miz then handed things off to The Miz. Show spoke a little brokenly, and said it was one of the toughest things he ever had to do in his career. He shook his head and couldn't continue, and handed the mic to Dolph Ziggler. Dolph looked despondent and couldn't say anything, and asked Big Show to finish his thought. Miz took over after Show didn't speak again, but didn't get in many worse edge wise before Triple H's music hit. Triple H smiled on the top of the ramp and made his way to the ring. Triple H asked Miz why he wasn't in a suit, and he responded that he never knew when a fight was going to break out. Miz asked if he could ask Triple H a question, and Triple H said no. He said he had some questions, and asked them first why they wanted to make everything personal. He claimed what he was doing in best for business, and he didn't understand where they were coming from. Randy Orton is not some guy that can't back it up. He is a guy that is big enough. He then said that Randy Orton is what's best for everyone, because everyone makes more money with him in charge. Triple H said Miz was angry because he had the WWE Championship a long time ago, and never got near it since. He then said since he was such a nice guy, he would give him a shot at Randy Orton “tonight”. He said Ziggler was mad because the last time he met The Shield, he got the crap beat out of him, and he would get a chance at revenge in a handicap match with The Shield tonight as well. That left Big Show, who Triple H commanded to walk over to him. Show resisted at first and then complied. Triple said if looks could kill.....and mentioned that Big Show had smoke coming out of his ears on Monday. He said Show would have the night off, and he would sit at ringside in a chair and watch everything on the show and do nothing about it. He then told Show to go sit in his chair, and Show looked angry but complied. JBL made a passing contract that if Show didn't comply Triple H would rip his guaranteed contract to shreds. WAT? Show then sat in a chair at ringside, and Triple H told Dolph to run along to the back and get ready. He then said it was fortuitous that the Miz wore his gear, because his match was now. Triple H introduced Randy Orton, calling him the face of the company and the WWE Champion. Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: segment that really cemented Triple H as a total dick. The faces showing disgust but unable to challenge the boss isn't the greatest, but as long as light at the end of the tunnel seems possible it's not that bad. Hopefully they quickly progress to showing some resistance, because one sided beatings on Daniel Bryan are going to get boring pretty quickly. [Q2] 1. The Miz vs. Randy Orton: They went back and forth early with Miz going or the figure four, but failing to apply it. There were plenty of shots of Big Show at ringside looking angry. Orton took control and got a near fall off of a suplex, and then dumped Miz to the floor. Orton followed to the outside and then hit a back suplex on the barricade. Back in the ring, Orton continued the beating until Miz caught him with an uppercut and followed up with a clothesline in the corner. Miz tried a top rope double axe handle, but Orton avoided it. Orton then attempted a rope DDT, but Miz shoved him to the outside. The Shield's music hit, and they headed to the ring through the crowd...[c] The Shield were at ringside and observed Randy Orton put a beating on The Miz on the outside. Orton hit a clothesline on the outside that sent Miz to the floor, and then tossed Miz back in the ring. Orton then hit some elbows and stomps on the ground. The Shield continued to stand on the ramp facing the tron while Orton continued his offense. Miz started a comeback and hit some knee lefts, followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Show cheered him on from his chair, and Miz set up for the skull crushing finale, but Orton slipped out and hit his second rope DDT. [Q3] Orton fired up for the RKO and taunted the crowd. Miz avoided and hit a backslide for another close fall. He then hit a kneebreaker out of the corner, and locked in a figure four leg lock. Orton reached the ropes after a tense moment, and Show cheered on Miz. Orton rolled to the apron, and Miz tried to grab him, only to get an uppercut. Orton followed up with an RKO for the victory. Randy Orton defeated The Miz at 14:16. Post match, The Shield attempted to beat down The Miz until the only guy with balls on the whole roster, Daniel Bryan, came down with a chair and cleared house. The crowd went insane. Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: A good effort from The Miz and Orton, and a good post match interaction to pump up the hot crowd. A Los Matadores promo aired, and everybody laughed. Maybe that was just me. Backstage, Daniel Bryan walked in to Vickie Guerrero. She called him a bully for what he did to Orton and The Shield, and in her world when people Bully, they get bullied back. She then told him to meet his opponent for later tonight. Ryback then walked up, and said if there is one thing he can't stand, it's a bully. He then said he would see him out there later. Cole and JBL then introduced a video package that showed the emotional segment from Monday with CM Punk, Curtix Axel, and Paul Heyman. [Q4] Cole said we would hear from Heyman later. Ricardo Rodriguez then came on stage in an RVD shirt to introduce RVD. RVD then made his ring entrance for a match next...[c] Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: That Vickie and Bryan segment was a bit bizarre. The video package was good though. RVD and Ricardo still don't click to me. I don't know what Ricardo brings to his act. A video aired or RVD defeating Del Rio on Monday with Ricardo's help. Damien Sandow then made his ring entrance. He had a microphone and said what happens in Las Vegas will not stay in Las Vegas. People may be content with wasting their lives in a casino, but what we does will go worldwide. He said he is the uncrowned World Champion, and soon he would take his throne. You're Welcome. 2. RVD vs. Damien Sandow: Van Dam hit a quick and got a fast near fall. He then dropped a leg from the top rope for another one. Sandow recovered and tossed Van Dam shoulder first into the post and rolled him up for a near fall of his own. He followed up with rapid fire knees, and the elbow of disdain for two. Big Show was still at ringside, looking near tears. RVD crotched Sandow on the tope rope, and followed up with kick from the top rope. He then followed up with the five star frog splash for the win. RVD defeated Damien Sandow at 2:39. After the match, Del Rio walked out and interrupted. He said RVD got his title shot by getting together with a man who betrayed his own people. He said if you sleep with dogs, you get fleas. Del Rio said RVD might have rolling thunder, but at Night of Champions he would make it rain on his parade. He then said that after the match, RVD would know why he is the World Heavyweight Champion...[c] Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: A total throwaway match, but the promo by Del Rio afterward was solid. I still haven't figured out why Ricardo is there, other than giving Del Rio an excuse to talk about Latinos. It seems like they are just using RVD to set up another feud, which is odd. [Q5] The Shield were already in the ring, and then Dolph Ziggler made his entrance for the massacre. Big Show just shook his head and buried his face in his hands, rocking back and forth. 3. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Shield: Dolph went after Ambrose and Reigns on the apron, and hit a cross body on Rollins in the ring. Rollins quickly backed Ziggler into the corner and stomped him before tagging in Reigns. Reigns tossed Ziggler around, and hit a Samoan Drop that got a two count. Ambrose then tagged in and stomped on Dolph's fingers and paint brushed him across the face. Ambrose tossed Ziggler into the turnbuckle, and stomped on his fingers again. He then continued the assault with chops in the corner. He then tossed him to the opposte corner and jawed at Ziggler. Dolph then slapped the taste out of his mouth and hit a back body drop that sent Ambrose to the outside. Rollins tagged in and almost got rolled up by Ziggler for a three count. Rollins hit a blind tag to Reigns, and Ziggler went for a Rocker Dropper on Rollins. He reversed into a buckle bomb, and then Reings followed up with a spear for the win. The Shield defeated Dolph Ziggler at 4:01. Post match, The Shield choked Ziggler on the ropes while Big Show was forced to watch. They then picked up Ziggler and dropped him with the Triple Powerbomb. Show boiled at ringside and The Shield left. Cole plugged Paul Heyman's talk as next...[c] Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: A solid effort, with the real story of the match being Big Show's torment. The comeuppance for the heels will make the crowd go mental, and I hope they get the chance soon. This never ending series of handicap matches and stacked odds won't be compelling for very long. [Q6] Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel were introduced by Lilian Garcia, and made their way to the ring. Axel smiled and said that this past Monday, the WWE universe witnessed his mentor and hero Paul Heyman perform one of the bravest acts a man can ever muster up the courage to perform. A video was then shown of Heyman beating Punk with the Kendo Stick and screaming at him. Heyman asked the crowd what they wanted from him. He asked if they wanted him to feel guilty about the beating he gave to his prodigal son, CM Punk? He screamed that he was not seeking forgiveness. He was not there to atone. He said the crowd forced him into a situation where he would be beaten, and again asked what they expected him to do. Paul then said for 434 consecutive days, he and CM Punk were the WWE Champion, and all challengers were put down like a rabid dog. It was his strategy and Punk's execution. He asked why he was still standing if all those enemies were put down, it's because Punk should see be worshipping him as the god that he is. Heyman then reminded us that he has a handicap match with Punk at Night of Champions, and that he can't escape. He claimed WWE was virtually guaranteeing that if you order Night of Champions, you will see him get a beating at the hands of CM Punk. He told Curtis Axel that he is afraid, because if CM Punk gets his hands on him, nobody will see Paul Heyman again. He said his fear could be Punk's worst enemy, because not even he knows what he's capable of when he's faced with a guaranteed beating. He said at Night of Champions, he and Curtis Axel would own CM Punk. After the promo, Cole plugged the main event and the Wyatt family for next...[c] Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: Another excellent promo from Heyman. He is really coming off deranged and it's working for him. Axel still can't summon an ounce of charisma, but it appears he's at least trying to deliver his lines with more inflection. [Q7] The Funkadactyl's were in the ring dancing, with Brodus and Tensai. The Wyatt's then made their entrance. 4. Tons of Funk vs. Rowan and Harper: Tons of Funk controlled the match early on. Tensai knocked Rowan from ringside and Brodus kept him there. Rowan recovered and tossed Brodus into the barricade. He then distracted Tensai, who took a big boot. Rowan then tagged in and hit a splash and got the win... Rowan and Harper defeated Tons of Funk at 1:13. After the match, Wyatt entered the ring and hit Sister Abigail on Tensai. Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: Quick and painless. Not even time for a piss break. After another Los Matadores promo, a recap of the AJ promo from Monday was shown. JBL said “crazy was speaking the truth”. Ryback made his ring entrance for the main event...[c] Daniel Bryan then made his ring entrance, to a fantastic reaction. They showed clips of Bryan painting Orton's gifted SUV from Raw. 5. Daniel Bryan vs. Ryback: Bryan opened up aggressivley and hit a running kick on Ryback. He continued to strike Ryback until getting caught for a power slam. Ryback tossed Daniel Bryan into the turn buckle. He followed up with a running head butt in the corner, and some trash talk. The beating continued until Ryback went for a spear, and Bryan avoided it and he hit the post. Bryan followed up with a trio of kicks in the corner that sent Ryback to the outside. He followed up with a suicide dive to the outside. [Q8] Orton walked to the outside, and Ryback was able to take control with a distraction...[c] Ryback hit a nice looking spinebuster after the break. Bryan and Ryback ended up on the ropes, and Bryan knocked Ryback down with headbutts. Bryan followed up with a missile dropkick off the top. He continued with kicks to the chest and one to the head, and got a near fall. He transitioned into the yes lock, and Ryback was nearly tapping out when Orton intervened. Bryan put him in the Yes Lock, but The Shield interfered and beat him down. Big Show stewed at ringside, and then finally decided to enter the ring. Triple H ran down to ringside and demanded that he leave the ring. The crowd chanted No, and Big Show looked on the verge of tears again. He initially refused, but eventually left the ring. The match ended in a no contest at 13:58 Triple H told him to go to the back. He mouthed damn it, and he walked to the back to major boos from the crowd. After he left, The Shield put the boots to Bryan, and Orton hit some punches and kicks while The Shield held him up. The Shield then hit a triple Power Bomb, and Orton spray painted No on Daniel Bryan's chest to close the show. Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: A very well executed close to the show. I'm not particularly a fan of the story they are telling here, but they are telling it very deliberately and getting a strong fan reaction. I totally get the idea of portraying Triple H as having the power to reduce a man to near tears, but I just have no confidence the comeuppance will be told as completely as this shaming. I hope I'm wrong. |
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WWE Smackdown Results, August 30
** SPOILERS ** For 8/28 WWE Main Event
** SPOILERS ** For 8/28 WWE Main Event « SUMMERSLAM RESULTS: "
** SPOILERS ** For 8/28 WWE Main Event
27 Aug 2013 / Kumar Anubhav Jha
- Curtis Axel defeated Cody Rhodes
- Darren Young and Titus O'Neil defeated Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro
- Kofi Kingston defeated Fandango by disqualification "
** SPOILERS ** For 8/28 WWE Main Event
27 Aug 2013 / Kumar Anubhav Jha
- Curtis Axel defeated Cody Rhodes
- Darren Young and Titus O'Neil defeated Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro
- Kofi Kingston defeated Fandango by disqualification "
Stephanie McMahon Defends Orton and Triple H, Comments from Los Matadores, Jim Ross
Stephanie McMahon Defends Orton and Triple H, Comments from Los Matadores, Jim Ross 27 Aug 2013 / By Kumar Anubhav Jha - The first "An Evening With Jim Ross - The Voice of Wrestling" event took place last night in Manchester, England. Ross commented: "Great show in Manchester last night. Sold out tonight in Glasgow @ Hilton. HUGE travel day. MAN-Glasgow-London Heathrow for Wed am flt." - The Los Matadores Twitter account tweeted last night after RAW: "Desde la Madre Patria para el mundo... Pronto se sentira el Ole!! #WWEole" This translates to: "From the Motherland to the world ... Soon you will feel the Ole! #WWEole" - While she didn't appear on last night's RAW from Phoenix, Stephanie McMahon took to Twitter to defend the action of Triple H and Randy Orton: "My husband, @TripleH is a powerful businessman who stands up for his wife and his family. Our Champion @RandyOrton is shining. #RAW" |
World Heavyweight Title and Handicap Match Set for Night of Champions
World Heavyweight Title and Handicap Match Set for Night of Champions, Updated Card
26 Aug 2013 / By Kumar Anubhav Jha
Rob Van Dam defeated Alberto Del Rio in a non-title match on tonight's RAW to earn a shot at Del Rio's World Heavyweight Title at next month's Night of Champions pay-per-view.
Also, RAW General Manager Brad Maddox revealed on tonight’s RAW that CM Punk will face Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman in a Handicap Elimination Match at WWE’s Night of Champions pay-per-view. Here's the updated card:
WWE Title Match
Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton
World Heavyweight Title Match
Rob Van Dam vs. Alberto Del Rio
Handicap Elimination Match
CM Punk vs. Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel
26 Aug 2013 / By Kumar Anubhav Jha
Rob Van Dam defeated Alberto Del Rio in a non-title match on tonight's RAW to earn a shot at Del Rio's World Heavyweight Title at next month's Night of Champions pay-per-view.
Also, RAW General Manager Brad Maddox revealed on tonight’s RAW that CM Punk will face Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman in a Handicap Elimination Match at WWE’s Night of Champions pay-per-view. Here's the updated card:
WWE Title Match
Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton
World Heavyweight Title Match
Rob Van Dam vs. Alberto Del Rio
Handicap Elimination Match
CM Punk vs. Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel
WWE RAW Results, August 26
WWE RAW Results, August 26 26 Aug 2013 / By Kumar Anubhav Jha WWE RAW Opener: Tonight's WWE RAW kicks off from Phoenix, Arizona with The Shield standing guard in front of the ring. Triple H’s music hits and out he comes in a suit. Triple H stops and smiles at The Shield before heading to the ring. Triple H shows us footage from SummerSlam where Randy Orton became WWE Champion by cashing in. Triple H says that was business, nothing personal at all. He shows us footage from last week’s RAW where The Shield beat Daniel Bryan down in front of the McMahons and then hit with a RKO from Orton. Triple H says that was personal. Triple H says Bryan insulted his wife and family so that’s the personal response he gets for it. Triple H says he’s willing to be the bigger man and move on. Triple H says ratings and social media buzz were through the roof last week – business is booming and it’s all due to Randy Orton, the new face of WWE. Triple H brings Orton out to the ring. Triple H congratulates Orton on breathing new life into WWE and the WWE Title. Triple H liked to reward people who excel. He got Orton a little gift. Triple H wants to make it clear that he did it out of his own pocket. A new Cadillac Escalade is brought into the arena. Orton thanks Triple H and thanks him for realizing he’s the only one fit to be the face of WWE. Orton goes to check out his new Cadillac but here comes Daniel Bryan to the stage. Bryan talks about how sweet the new Cadillac is and says it’s well deserved. Bryan has some thank you’s of his own. He thanks the WWE Universe for believing in him and supporting him. Bryan thanks John Cena for giving him the chance to main event SummerSlam for the WWE Title. Bryan then thanks Triple H for showing his true colors and proving that his view about what’s best for business and what the WWE Champion should look like is more narrow-minded than Vince McMahon. Bryan says Triple H is nothing but a sell-out in a suit now. Bryan cracks on Triple H’s extra large nose. Orton tells Bryan to show them both respect. Bryan says the face of WWE is going to get re-arranged at Night of Champions. Bryan declares he will become the new WWE Champion and gets a “yes” chant going. Triple H rips Bryan and says he’s a “B” at best. Triple H announces Bryan vs. Seth Rollins for tonight. If he makes it through that, Bryan vs. Dean Ambrose. And if he makes it through those two, he will have to face Roman Reigns. - The announcers show us footage from CM Punk and Curtis Axel from last week’s RAW. Still to come tonight, Punk vs. Axel in singles action. Fans can vote for the stipulation on the WWE App – Paul Heyman banned from ringside, Heyman as special referee or Heyman will be forced to step in the ring with Punk if Punk wins. We go to commercial. Cody Rhodes vs. Fandango Back from the break and Cody Rhodes is in the ring as Damien Sandow joins commentary. Out comes Fandango dancing with Summer Rae. They lock up and Fandango with a hammer lock. Cody with a reversal and front face lock. Fandango backs Cody into the corner and punches Cody. Cody with a back elbow and kick to the midsection. Cody with a gourdbuster to Fandango and Fandango rolls to the apron and he kicks Rhodes. Fandango’s music hits and out comes The Miz dressed like him on the stage. Miz mocks Fandango and dances with Rosa Mendes it looks like. Cody rolls a distracted Fandango up for the win. Winner: Cody Rhodes After the match, Sandow attacks Rhodes and Miz tosses Fandango from the ring. RAW General Manager Brad Maddox comes out and makes a tag match. Cody Rhodes and The Miz vs. Fandango and Damien Sandow The match is about to start as we go to commercial. The match is joined in progress and Sandow with a knee drop to Cody for a near fall. Fandango tags in and he punches Cody. Fandango with a hard Irish whip and he tags Sandow back in and Damien with a head butt and elbow drop for a near fall. Sandow with a quarter nelson. Cody with a punch but Sandow with a side Russian leg sweep followed by the Elbow of Disdain. He gets a near fall after telling everyone “You’re Welcome”. Sandow with an Irish whip but Rhodes with a boot. Both men go for a clothesline and both men are down. Miz tags in and hits a double sledge from the top followed by a knee lift and boot to the head. Miz with an Awesome Clothesline to Sandow and a boot to Fandango on the apron. Miz gets a near fall. Miz puts Sandow in the corner and he kicks Sandow in the hamstring while Fandango and Summer leave. Miz sets for the figure four but Sandow escapes. Rhodes trips Sandow and Miz with the Skull Crushing Finale for the three count. Winners: Miz and Cody Rhodes After the match, Fandango reminds us how to pronounce his name. We go to commercial. - We are back with a Los Matadores video package. Backstage: Josh Mathews is with Christian in the interview area. Josh asks him about the announcement of the Gauntlet Match for Daniel Bryan. Chrisitan says that it is hard to say anything bad about the current regime because you end up with dire consequences. Christian points out that he survived the Attitude era and the McMahon-Helmsley regime. He talks about how history has a habit of repeating itself. Randy Orton stops by and he says that Christian is angry because he lost at SummerSlam while Orton won. Randy tells Christian that he will lose when he gets taken out with an RKO. Christian says that Hunter likes sledge hammers and he has found a new tool. - We are told that Paul Heyman has a reaction to the stipulations on Tout. - Speaking of the WWE App, CM Punk talked about the stipulations. Punk says that he wants to get his hands on Paul Heyman. Even though he got in one shot and applied the Anaconda Vice, Heyman deserves more. Backstage: We go to Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel and Paul talks about how Punk is begging for votes to get his hands on Paul. Curtis says that he has it taken care of. Punk has to outwrestle him. The situation is better than perfect. Curtis asks Paul if he trusts him and Paul says he trusts him with his life. We go to commercial. Curtis Axel vs. CM Punk Back from the break and WWE Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel waits in the ring for this non-title match. Out next comes CM Punk to a big pop. Paul Heyman comes out to the stage as Jerry Lawler reveals the stipulation. If Punk wins, Heyman must get in the ring with him. The bell rings and here we go. They lock up and Punk with a side head lock. Punk gets a near fall and then he applies a reverse chin lock. Punk with a rollup for a near fall. Punk gets Axel on his shoulders and Axel goes to the floor to regroup. Punk goes to the floor and he goes up the ramp. Axel hits Punk from behind and he punches Punk as they return to the ring. Axel slams Punk’s head into the apron. They return to the ring and Axel with kicks and a slam to Punk. Axel with a forearm to Punk for a near fall. Axel with a reverse chin lock. Punk with an arm drag to escape followed by a knee into the corner and a short arm clothesline. Punk goes up top for the elbow drop but Axel rolls to the floor and Punk goes to the mat. Punk with a suicide dive onto Axel. Punk looks at Heyman at the top of the ramp and we go to commercial. We are back and Punk with chops and punches to Axel. Axel slides into the corner on an Irish whip. Axel misses with a clothesline but he connects with a Northern Lariat for a near fall. Axel with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Axel tells Paul that Punk is nothing and Paul makes his way closer to the ring. Punk with kicks to Axel. Axel blocks a kick and he catapults Punk into the turnbuckles but Punk lands on the turnbuckles and hits a cross body but they roll through and Punk gets a near fall. Axel with a kick to Punk and Punk falls into the corner. Axel with a bouncing Saito suplex for a near fall. Axel hits another bouncing Saito suplex and he waits for Punk to get up. Punk avoids the snap neck breaker and Punk with a swinging neck breaker of his own and he gets a near fall. Punk goes up top for the elbow drop and he hits it and he gets a near fall. Punk signals that it is nap time for Axel and Paul has a scared look on his face. Axel escapes and he kicks Punk and hits the snap neck breaker but Punk kicks out at two. Axel slaps Punk in the head and shows him no respect. Punk gets Axel on his shoulders and hits Go To Sleep for the three count. Winner: CM Punk After the match, Heyman looks shocked as Punk gets ready to fight. Heyman walks off to the back but he’s met by WWE referees, who bring him back to ringside. Punk waits for Heyman to come to the ring to fight. Punk leaves the ring and Heyman runs to the back. Heyman walks up the ramp but this time security brings Heyman to Punk. Punk rolls him in the ring but Axel makes the save with a low blow. Heyman hands Axel a pair of handcuffs and Punk’s arms are put behind his back as the crowd boos. Axel holds Punk while Heyman yells and smacks him. Punk sits on his knees as they taunt him. Punk jumps up and drops Axel with a roundhouse. He kicks Heyman’s leg out and goes to work on him with kicks. Axel makes the save from behind. Axel works Punk over and brings in a kendo stick. Axel hands the kendo stick to Heyman and he nails Punk. Axel holds Punk up on the ropes and Heyman wails away with the stick. Axel pulls Punk out of the ring and throws him into the announcers table. More trash talking and punches from Axel. Heyman comes out of the ring and hits Punk with several more kendo stick shots. Heyman yells that Punk broke his heart. A “walrus” chant breaks out in the crowd as a WWE doctor checks on Punk. We go to commercial. - We get a look at CM Punk walking away during the break. - Total Diva Jo Jo is in the ring to announce the next match. Natalya vs. Brie Bella Natalya comes out first with Cameron and Naomi by her side. Out next comes Brie Bella with Eva Marie and Nikki Bella. Natalya runs Brie into the turnbuckles and she kicks Brie. The referee warns Natalya and Brie avoids Natalya and Natalya goes into the turnbuckles. Brie with a knee to the back. Brie pulls Natalya to the mat. Brie with a modified abdominal stretch but Natalya gets to her feet and she gets Brie on her back and Natalya with a merry go round side slam followed by the Sharpshooter. Eva Marie distracts the referee and Nikki pulls Brie out of the ring. Natalya is tripped and Brie hits an X Factor for the three count. Winner: Brie Bella After the match, AJ Lee comes out and she says that she just watched Total Divas and it was insane. The Bellas were dealing with their daddy issues. The Funkettes broke up and then got back together. Natalya’s man is not there for her. And the other two were there. AJ says that when she looks in that ring, she sees a bunch of cheap, interchangeable, expendable women. Women who have turned to reality television because they aren’t good enough to be actresses. Women who weren’t talented enough to be champions. She has done more in one year than everyone did in their entire careers. She has saved the Divas Division and shattered the glass ceiling. AJ says that they cannot even go backstage and shake her hand because of what she had to endure. They were given fifteen minutes of fame. She did not get here because she was cute, was part of a famous family, or sucked... up to the right people. AJ says that she got here because she is good and she earned the title. None of them will be able to lace up her Chuck Taylors. AJ says that they are all worthless excuses for women and they will never be able to touch her. AJ says that is reality. - We take a look back at the issues between Rob Van Dam and Alberto Del Rio. - Rob Van Dam and Ricardo Rodriguez are in the back as we go to commercial. - We are back with a look at the moment when Alberto Del Rio showed that he would not be needing Ricardo’s services. Rob Van Dam vs. Alberto Del Rio Van Dam with kicks and a shoulder in the corner. Van Dam with an Irish whip and monkey flip. Van Dam puts Del Rio on the top rope and Van Dam with a kick and punches. Van Dam goes up top for a side kick and Del Rio falls to the floor. We go to commercial. We are back and Del Rio with a rear chin lock on Van Dam. We see footage from the App when Del Rio Irish whipped Van Dam into the ringside barrier. Van Dam with punches but Del Rio with a head butt. Van Dam with a corkscrew drop kick and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a German suplex and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a kick to the back followed by punches to the head. Del Rio goes to the turnbuckles but he is met with a spinning heel kick and both men are down. Del Rio and Van Dam exchange punches. Van Dam with clotheslines and he avoids a clothesline from Del Rio and he hits a thrust kick and then he hits Rolling Thunder for a near fall. Del Rio with elbows and forearms. Del Rio tries to send Van Dam into the turnbuckles but Rob blocks it and he kicks Del Rio in the head and then he hits a split legged moonsault for a near fall. Del Rio with an Irish whip but Van Dam with an elbow and a thrust kick. Van Dam goes up top but he takes too long and Del Rio crotche Van Dam. Del Rio with a step up enzuigiri for a near fall. Ricardo gets on the announce table and Del Rio gets distracted. Van Dam with a body scissors roll up for the three count. Winner: Rob Van Dam - We go back to last week’s Raw when John Cena made the announcement that he would be taking time off for elbow surgery and the recovery. We go to commercial. Backstage: We are back and Josh Mathews is with Ryback. Josh asks Ryback about his recent actions and he asks Ryback if he thinks he is a bully. Ryback laughs off what Josh says... at first and then he grabs Josh by the face and he pushes him to the ground. He tells Josh to look at him. He says that he finally found a way to shut Josh up. - We take another look at the Axel, Punk, and Heyman situation. Backstage: Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman walk in the back and Renee Young asks Paul about his reaction when Curtis Axel lost tonight. Curtis says that what happened next is something that CM Punk will never forget. Paul says that CM Punk is like a petulant child who needs to keep getting punished and punished and punished. He says that he feels like a man. A man who put his prodigal son in place. His prodigal son was humiliated by his own father figure. Now his prodigal son will learn that Paul Heyman is the last person he should ever come up against. Paul and Curtis get in their car and they are driven away. We go to commercial. Christian vs. Randy Orton They lock up and Christian with a rollup for a near fall. They lock up again and they go around the ring. Orton with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Orton with a kick and punch followed by a head butt and European uppercut. Christian with a drop toe hold and he goes to the floor but Orton moves on the punch. Christian with a back body drop that sends Orton to the floor. Christian with a baseball slide to Orton and it sends him into the ringside barrier followed by a punch. They return to the ring and Christian with an inverted DDT for a near fall. Christian goes up top and Orton avoids Christian. Orton with a drop kick and he punches Christian. Orton with a boot to the head and then he choke Christian in the ropes. Orton drops Christian on the top rope and Orton with a knee lift that sends Christian to the floor. Orton poses and then he returns to his opponent. Orton brings Christian back into the ring and he does the Garvin Stomp followed by a leaping knee drop for a near fall. Orton with a reverse chin lock. Christian with elbows to Orton but Orton with a kick. Christian escapes a slam and he tries for another inverted DDT but Orton with a punch and head butt. Orton gets a near fall. Orton with forearms across the chest. Christian with elbows but Orton with a head butt. Christian with a punch and then they go back and forth with more punches. Orton with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Christian goes to the turnbuckles but Orton pushes Christian off the turnbuckles and to the floor. We go to commercial. We are back and Orton with a reverse chin lock on Christian. Christian gets back to his feet and he punches Orton. Christian with a kick to Orton and he goes up top. Orton stops Christian on top and he punches Christian. Orton with head butts followed by a European uppercut. Orton sets for the superplex and he hits it. Christian with an inside cradle for a near fall. Orton with two clotheslines and he avoids one from Christian. Orton tries for a power slam and Christian avoids it. Christian sends Orton into the turnbuckles and he punches Randy. Christian with an Irish whip but Orton comes out and hits a clothesline. Christian drops Orton on the top rope and Christian goes up top for a cross body and he gets a near fall. Orton with a jackknife cover for a near fall but Christian reverses and gets a near fall. Orton with head butts and then he goes for the IEDDT but Christian gets into the ring. Orton with punches. Christian with boots to Orton and then he goes to the turnbuckles for a Tornado DDT and he gets a near fall. Christian with a slingshot to the floor and he punches Orton but Orton recovers and hits the IEDDT. Orton looks around and he finds that spot to twist to the mat and he does the RKO push ups. Orton tries for the RKO but Christian pushes him away. Christian sets for the spear but Orton with a leap frog. Christian is able to hit the spear but Orton kicks out at two. Christian avoids an RKO and he tries for the Killswitch. Orton sends Christian into the referee and Orton with a thumb to the eye and he hits an RKO for the three count. Winner: Randy Orton After the match, Daniel Bryan appears on the TitanTron and he was impressed with Randy’s performance. He tells Randy from a B guy, that was an A+ performance. Daniel talks about the pretty car for the pretty man. Daniel wonders what would mean if he beats Randy Orton at Night Of Champions? Would he be the face of the WWE? Daniel shows the Escalade and it is covered with Yeses. We go to commercial. Backstage: Back from the break and Triple H, Maddox and Orton are looking at the spray-painted Escalade. Maddox points out everyone is laughing at Triple H and Orton. Triple H says this Cadillac is his personal property. Triple H says the WWE Title is also his property and Orton is carrying it for him. Triple H orders Maddox to gather the WWE roster to watch what happens to Bryan tonight. Triple H will fire anyone who dares to help. Orton says Bryan is going to pay and Triple H agrees. Titus O’Neil vs. Jack Swagger We go to the ring and out first comes Darren Young with Titus O’Neil. Out next comes Zeb Colter with Jack Swagger. Zeb Colter says that they have had some victories stolen by the PrimeTime Players. He says that they are a bunch of buffoons who make fools of themselves. Zeb says that they need to draw a line in the sand. He has a few words for people in a different type of lines. He has a few words for people on government assistance and says that Darren and Titus’ moms were among those people. They lock up and Swagger with knees and he backs Titus into the corner. Swagger with a running knee into the corner followed by a short arm clothesline and he gets a near fall. Swagger with a punch and shoulders in the corner. Titus with a kick and European uppercuts to Swagger. Swagger with a knee to the midsection and he hits a KneeDT. Swagger chokes Titus in the ropes. Swagger with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Swagger with a key lock. Swagger misses a splash in the corner and Titus with a few shoulder tackles followed by a fallaway throw and Titus barks. Titus misses a boot to the head and Swagger with a dive at the knee. Swagger with the ankle lock but Titus rolls over and kicks Swagger away. Swagger with boots and then he uses the ropes for extra leverage but Darren pushes him off the ropes. Swagger gets distracted by Young and Titus hits Clash of the Titus for the three count. Winner: Titus O’Neil - We get a look back at SummerSlam where Kane lost the Ring of Fire match against Bray Wyatt. The Wyatts will speak next. Back to commercial. - We are back with the Wyatt Family. He talks about the good old days. She taught him. She taught him from a young age. She told him that the snake’s skin is the same color as the leaves. Fire is your friend. The world is an evil place. He was there when she took her final breath. They chose him before he even came into existence. Her touch could save the world. Her kiss sends them to the ground. He says that he loves her... Sister Abigail. - We go back to the opening segment of Raw when Triple H showed Randy Orton the Escalade of Escalades. Backstage: Brad Maddox is with Dr. Sampson and CM Punk enters. Brad tells Punk to seek medical attention. Punk says that he wants a match where Paul Heyman cannot get away. He does not care about his well-being or career. Brad gives Punk a match against Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman. It will be a handicap elimination match. If Paul tries to get out of the match, we will never see him again. Punk tells Brad that if Paul backs out of the match, we might never see Brad again. - The wrestlers come to the stage and we go to commercial. - We are back and we get another vignette for Los Matadores. Gauntlet Match Daniel Bryan vs. Seth Rollins The WWE roster is on the stage as Daniel Bryan makes his way out first. Out next comes one-half of the WWE Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins through the crowd with his partners. Renee Young is on the stage talking to Big Show about the Triple H regime. Show refuses to speak this week. She goes to Dolph Ziggler for comment and he won’t speak either. She goes to The Miz for comment but he doesn’t want to get fired either. Bryan with an early surfboard submission as Reigns and Ambrose look on from ringside. Good back and forth match. Bryan with clotheslines and kicks while Rollins is on his knees. Bryan misses a roundhouse kick and Ambrose turns it around on the apron. Rollins springboards in but Bryan cuts him off and applies the half crab. Rollins makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold. Bryan sends Rollins to the floor and nails a suicide dive, causing Rollins to land hard on the other side of the announce table. Bryan works Rollins over as the fans chant “yes” and we go to commercial. Back from the break and Rollins is in control, keeping Bryan on the mat. Rollins smacks Bryan around and hits another flying elbow in the corner. Bryan looks to make a comeback but Rollins drops him in the corner again. Rollins tells him to stay down and smacks him some more. Bryan nails a dropkick in the corner out of nowhere. Bryan comes back and trades shots with Rollins. They trade pin attempts now. Rollins with a big kick to the head. Big inverted suplex by Rollins but Bryan kicks out at 2. Rollins with more offense in the corner. Bryan climbs up for a super German and drops Rollins on his face from up high. Bryan drops Rollins again for the pin. Daniel Bryan vs. Dean Ambrose Ambrose comes right in and goes to work on Bryan. Bryan gets the Yes Lock applied early on but Roman Reigns interferes for the bell, disqualifying Ambrose Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns The third match doesn’t last as The Shield beat Bryan down with the triple team. The WWE roster looks on from the stage. Triple H’s music hits and out he comes, staring at some of the talents. He locks eyes with Big Show but Show just looks away. The Shield drops Bryan with the triple powerbomb. Triple H is still daring anyone to help Bryan. Here comes Randy Orton next. Triple H sends Orton to the ring to get revenge on Bryan. The Shield holds Bryan while Orton approaches. Orton taunts Bryan and nails a RKO while fans chant for Big Show. We see Show looking angrily at Triple H. Orton heads back up the ramp as Bryan is left laying at the feet of The Shield. Orton holds the WWE Title up high from the ramp. Triple H dares the roster to laugh now. RAW goes off the air with The Shield standing over Bryan. |
WWE Main Event Results, August 21
Main Event on Ion Television
Taped earlier in Bakersfield, California.
By Kumar Anubhav Jha
[Q1] 1. The Shield vs. The Uso Brothers and Kofi Kingston. The Usos established control of the match early on, but Ambrose tagged in and managed to hey Jey Uso on the Shield's side of the ring. Jimmy Uso bling-tagged into the match, and the babyface team cleared The Shield from the ring.
The Usos and Kingston each hit a dive on a respective Shield member and celebrated in the ring as the show went to commercial… [C]
Back from the break, Kingston worked over Ambrose and set him up for a wrecking ball from Jimmy Uso. Ambrose got a tag off to Reigns, and the heels took over. The Shield worked rapid tags as they began to wear down Jimmy.
[Q2] Jimmy eventually got the hot tag off to Kingston, who took out each member of The Shield in quick succession. Kingston called for Trouble in Paradise on Ambrose, but Rollins ran into the ring. Kingston hit Ambrose with an SOS, but Reigns broke the count.
Rollins threw an Uso into the ring to distract the referee, and Rollins got a shot in on Kingston. Ambrose capitalized on the opening and hit his headlock DDT finisher for the 1-2-3.
The Shield defeated The Uso Brothers and Kofi Kingston in 13:33.
AJ and Layla were shown walking through the backstage area… [C]
Ryan's Reaction: A fun tag match to start the show. They kept the pace up and the action down the stretch broke the usual tag team formula enough to make the match more interesting. The Shield still feels like it's lost some of its previous steam, but when it comes to the six-man matches, their dynamic still works well.
2. AJ (w/ Layla) vs. Naomi (w/ Cameron) in a non-title match. The two women exchanged holds in the opening minute, and Naomi used her dancing and athleticism to get a bit of distance. Naomi went for a springboard maneuver, but AJ dove on the ropes and cause Naomi to land on her face.
AJ locked in a sleeper and Cameron rallied the crowd. AJ released the hold and taunted Naomi, and ate a few spin kicks for her efforts. Layla jumped on the apron to cause a distraction, and Cameron swept her off the apron. It had the desired effect, however, as AJ locked the Black Widow in on Naomi and picked up the submission victory…
AJ defeated Naomi in 4:04.
Ryan's Reaction: Is it just me, or has Layla become fairly insufferable since her heel turn? She extremely overacted her loss on Raw, and she did the same thing here tonight with her distraction bit. I'm not sure if she's just taking the piss or being directed to act like that, but it's obnoxious in a way that doesn't gain good heat. This was a better than average women's match in WWE. Naomi could use a bit more than kicks in her move set, but she's got a lot more going for her than some of the women WWE has had around for years.
[Q3] [C] Zeb Colter cut a brief promo before the following match that complained about outsourced call centers and asked Khali a simple American history question. Khali responded by blasting Antonio Cesaro with a chop.
3. Jack Swagger (w/ Antonio Cesaro and Zeb Colter) vs. The Great Khali (w/ Natalya and Hornswoggle). Khali chopped the heck out of Swagger and dumped him to the floor. Swagger returned to the ring and began to target Khali's legs.
Hornswoggle grabbed Swagger's legs and Swagger went after the man. Natalya slapped Antonio Cesaro but Swagger threw Hornswoggle into the barricade. Swagger, content he gave Hornswoggle his comeuppance, reentered the ring to eat a Khali chop. Khali covered Swagger for the pinfall victory…
The Great Khali defeated Jack Swagger in 3:34
Ryan's Reaction: I could have done without that match, but it was short enough to not outstay its welcome and was more for the young members of the live audience than it was for viewers at home.
[Q4] [C] A video package covering Daniel Bryan squaring off with the new McMahon regime aired…
Summer Rae and Fandango danced on the stage for a bit to get under The Miz' skin… [C]
4. Bray Wyatt (w/ Erick Rowan and Luke Harper) vs. Justin Gabriel. Wyatt wasted no time in taking control of the match. Gabriel got in a few kicks and ran the ropes, but the walked right into a running elbow.
Wyatt hit a corner splash and dragged Gabriel into his finisher for the 1-2-3.
Bray Wyatt squashed Justin Gabriel in 2:08.
Ryan's Reaction: Simple enhancement match. I forgot how agile Wyatt can be in the ring. I'm still enjoying the Wyatt act tremendously, but I am ready for chapter two of their story, and simple squashes don't get us there any quicker. Overall, this was a good edition of Main Event. Normally, a four-match show leads to a rather dull affair, but tonight WWE found a good pace for the matches they delivered and the hour flew by. Thanks for following along with me tonight.
Taped earlier in Bakersfield, California.
By Kumar Anubhav Jha
[Q1] 1. The Shield vs. The Uso Brothers and Kofi Kingston. The Usos established control of the match early on, but Ambrose tagged in and managed to hey Jey Uso on the Shield's side of the ring. Jimmy Uso bling-tagged into the match, and the babyface team cleared The Shield from the ring.
The Usos and Kingston each hit a dive on a respective Shield member and celebrated in the ring as the show went to commercial… [C]
Back from the break, Kingston worked over Ambrose and set him up for a wrecking ball from Jimmy Uso. Ambrose got a tag off to Reigns, and the heels took over. The Shield worked rapid tags as they began to wear down Jimmy.
[Q2] Jimmy eventually got the hot tag off to Kingston, who took out each member of The Shield in quick succession. Kingston called for Trouble in Paradise on Ambrose, but Rollins ran into the ring. Kingston hit Ambrose with an SOS, but Reigns broke the count.
Rollins threw an Uso into the ring to distract the referee, and Rollins got a shot in on Kingston. Ambrose capitalized on the opening and hit his headlock DDT finisher for the 1-2-3.
The Shield defeated The Uso Brothers and Kofi Kingston in 13:33.
AJ and Layla were shown walking through the backstage area… [C]
Ryan's Reaction: A fun tag match to start the show. They kept the pace up and the action down the stretch broke the usual tag team formula enough to make the match more interesting. The Shield still feels like it's lost some of its previous steam, but when it comes to the six-man matches, their dynamic still works well.
2. AJ (w/ Layla) vs. Naomi (w/ Cameron) in a non-title match. The two women exchanged holds in the opening minute, and Naomi used her dancing and athleticism to get a bit of distance. Naomi went for a springboard maneuver, but AJ dove on the ropes and cause Naomi to land on her face.
AJ locked in a sleeper and Cameron rallied the crowd. AJ released the hold and taunted Naomi, and ate a few spin kicks for her efforts. Layla jumped on the apron to cause a distraction, and Cameron swept her off the apron. It had the desired effect, however, as AJ locked the Black Widow in on Naomi and picked up the submission victory…
AJ defeated Naomi in 4:04.
Ryan's Reaction: Is it just me, or has Layla become fairly insufferable since her heel turn? She extremely overacted her loss on Raw, and she did the same thing here tonight with her distraction bit. I'm not sure if she's just taking the piss or being directed to act like that, but it's obnoxious in a way that doesn't gain good heat. This was a better than average women's match in WWE. Naomi could use a bit more than kicks in her move set, but she's got a lot more going for her than some of the women WWE has had around for years.
[Q3] [C] Zeb Colter cut a brief promo before the following match that complained about outsourced call centers and asked Khali a simple American history question. Khali responded by blasting Antonio Cesaro with a chop.
3. Jack Swagger (w/ Antonio Cesaro and Zeb Colter) vs. The Great Khali (w/ Natalya and Hornswoggle). Khali chopped the heck out of Swagger and dumped him to the floor. Swagger returned to the ring and began to target Khali's legs.
Hornswoggle grabbed Swagger's legs and Swagger went after the man. Natalya slapped Antonio Cesaro but Swagger threw Hornswoggle into the barricade. Swagger, content he gave Hornswoggle his comeuppance, reentered the ring to eat a Khali chop. Khali covered Swagger for the pinfall victory…
The Great Khali defeated Jack Swagger in 3:34
Ryan's Reaction: I could have done without that match, but it was short enough to not outstay its welcome and was more for the young members of the live audience than it was for viewers at home.
[Q4] [C] A video package covering Daniel Bryan squaring off with the new McMahon regime aired…
Summer Rae and Fandango danced on the stage for a bit to get under The Miz' skin… [C]
4. Bray Wyatt (w/ Erick Rowan and Luke Harper) vs. Justin Gabriel. Wyatt wasted no time in taking control of the match. Gabriel got in a few kicks and ran the ropes, but the walked right into a running elbow.
Wyatt hit a corner splash and dragged Gabriel into his finisher for the 1-2-3.
Bray Wyatt squashed Justin Gabriel in 2:08.
Ryan's Reaction: Simple enhancement match. I forgot how agile Wyatt can be in the ring. I'm still enjoying the Wyatt act tremendously, but I am ready for chapter two of their story, and simple squashes don't get us there any quicker. Overall, this was a good edition of Main Event. Normally, a four-match show leads to a rather dull affair, but tonight WWE found a good pace for the matches they delivered and the hour flew by. Thanks for following along with me tonight.
WWE Smackdown on SyFy
Taped on 8/20 in Bakersfield, California.
By Kumar Anubhav Jha
Vickie Guerrero opened the show in the ring and introduced Randy Orton. He walked to the ring and she climbed out to hug him. He gave her a look and she just shook his hand and stepped aside. Orton played to the heel heat as Michael Cole and JBL checked in on commentary and filled in anyone who didn't see SummerSlam.
Orton took the mic and said now that he was champion he wanted to be a good role model, and good role models tell the truth and that's what he did. He said he told everyone when he cdashed in, no one would see it coming. He said he didn't know Triple H was going to Pedigree Daniel Bryan, but no one could expect him to leave an opportunity like that lying in the ring. He said he appreciated the support of the McMahon family, but now he wanted to ask for everyone's support. He said he wasn't just WWE Champion; he was the face of the company.
Bryan's music hit and he came out to a big pop. Bryan said before he addressed the face of the company, he said he wanted to finish what he wanted to say before Stephanie McMahon cut him off. He thanked John Cena for allowing him to wrestle him. He said it allowed him to feel what it was like to be WWE Champion. He said as far as the current face of the company, it was time for that to change.
Bryan put over Orton as tall, chiseled, and "pretty." He said he understood why Triple H likes him son much, it's because Orton is very pretty. He said Orton was given opportunities because his family was there and gave him the genetic golden ticket. He paused to mo0ck Orton for being pretty again. He said he had to earn his way to the top because he wasn't tall and he wasn't pretty. He said he could wrestle, and he could beat Orton, and he could beat him for the title.
Bryan said he is entitled to a rematch and the crowd popped. He said he wanted his rematch to happen tonight. The crowd popped big and started a "Yes" chant. Orton said, "Sorry short stuff, you're going to have to wait for Night of Champions." He stepped into Bryan's face and raised the belt. He started to walk away and then reached back for an RKO. Bryan shoved him off into the ropes and hit a dropkick that spilled Orton to the floor. Bryan dared Orton to "come on" but Orton backed away…
[Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman were shown walking backstage…[C]
Shore's Slant: Fun opening, but I can't believe they are going with the simple rematch clause as how they get these two back in the ring. Can't the McMahon's just over rule that? I guess they can always go to that on Monday, but that was weak logic.
Backstage, Vickie Guerrero was on the phone and said somebody needed to teach Bryan a lesson. Wade Barrett walked up and offered his services. Vickie agreed and booked a cage match between Barrett and Bryan…
1. Cody Rhodes vs. Curtis Axel (w/Paul Heyman). The fight spilled to the floor and Axel dropped Rhodes on the apron to take control…[C] Axel continued to beat down Cody, who had a missed Disaster Kick for a hope spot. Cody finally hit a clothesline and climbed to the top rope. Heyman distracted him and Axel hit the ropes to knock him down. Axel followed with his finisher for the win…
Curtis Axel defeated Cody Rhodes at 8:21.
Post-match, Heyman cut a promo saying he was in agony because of the actions of CM Punk. He said his agony came from lifting a great athlete to the best in the world only to see him fall to become a complete loser. He said Punk was embarrassed by Brock Lesnar and now Punk has gone off the rails. He said Punk never stood a chance against Lesnar because Punk without Heyman was lost.
He transitioned to Axel and said Axel had found success with him and that was why no one could defeat Axel for the Intercontinental Championship. Axel took the mic and said Punk was so jealous of the attention Heyman has paid him that Punk attacked him with a chair. He said he was going to finish what Lesnar started. He challenged Punk to a match on Monday night. He said he was younger and more athletic than Punk, and he had Paul Heyman in his corner…Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston were shown walking split screen backstage…[C]
Shore's Slant: Most of that match was in the commercial break and what wasn't was pretty basic stuff. I don't understand having Cody beat Sandow just to job here to Axel. What's the message there? Why would you have a guy beat your Money in the Bank holder just to lose in a meaningless non-title match to the mid-card champion? I don't get it.
AJ Lee finished her entrance, followed by Big E Langston and Ziggler. A video recapped the beating Ziggler took on Monday. Langston attacked Ziggler as he climbed in the ring an the ref screamed at him to back-up. Ziggler finally made his feet and the ref called for the bell…
2. Big E Langston (w/AJ Lee) vs. Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler tried to punch away, but Langston continued his assault. He lifted Ziggler for a powerbomb, but Ziggler reversed into a face buster for two. AJ poked Dolph in the eyes and Langston hit a clothesline. Big E setup for the Big Ending, but Ziggler escaped and hit the Zig Zag for the win…[C]
Dolph Ziggler defeated Big E Langston at 2:00.
Shore's Slant: Remember when we thought the Big E vs. Dolph feud could be a lot of fun? Good times, man, good times. Now we have Ziggler beating Langston in two minutes. Ah well, at least we have the memories.
3. Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio. Christian dumped Del Rio to the floor and he headed up the ramp to regroup…[C] Back from commercial, Del Rio shoved Christian to the floor from the top rope as a video showed Del Rio slamming Christian's arms against the stairs during the break.
Del Rio hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and played to the crowd. He did his missed dropkick through the rope but hung on to the ropes. Christian hit a backbreaker through the ropes and started his comeback when Del Rio climbed back in the ring. He went for a high cross body, but Del Rio stepped aside and hit a quick dropkick for a cool near fall.
Christian countered with his corner sunset flip for two. Del Rio went for the arm breaker, but Christian slipped out and ended up hitting a tornado DDT for two. Christian charged for the spear, but Del Rio ran from the ring. Christian punched him through the ropes and went to the top rope, but Del Rio hit a kick for two.
Del Rio took his knee pad down and went for a superkick. I'm not sure what he removed the pad for. Christian caught the leg, but Del Rio shoved him away and drove Christian into the ring post. He hooked the arm from the top rope and rolled down into the cross armbreaker. Christian fought it for a moment and then gave up…
Alberto Del Rio defeated Christian in 13:05.
Post-match, Del Rio cut a promo and said he knew all the Latinos wanted to be him, but there could only be one. He said he knew why they wanted to be him, it was because they were all peasants. He said they didn't have to be peasants if they didn't want to. He said all they had to do was follow him to greatness.
Ricardo Rodriguez walked out on stage and shut Del Rio down. He said he couldn't follow Del Rio because he looked down on people. He said the guy he was hanging with now didn't look down on people. He introduced RVD, who got a good pop. Before RVD could get to the ring, Christian hit a missile dropkick. RVD rolled in the ring, did the thumb thing, and then hit rolling thunder. He and Ricardo posed with the belt as Del Rio retreated…
A video recapped the opening segment…[C]
Shore's Slant: Another very good match from these two. I was really down going into this match but these two pulled me back in with a different match than the one they had Sunday. Nice work. I'm indifferent about Ricardo and RVD right now. They don't really impress me, and I don't think the casual fan cares about Ricardo getting revenge, but RVD is over enough for this to possibly have some legs.
Big Show made his ring entrance to a good pop. Mark Henry's pop sounded bigger. 3MB…yeah, not so much…
4. Mark Henry and Big Show vs. 3MB in a handicap match. Show started and 3MB played rock-paper-scissor to see who would start. They all showed rock so Slater started. Henry tagged in and missed a butt splash, allowing 3MB to have a moment of offense, but Henry got a hot tag to Show. From there it was just murder on all three men. Show knocked out McIntyre for the win…
Mark Henry and Big Show squashed 3MB at 3:07.
Post-match, Rollins and Reigns appeared on the screen. Reigns mocked them for beating 3MB. Rollins said their time was short together, but justice was forever. Reigns said they didn't deserve respect. Rollins said they were just better than the two of them and that Show and Henry needed to be replaced. They did the "Believe" gimmick, and then Show and Henry basically laughed them off in the ring…[C]
Shore's Slant: What the hell? I mean, they showed a little anger while the promo was going on, but otherwise they seemed unimpressed. The Shield has wreaked havoc ever since they first appeared, even for big guys. At least act like they have a chance. That was just bad.
Back from commercial, Zeb Coulter and his crew did their "We the people" gimmick. The Primetime Players were out next…
5. Darren Young (w/Titus O'Neal) vs. Antonio Cesaro (w/Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger). Cesaro popped Young in the mouth and went to work fast, but Young came right back and hit a northern lights suplex. Swagger distracted Young, but Titus pulled him off the apron. Young hit the gut buster for the win…[C]
Darren Young defeated Antonio Cesaro at 2:31.
Shore's Slant: Young seemed to have a busted lip at the end of the match. I thought there was some controversy over what Zeb said, but whatever it was didn't make its way to TV.
Backstage, a fan asked Ryback for an autograph. Ryback did it, but then they guy asked him what his name was. Ryback got pissed and the guy tried to explain he didn't watch but his kid was going to love it. Ryback mocked him and tore up the paper he had autographed…Cole announced CM Punk had accepted Axel's challenge for Monday…The cage lowered and the announce team setup the main event…[C]
Bryan made his entrance, followed by Barrett…
6. Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett in a cage match. Barrett took early control and worked ground and pound on Bryan. He picked Bryan up and slammed him into the cage face first. Bryan reversed a whip and back dropped Barrett into the cage. Bryan tried for his diving lariat, but Barrett caught him and hit a side slam for two…[C]
Back from commercial, Bryan hit two dropkicks that drove Barrett into the cage. He tried to escape, but Barrett stopped him. Bryan knocked Barrett to the mat and hit a missile dropkick for two. Barrett came right back with a clothesline that turned Bryan inside out for two. Barrett hit an electric chair for two and tried to climb the cage.
Bryan recovered and pulled Barrett back in. He tried for a German suplex from the top rope, but Barrett held on. Barrett elbowed him away and got one leg over the top of the cage, but Bryan caught him and pulled him back in the ring. Bryan kicked Barrett back to the mat. He climbed down and did a "Yes" chant with the fans before hitting his running knee for the win…
Daniel Bryan defeated Wade Barrett in a cage in 13:30.
Post-match, Bryan left the cage and celebrated outside the ring. As he was going around, Orton popped out from nowhere and hit an RKO on the floor to close the show…
Shore's Slant: A nice ending to the show. The cage match was well done, and Orton popped out of nowhere. Was he under the ring? All in all it was a mediocre Smackdown that opened and closed well, but otherwise failed to produce memorable moments.
Taped on 8/20 in Bakersfield, California.
By Kumar Anubhav Jha
Vickie Guerrero opened the show in the ring and introduced Randy Orton. He walked to the ring and she climbed out to hug him. He gave her a look and she just shook his hand and stepped aside. Orton played to the heel heat as Michael Cole and JBL checked in on commentary and filled in anyone who didn't see SummerSlam.
Orton took the mic and said now that he was champion he wanted to be a good role model, and good role models tell the truth and that's what he did. He said he told everyone when he cdashed in, no one would see it coming. He said he didn't know Triple H was going to Pedigree Daniel Bryan, but no one could expect him to leave an opportunity like that lying in the ring. He said he appreciated the support of the McMahon family, but now he wanted to ask for everyone's support. He said he wasn't just WWE Champion; he was the face of the company.
Bryan's music hit and he came out to a big pop. Bryan said before he addressed the face of the company, he said he wanted to finish what he wanted to say before Stephanie McMahon cut him off. He thanked John Cena for allowing him to wrestle him. He said it allowed him to feel what it was like to be WWE Champion. He said as far as the current face of the company, it was time for that to change.
Bryan put over Orton as tall, chiseled, and "pretty." He said he understood why Triple H likes him son much, it's because Orton is very pretty. He said Orton was given opportunities because his family was there and gave him the genetic golden ticket. He paused to mo0ck Orton for being pretty again. He said he had to earn his way to the top because he wasn't tall and he wasn't pretty. He said he could wrestle, and he could beat Orton, and he could beat him for the title.
Bryan said he is entitled to a rematch and the crowd popped. He said he wanted his rematch to happen tonight. The crowd popped big and started a "Yes" chant. Orton said, "Sorry short stuff, you're going to have to wait for Night of Champions." He stepped into Bryan's face and raised the belt. He started to walk away and then reached back for an RKO. Bryan shoved him off into the ropes and hit a dropkick that spilled Orton to the floor. Bryan dared Orton to "come on" but Orton backed away…
[Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman were shown walking backstage…[C]
Shore's Slant: Fun opening, but I can't believe they are going with the simple rematch clause as how they get these two back in the ring. Can't the McMahon's just over rule that? I guess they can always go to that on Monday, but that was weak logic.
Backstage, Vickie Guerrero was on the phone and said somebody needed to teach Bryan a lesson. Wade Barrett walked up and offered his services. Vickie agreed and booked a cage match between Barrett and Bryan…
1. Cody Rhodes vs. Curtis Axel (w/Paul Heyman). The fight spilled to the floor and Axel dropped Rhodes on the apron to take control…[C] Axel continued to beat down Cody, who had a missed Disaster Kick for a hope spot. Cody finally hit a clothesline and climbed to the top rope. Heyman distracted him and Axel hit the ropes to knock him down. Axel followed with his finisher for the win…
Curtis Axel defeated Cody Rhodes at 8:21.
Post-match, Heyman cut a promo saying he was in agony because of the actions of CM Punk. He said his agony came from lifting a great athlete to the best in the world only to see him fall to become a complete loser. He said Punk was embarrassed by Brock Lesnar and now Punk has gone off the rails. He said Punk never stood a chance against Lesnar because Punk without Heyman was lost.
He transitioned to Axel and said Axel had found success with him and that was why no one could defeat Axel for the Intercontinental Championship. Axel took the mic and said Punk was so jealous of the attention Heyman has paid him that Punk attacked him with a chair. He said he was going to finish what Lesnar started. He challenged Punk to a match on Monday night. He said he was younger and more athletic than Punk, and he had Paul Heyman in his corner…Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston were shown walking split screen backstage…[C]
Shore's Slant: Most of that match was in the commercial break and what wasn't was pretty basic stuff. I don't understand having Cody beat Sandow just to job here to Axel. What's the message there? Why would you have a guy beat your Money in the Bank holder just to lose in a meaningless non-title match to the mid-card champion? I don't get it.
AJ Lee finished her entrance, followed by Big E Langston and Ziggler. A video recapped the beating Ziggler took on Monday. Langston attacked Ziggler as he climbed in the ring an the ref screamed at him to back-up. Ziggler finally made his feet and the ref called for the bell…
2. Big E Langston (w/AJ Lee) vs. Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler tried to punch away, but Langston continued his assault. He lifted Ziggler for a powerbomb, but Ziggler reversed into a face buster for two. AJ poked Dolph in the eyes and Langston hit a clothesline. Big E setup for the Big Ending, but Ziggler escaped and hit the Zig Zag for the win…[C]
Dolph Ziggler defeated Big E Langston at 2:00.
Shore's Slant: Remember when we thought the Big E vs. Dolph feud could be a lot of fun? Good times, man, good times. Now we have Ziggler beating Langston in two minutes. Ah well, at least we have the memories.
3. Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio. Christian dumped Del Rio to the floor and he headed up the ramp to regroup…[C] Back from commercial, Del Rio shoved Christian to the floor from the top rope as a video showed Del Rio slamming Christian's arms against the stairs during the break.
Del Rio hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and played to the crowd. He did his missed dropkick through the rope but hung on to the ropes. Christian hit a backbreaker through the ropes and started his comeback when Del Rio climbed back in the ring. He went for a high cross body, but Del Rio stepped aside and hit a quick dropkick for a cool near fall.
Christian countered with his corner sunset flip for two. Del Rio went for the arm breaker, but Christian slipped out and ended up hitting a tornado DDT for two. Christian charged for the spear, but Del Rio ran from the ring. Christian punched him through the ropes and went to the top rope, but Del Rio hit a kick for two.
Del Rio took his knee pad down and went for a superkick. I'm not sure what he removed the pad for. Christian caught the leg, but Del Rio shoved him away and drove Christian into the ring post. He hooked the arm from the top rope and rolled down into the cross armbreaker. Christian fought it for a moment and then gave up…
Alberto Del Rio defeated Christian in 13:05.
Post-match, Del Rio cut a promo and said he knew all the Latinos wanted to be him, but there could only be one. He said he knew why they wanted to be him, it was because they were all peasants. He said they didn't have to be peasants if they didn't want to. He said all they had to do was follow him to greatness.
Ricardo Rodriguez walked out on stage and shut Del Rio down. He said he couldn't follow Del Rio because he looked down on people. He said the guy he was hanging with now didn't look down on people. He introduced RVD, who got a good pop. Before RVD could get to the ring, Christian hit a missile dropkick. RVD rolled in the ring, did the thumb thing, and then hit rolling thunder. He and Ricardo posed with the belt as Del Rio retreated…
A video recapped the opening segment…[C]
Shore's Slant: Another very good match from these two. I was really down going into this match but these two pulled me back in with a different match than the one they had Sunday. Nice work. I'm indifferent about Ricardo and RVD right now. They don't really impress me, and I don't think the casual fan cares about Ricardo getting revenge, but RVD is over enough for this to possibly have some legs.
Big Show made his ring entrance to a good pop. Mark Henry's pop sounded bigger. 3MB…yeah, not so much…
4. Mark Henry and Big Show vs. 3MB in a handicap match. Show started and 3MB played rock-paper-scissor to see who would start. They all showed rock so Slater started. Henry tagged in and missed a butt splash, allowing 3MB to have a moment of offense, but Henry got a hot tag to Show. From there it was just murder on all three men. Show knocked out McIntyre for the win…
Mark Henry and Big Show squashed 3MB at 3:07.
Post-match, Rollins and Reigns appeared on the screen. Reigns mocked them for beating 3MB. Rollins said their time was short together, but justice was forever. Reigns said they didn't deserve respect. Rollins said they were just better than the two of them and that Show and Henry needed to be replaced. They did the "Believe" gimmick, and then Show and Henry basically laughed them off in the ring…[C]
Shore's Slant: What the hell? I mean, they showed a little anger while the promo was going on, but otherwise they seemed unimpressed. The Shield has wreaked havoc ever since they first appeared, even for big guys. At least act like they have a chance. That was just bad.
Back from commercial, Zeb Coulter and his crew did their "We the people" gimmick. The Primetime Players were out next…
5. Darren Young (w/Titus O'Neal) vs. Antonio Cesaro (w/Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger). Cesaro popped Young in the mouth and went to work fast, but Young came right back and hit a northern lights suplex. Swagger distracted Young, but Titus pulled him off the apron. Young hit the gut buster for the win…[C]
Darren Young defeated Antonio Cesaro at 2:31.
Shore's Slant: Young seemed to have a busted lip at the end of the match. I thought there was some controversy over what Zeb said, but whatever it was didn't make its way to TV.
Backstage, a fan asked Ryback for an autograph. Ryback did it, but then they guy asked him what his name was. Ryback got pissed and the guy tried to explain he didn't watch but his kid was going to love it. Ryback mocked him and tore up the paper he had autographed…Cole announced CM Punk had accepted Axel's challenge for Monday…The cage lowered and the announce team setup the main event…[C]
Bryan made his entrance, followed by Barrett…
6. Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett in a cage match. Barrett took early control and worked ground and pound on Bryan. He picked Bryan up and slammed him into the cage face first. Bryan reversed a whip and back dropped Barrett into the cage. Bryan tried for his diving lariat, but Barrett caught him and hit a side slam for two…[C]
Back from commercial, Bryan hit two dropkicks that drove Barrett into the cage. He tried to escape, but Barrett stopped him. Bryan knocked Barrett to the mat and hit a missile dropkick for two. Barrett came right back with a clothesline that turned Bryan inside out for two. Barrett hit an electric chair for two and tried to climb the cage.
Bryan recovered and pulled Barrett back in. He tried for a German suplex from the top rope, but Barrett held on. Barrett elbowed him away and got one leg over the top of the cage, but Bryan caught him and pulled him back in the ring. Bryan kicked Barrett back to the mat. He climbed down and did a "Yes" chant with the fans before hitting his running knee for the win…
Daniel Bryan defeated Wade Barrett in a cage in 13:30.
Post-match, Bryan left the cage and celebrated outside the ring. As he was going around, Orton popped out from nowhere and hit an RKO on the floor to close the show…
Shore's Slant: A nice ending to the show. The cage match was well done, and Orton popped out of nowhere. Was he under the ring? All in all it was a mediocre Smackdown that opened and closed well, but otherwise failed to produce memorable moments.
Advertised Match for Raw Next Week, Cena's Facebook Fans, WWE's New Partnership
- John Cena topped 15 million fans on Facebook today.
- Triple H and Stephanie McMahon were on hand for WWE's announcement on a new partnership with Milk in Brooklyn, NY this morning. As noted earlier, The Rock recently sported a milk mustache for a print ad for National Milk, which was a continuation of the campaign's first-ever Super Bowl commercial earlier this year.
- CM Punk vs. Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel in a 2-on-1 hanicap match is being advertised by the US Airways Center in Phoenix for this upcoming episode of Raw.
Private Photos of Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan Together....
- Triple H and Stephanie McMahon were on hand for WWE's announcement on a new partnership with Milk in Brooklyn, NY this morning. As noted earlier, The Rock recently sported a milk mustache for a print ad for National Milk, which was a continuation of the campaign's first-ever Super Bowl commercial earlier this year.
- CM Punk vs. Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel in a 2-on-1 hanicap match is being advertised by the US Airways Center in Phoenix for this upcoming episode of Raw.
Private Photos of Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan Together....
8.23 Smackdown Taping Results ** SPOILERS **
Dark Match
Sin Cara defeated Damien Sandow. Sandow cut a promo before his match with Sin Cara saying a bunch of crap and receiving a ton of heat.
WWE Smackdown
- A cage is hanging above the ring.
- The Smackdown opened with a recap of the main event at SummerSlam and the live crowd exploded with yes chants but booing when Randy Orton cashing was shown. They also recapped the events from Raw as well with the McMahons.
- Vickie Guerrero opened the show to a shit load of heat and introduced Randy Orton. He spoke about giving us what we want. It was hard to hear he got a lot of heat. He said that he told us the truth about cashing in his briefcase at SummerSlam. He said he was surprised by what Triple H did, and that he didn't need his help to win. He asked for our support and No! chants broke out. He said he is the face of the WWE.
Daniel Byran interrupted Orton and thanked John Cena for the opportunity at SummerSlam. Bryan said it's time for the face of the WWE to change. Bryan insulted how Orton looks and said he looks pretty. He also called Orton arrogant. Bryan said he had to scratch and suffer while Orton was handed every opportunity.
Bryan challenged Orton for the title by saying I can beat you for that pointing to the title. He challenged Orton for the title tonight, but Orton said it has to wait until Night Of Champions. Orton and Bryan stood face to face and Orton held up the title. Bryan hit and kicked Orton from the ring.
- Vickie was show talking and yelling about What Bryan did backstage, and Wade Barrett interrupted. A steel cage match was announced for later in the show
- Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel (w/Paul Heyman) beat Cody Rhodes. A pretty well wrestled match from both men, but there is a reason this match was on Smackdown. The crowd was pretty quiet for this match. The guy next to me caught me taking notes and told me to pay attention. WWE fans are crazy. A CM Punk chant broke out.
- Heyman cut a promo afterward and received a ton of heat. He said he is in pain because of Punk. He moaned about Punk and trashed him, which caused a lot of heat. Heyman said Punk is lost without him. Axel said Punk doesn't deserve a title shot for his title, but he challenged him for the title for this coming Monday on Raw.
- Dolph Ziggler beat Big E Langston (w/A.J. Lee). Ziggler won by pinfall after a Zig Zag.
- World Hvt. Champion Alberto Del Rio defeated Christian. Del Rio defeated Christian via submission the arm bar. After the match, Del Rio said something about Latinos, which led to cheers, but he called all of us peasants and said that he wants us to follow the great Alberto Del Rio. Ricardo Rodriguiez came out and trashed Del Rio, and introduced Rob Van Dam. Christian dropkicked Del Rio off the top rope and RVD did a frog splash to end the segment.
- Big Show and Mark Henry defeated Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre, and Jinder Mahal in a handicap match. Show and Henry won by pinfall after Show hit the WMD.
- Darren Young defeated Antonio Cesaro.
- Daniel Bryan defeated Wade Barrett in a cage match. A really good, competitive match with several near falls. And because of Bryan's involvement, this match would have been an awesome pay-per-view match. Afterward, Orton came out and RKO'd Bryan. The crowd booed to end the show.
WWE RAW Results, August 19
WWE RAW Opener:
Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a look back at CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar from SummerSlam. We also get a look at the Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena WWE Title match and Randy Orton cashing in after Triple H turns.
- We're live from the Honda Center in Anaheim, California as Michael Cole welcomes us. We go to the ring and out comes John Cena to a very mixed reaction.
Cena says he is disgusted about what happened at SummerSlam. A “Cena sucks” chant breaks out. Cena talks about Daniel Bryan now. Cena says two weeks ago, WWE medical staff told him the giant ball of fluid on his elbow was the result of a torn tricep. Cena says they wanted to cancel the match at SummerSlam but he used. Cena says he isn’t using this as an excuse. He admits he was beaten by a better man in a clean fight. Cena says all he wanted was a clean fight. Cena says he’s not putting surgery off, he’s leaving WWE. Fans cheer and Cena cracks a smile. Cena says he will miss all this. He starts praising Daniel Bryan and introduces him. Bryan comes out to a huge pop. Before he can speak,here comes Stephanie McMahon.
Stephanie is met with boos. She says Bryan earned the right to become WWE Champion last night and she’s sorry. She says Bryan didn’t deserve what happened but her husband Triple H did what’s best for business. A “no” chant breaks out. Bryan says he expected something like that from Stephanie or Vince McMahon, but not Triple H. Bryan says it must be true that when you lie down with trash, sooner or later you start to stink. Stephanie says she knows Bryan is upset so she will let that slide. Bryan mocks her and asks if she’s going to fire him. Bryan says he will go back to wrestling in armories and selling t-shirts in his car because he’s not afraid of getting fired. Bryan says but before he leaves, he’s going to get his money worth. Bryan says he will get either Randy Orton or Triple H and give Stephanie a real reason to fire him. Stephanie says nobody wants to fire Bryan. She and Triple H believe Bryan is of value but not everyone can be the face of the company, not everyone can be WWE Championship material. She mocks his height and weight, and his looks. Stephanie talks down to Bryan and says he might not be an A, but he’s a B+… a solid B+. Bryan says she is reminding him of a word that starts with the letter B right now. A “bitch” chant barely starts up from the crowd. Bryan says he doesn’t have to accept what happened and just move on. Bryan says he can be WWE Champion and he doesn’t care what Stephanie thinks. She suggests he calms down and he knocks the microphone out of his hand. She asks for another. Stephanie gets upset and tells Bryan to calm down. She refuses to be disrespected by him and calls for security. Stephanie says Bryan is forcing her hand. She asks security to escort Bryan out of the building. Stephanie says Bryan has no one to blame but himself. Fans chant his name. Bryan leaves the ring and security follows. Bryan turns around on the ramp and looks back at Stephanie before getting a “no” chant going. We go to commercial.
Damien Sandow vs. Cody Rhodes
Back from the break and both men are in the ring for a SummerSlam rematch. They lock up and Sandow goes to work in the corner, beating Cody down. Rhodes turns it around but Sandow takes him back to the corner.
Sandow with a series of knees but Rhodes sends Sandow to the mat. Sandow with shoulders in the corner but Rhodes punches back. Rhodes does to the turnbuckles and connects with an elbow to the back of the head and he gets a near fall. Rhodes with a gourdbuster. Sandow tries to send Cody into the ring post from the apron but Cody blocks it and he hits a springboard drop kick for a near fall.
Cody clotheslines Sandow over the top rope to the floor and he suplexes Sandow on the floor. Rhodes gets a near fall. Rhodes with a hammer lock using his leg for extra pressure. Sandow with punches but Cody holds on to the ropes. Cody with an elbow and Rhodes is sent to the floor by Sandow. Sandow goes to the floor and he connects with a clothesline to the back of the head.
They return to the ring and Sandow with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Sandow with a head butt and Rhodes rolls to the apron. Cody with a shoulder and he goes up top but Sandow with an arm wringer to send Cody to the mat and he gets a near fall. Sandow with a kick to the back and we go to commercial.
We are back and Sandow gets a near fall. Sandow with a reverse chin lock. Rhodes with punches to Sandow but Sandow with a knee to the midsection and he hits the side Russian Leg Sweep followed by the Elbow of Disdain and he connects and gets a near fall. Sandow with a front face lock and he kicks Rhodes in the head.
Sandow puts Rhodes on the turnbuckles and Rhodes with elbows to knock Sandow off the turnbuckles followed by a moonsault. Rhodes with a back body drop followed by two clotheslines. Rhodes with the drop down uppercut and a jackknife cover for a near fall. Sandow with a snap mare to counter Cross Rhodes. Sandow with an Edge-cution for a near fall.
Rhodes with a forearm to the back of the head followed by Beautiful Disaster but Sandow rolls to the apron. Sandow drops Rhodes on the top rope. Rhodes floats over into a sunset flip for the three count.
Winner: Cody Rhodes
Brad Maddox is in the interview area and after the events of last night, many individuals made comments about Triple H. Dolph Ziggler’s comments are put on the screen where he questions the actions of Triple H. Dolph Ziggler will be in a three on one match against The Shield.
- Paul Heyman walks in the back and we go to commercial.
In the Arena:
We are back and Paul Heyman is in the center of the ring. Paul’s arm is in a sling as he addresses the crowd. He says last night, CM Punk was defeated by BROCK LESNAR. Tonight, he is going to give everyone a lesson in life. Like any rebellious child, he needed to leave the nest to prove his self worth.
Paul says that CM Punk gave Brock all that Brock could handle. Where do we go from here. Paul says that he has the answer. Where we go from here, it is time to end this family feud. He has been more of a father figure to CM Punk than the man who sired him in Chicago. When big brother Brock knocked some sense into his head, Paul says that he realized it is not time for retribution or revenge. Paul says that he forgives Punk. He tells Punk to listen to him. When Punk apologizes to him, he will take Punk back.
Punk is better with him than without him. When reunited, they will achieve greater heights than they attained before. Paul says that he still loves Punk. He will guide Punk to the WWE Championship and the main event at Wrestlemania. Together, they will be the Best in the World.
- Cameron and Naomi are stretching in the back and the Bellas wish them luck because they are representing their show. Cameron has to calm Naomi down as we go to commercial.
Cameron and Naomi vs. Layla and AJ Lee
Back from the break and out first comes Cameron and Naomi. Layla is out next followed by WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee.
AJ and Layla attack their partners before the bell even starts. The bell rings and it’s AJ going at it with Naomi. AJ with a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Cameron and Naomi end up getting the win after shocking Layla.
Winners: Cameron and Naomi
- Dolph Ziggler is backstage walking as we go to commercial.
- We are back with a look back at highlights from the opening segment with John Cena’s elbow, Stephanie McMahon’s apology and grade for Daniel, and Daniel Bryan’s anger at what happened.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns
Ambrose starts off and he goes to a stalemate with Ziggler. They lock up and go to another stalemate. Ziggler with a waist lock take down and elbows. Ziggler with another waist lock and Rollins tags in. Ziggler punches Rollins and he gives Rollins a back body drop and he punches Rollins. Rollins with a punch to Ziggler and Reigns makes the tag and he connects with a clothesline from the apron. Reigns with punches. Reigns tosses Ziggler into the corner and Ambrose tags back in.
Ambrose with kicks to the head followed by a snap elbow drop for a near fall. Rollins tags back in and kicks Ziggler in the ribs. Ambrose tags in and he punches Ziggler while Rollins holds him. Ambrose with a series of crossfaces to the head and then he stomps on the abdomen. Ambrose with a rear chin lock while trapping the legs and then he rubs his forearm across the face. Ziggler bites Ambrose’s hand.
Ziggler with a sleeper but Ambrose returns fire but Ziggler with a jawbreaker and both men are down. Reigns tags in and he takes his time going across the ring and Ziggler with a drop kick followed by a neck breaker and a Fameasser. Ambrose goes after Ziggler but Ziggler sends him over the top rope to the floor. Ziggler with a DDT for a near fall. Ziggler with a knee to Rollins to stop a suplex and Ziggler suplexes Rollins over the top rope to the floor and Rollins holds his knee.
Ziggler charges into the corner and Reigns meets him with a spear for the three count.
Winners: Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose
After the match, Reigns, Rollins, and Ambrose set for the Cerberus Bomb and they hit it. Back to commercial.
Sin Cara vs. Alberto Del Rio
Back from the break and out comes World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio. Sin Cara is out next.
Del Rio has made sure that the ring has Mexican flags for all of his matches now. Del Rio strikes first and beats Cara down. Cara dives out onto Del Rio and it looks like Cara has injured himself. Dr. Sampson checks on Cara but Del Rio brings him in the ring. The bell is called for. As the doc tries to check on Cara, Del Rio stomps on him and talks trash.
Winner by Referee Stoppage: Alberto Del Rio
After the match, Del Rio says at SummerSlam he proved why he’s the best World Champion in history. He says he also proved to the Latino community that they finally have someone to cheer for. Del Rio goes on but out comes Ricardo Rodriguez. Ricardo disagrees and says Del Rio is not a hero. Ricardo is happy he doesn’t have to stand by Del Rio’s side any more. Ricardo says he is proud to represent someone new. Ricardo introduces Rob Van Dam and out he comes to a big pop. RVD hits the ring and Del Rio attacks him. They go at it as the fans chant for RVD. RVD drops Del Rio with a superkick. RVD goes up top for the frogsplash but Del Rio escapes the ring.
- Still to come, CM Punk will address Paul Heyman’s comments from earlier. Back to commercial.
- We are back and Zeb says that the WWE have been in the headlines and he wants to give everyone a headline. What about Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro being Real Americans. They should be celebrated for their courage and convictions and they are pure. That is unlike the cesspool they are in. Zeb says that he is embarrassed to be here because he was standing in line behind illegal immigrants who were speaking a language he did not know. He says that they probably stole a job from an American after Sneaking across the border. Zeb says that they will look forward to seeing LAX behind them.
Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro vs. Darren Young and Titus O’Neil
Cesaro kicks Young and he connects with a European uppercut and punches. Young with a hip toss but Cesaro with a punch and Swagger tags in. Young with a hip toss and he tags in Titus. Young and O’Neil with a double shoulder tackle. Titus punches Swagger in the corner. Swagger gets his boots up for Titus and Cesaro tags in.
Cesaro with a dead lift side salto for a near fall. Cesaro with a European uppercut and he tags in Swagger. Swagger with knees in the corner and then Cesaro with a choke while Swagger distracts the referee. Titus punches Swagger and he knocks Cesaro off the apron but Swagger hits Titus from behind.
Swagger with a step over toe hold. Titus kicks Swagger to get out of the hold. Swagger with kicks to Titus followed by a slam and the double jump Swagger bomb and Cesaro tags in and he hits a leap frog double stomp for a near fall.
Cesaro works on Titus’ neck and he tags Swagger back in. Swagger with a knee and shoulders in the corner. Swagger with a punch but Titus with a spinebuster and both men are down. Young tags in and he punches Cesaro who also tags in. Young with a clothesline and then he hits an overhead belly-to-belly throw. He knocks Swagger off the apron and then Young blocks a kick and he hits a Northern Lights Suplex and he gets a near fall. Titus takes care of Swagger and Cesaro takes care of Titus. Young with the Gut Check for the three count.
Winners: Darren Young and Titus O’Neil
Renee Young is backstage with Big Show. She welcomes him back to RAW. She asks about rumors of he and Mark Henry teaming up to challenge Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. Show says those rumors are true, they’re going for the WWE Tag Team Titles. Brad Maddox walks up and makes Renee leave. Maddox brings up Show’s comments against Triple H after SummerSlam. Maddox books Show vs. The Shield in a handicap match but in this one, all three members of The Shield will be in the ring at the same time. Show asks if Maddox is sure he wants to do that to The Shield and walks off. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Zack Ryder is backstage with Justin Gabriel, a Foot Locker referee and a bunch of Foot Locker gear. Summer Rae and Fandango come in dancing. Fandango takes a pair of shoes he likes and dances away with them.
- We get another look back at Punk vs. Lesnar and Cena vs. Bryan from SummerSlam.
Ryback confronts some guys in the locker room. He runs some off and starts bullying one guy. He throws the guys bag and keeps telling him to go get it but steps on it before the guy can pick it up. Fans chant for Goldberg. Ryback slaps the guy hard in the face. He makes the guy open up his bag and spray all his belongings with water. Ryback tells the guy to get out of his locker room and laughs.
Big Show vs. The Shield
We go to the ring and out comes Big Show. We go to commercial before WWE United States Champion Dean Ambrose and WWE Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns come out. All three members of The Shield will be allowed in the ring at the same time here.
Show sends Reigns to the floor and then he head butts Rollins and he sends Rollins and Ambrose into the corner. Show with punches to Ambrose followed by a slam to Rollins. Show sends Ambrose over the top rope to the floor. Show with a kick and head butt to Rollins. Show sends Rollins over the top rope and Rollins holds his knee.
Show with a spear to Reigns but Show does not go for a pin and Ambrose pulls Reigns out of the ring. Rollins and Ambrose figure out how to surround show wile Reigns is still on the ground. Rollins tries to sneak up on Show but Show sees him. Ambrose with a sleeper but Show falls to the mat to get out of the hold.
Rollins with punches to Show but Show with a head butt and then he stands on Rollins’ back. Show sends Rollins over the top rope again and Rollins continues to hold his knee. Show with clotheslines to Ambrose followed by a butt splash into the corner and a running shoulder tackle. Show grabs Ambrose by the throat but Rollins clips Show and then Ambrose with a drop kick to Show against the ropes.
Rollins with a knee off the turnbuckles and Ambrose gets a near fall. Ambrose and Rollins try for a double suplex but it is Show who hits the double suplex. Reigns with a spear to Show and both men are down.
Ambrose says something to Reigns and they signal that they are going to go for the Cerberus Bomb. They pick up Show and they hit the Cerberus Bomb and get the three count.
Winners: The Shield
- Still to come, CM Punk will speak. Back to commercial.
In the Arena:
We are back and CM Punk makes his way to the ring. Punk starts to limp once he gets in the ring. He says that he doesn’t really know what to say now. There is so much going on upstairs right now. He knows that Paul Heyman was out here earlier and he had some personal things to say.
Punk tells someone in the crowd that he can boo him, but if he wants to come through the ropes, he will kick his ass. He challenges him to fight CM Punk.
Paul says that he can give him the WWE Title and Wrestlemania Main Event and those are things he wants. If Paul wants an apology and that is what he wants, he tells Paul to come to the ring and that might be what he wants.
Paul makes his way onto the stage with Curtis Axel.
Punk tells Paul that the doctors tell him that he is not cleared to wrestle, but he is in his gear. Punk says that he was in a fight last night and he has had his ass kicked before, but he is here standing.
Punk says that he is sorry. He is sorry he took his eyes off Brock Lesnar for a moment to go after Paul. He is sorry that he did not take Paul’s arm from his body. The next time he has his hands on Heyman, he will choke him out. Then he will wake him up and spit in Paul’s face and he will rip his arm off.
Punk says that he will get his hands on Paul and he will get his revenge. He wants it to happen tonight. He tells Paul to have the guts that the fat guy in the crowd doesn’t and step in the ring with him.
Paul says that there is an apology that is due tonight and it should come from him. Paul tells Punk that he is sorry. He is sorry for what is about to happen to him. Paul tells Curtis to go to the back to tape up his hands for a fight. Punk has pushed him too far once too often. Paul says that he is not the fat guy sitting in the front row. He can be the worst nightmare that Punk has ever encountered in his life.
Paul tells Punk that if he is in the ring when we come back from commercial, Curtis Axel will go to the ring thanks to Paul Heyman and he will finish the job that BROCK LESNAR started last night. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Punk is in the ring still. Axel comes into the ring and Punk with a double sledge and then he drops Axel onto the chair and he hits Axel in the back with the chair. Punk throws Axel to the floor but Axel with a shoulder and punch. Axel with punches to Punk and a chop. Punk with a knee and forearms. Axel Irish whips Punk into the ringside barrier. Axel with kicks and punches to Punk while we watch Heyman enjoy this. Axel with a punch but Punk with a back body drop that sends Axel into the Roberts cubicle. Punk thinks about going after Heyman but instead he hits a plancha onto Axel and he hits Axel with a case. Punk gets the bell and he hits Axel in the midsection with it.
They return to the ring and Punk gets Axel on his shoulder but Axel escapes and he hits Punk in the back of the leg. Axel with kicks to the leg. Axel drops the knee into the mat. Axel hits Punk in the leg with the chair. Axel with the neck breaker driver. Axel puts the chair on the leg and Paul tells Axel to break Punk’s leg because Punk broke his heart.
Punk moves out of the way and he sends the chair into Axel’s midsection. Punk hits Axel with the chair but he has trouble standing up. Punk hits Axel in the back. Punk sends Axel into the ring steps a few times. Punk picks up Axel and he drops Axel on the ring steps.
- Still to come, Randy Orton’s WWE Championship Coronation. Up next, Bray Wyatt will be in action. Back to commercial.
R-Truth vs. Bray Wyatt
Back from the break and out comes R-Truth. The lights go out, the lantern is lit and here comes Bray Wyatt with Erick Rowan and Luke Harper – The Wyatt Family. The bell rings and Bray attacks. Truth tries to fight him off and dances around a few moves. Truth drops Wyatt and hits Harper but Bray comes back and runs him over.
Bray with more offense. He yells that he is the new face of fear. Wyatt hits his finisher on Truth for the win.
Winner: Bray Wyatt
After the match, The Wyatt Family poses over Truth before we go to commercial.
- Back from the break and we get a matador vignette for Primo and Epico, apparently under new names. Los Matadores will be coming soon.
Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal vs. The Usos
We go to the ring and 3MB is out. Next comes The Usos. Jey Uso starts things out with Slater.
Slater and Jey start things off and Slater pushes him away and he does some air guitar. Slater with a waist lock but Jey with an arm wringer. Jimmy tags in and they hit a double back elbow and double elbow drop for a near fall. Jimmy with forearms and Slater goes to the floor but Jimmy grabs him. Drew with a kick and Mahal tags in and he kicks Jimmy.
Mahal chokes Jimmy and Drew gets in a shot on Jimmy. Mahal with a swinging neck breaker followed by knee drops. Mahal with a reverse chin lock. Mahal pulls Jimmy to the mat by the hair. Slater tags in and he hits a leg lariat and gets a near fall.
Slater with kicks to Jimmy. Slater with punches to Jimmy. Slater with a reverse chin lock. Slater with kicks. Jimmy has a kick blocked and Jimmy hits an enzuigiri and both men are down. Jey and Jinder tag in and he connects with forearms and an uppercut. Jey with a flying shoulder tackle. Jey with a splash into the corner followed by the running butt splash. Jey gets a near fall but Slater breaks it up. Jimmy sends Slater to the floor and then Jey with a super kick to Mahal and Jey with a plancha onto Slater and McIntyre while Jimmy is tagged in and Jimmy with the superfly splash for the three count.
Winners: The Usos
- Still to come, Orton’s coronation. Back to commercial.
The Miz vs. Wade Barrett
Back from the break and here comes The Miz. Wade Barrett is out next. Barrett with a kick and side head lock and shoulder tackle. Miz with a flap jack and an Awesome Clothesline. Miz goes up top for a double sledge but Barrett moves and Wade with a boot to the head for a near fall. Barrett with head butts. Barrett chokes Miz in the ropes and then he connects with knees and a boot that sends Miz to the floor.
We go to Barrett sends Miz back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a reverse chin lock. Miz with elbows and Barrett with a knee. Miz lands on the apron and he slides in and gets a near fall with a rollup. Barrett with a back elbow and reverse chin lock. Miz with punches and a jaw breaker. Miz with a running forearm and kick followed by a running knee lift and clothesline. Barrett backs into the corner and Miz goes for the Awesome Clothesline but Barrett gets his leg up.
Miz sends the leg into the ropes and he kicks it and hits a drop kick. Barrett avoids the figure four leg lock and then he kicks Miz and puts him on the turnbuckles. Miz with a sunset flip and he rolls into the figure four leg lock before Barrett can tap out, Fandango hits the FandangoBama Jam and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Miz (by disqualification)
- Brad Maddox walks through the back and he tells Stephanie McMahon that Daniel Bryan is back in the building. Stephanie thanks Brad for the update. We go to commercial.
In the Arena:
Back from the break and Stephanie McMahon is already in the ring with Vince McMahon. Triple H comes out next and we see The Shield standing guard in front of the ring. Vince says to give it up for The Game. Triple H joins his family in the ring. Vince says it’s a wonderful night. Vince says there’s a WWE Champion we can all be proud of now. He says he’s proud of his son-in-law. Vince and Triple H hug.
Fans chant “you sold out” at Triple H. He laughs and talks about how fans never see the bigger picture. He did what he did to guarantee the future of WWE. He did it for the fans. He did it for his wife and kids so WWE can continue to exist in all of our futures. Triple H says he didn’t want to do that to Daniel Bryan but let’s face it… WWE Champion and face of WWE? Not Bryan. Triple H says the fans deserve better than that. Triple H goes on and doesn’t care about Bryan’s personal problems. Triple H says Bryan is just selfish. Triple H brings out what he calls the future and the face of WWE, the new WWE Champion Randy Orton. Out comes Orton to boos and we see the WWE roster gathered on the ramp. Everyone looks at Orton as he heads to the ring.
Orton shakes hands with Triple H and Vince before hugging Stephanie. They all applaud him. Orton says he told us when he cashed in we wouldn’t see it coming. Orton isn’t ashamed to say it – he owes everything to Triple H. They shake hands and embrace again. Orton yells that everyone should stand on their feet and show Triple H some respect. Triple H knows Bryan is in the building and calls him out to settle his personal issue. Triple H asks The Shield to step to the side because they’re intimidating. Triple H doesn’t want anyone touching Bryan. He calls him to the ring. Triple H gets the fans to chant “yes” for Bryan and has his music played.
Bryan comes out and as he’s entering the ring, The Shield attacks him at ringside. Bryan fights them off and throws them all into the steel steps. Ambrose stops Bryan from coming in but they brawl up the ramp. Bryan takes out Rollins with a roundhouse. Ambrose goes down. Triple H tells Bryan to get all his feelings out. Bryan approaches the ring but Reigns takes him out with a spear on the floor. The Shield go back to stomping on Bryan. They go for the triple powerbomb on the floor but Triple H stops them. He tells Bryan to come in the ring and get everything off his chest but Bryan struggles to get up to his feet. Triple H taunts and mocks Bryan as he tries to get up and into the ring. Bryan barely enters the ring and gets dropped with a RKO from Orton. Vince, Orton, Stephanie and Triple H raise their hands in victory over Bryan as Orton’s music plays. RAW goes off the air.
Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a look back at CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar from SummerSlam. We also get a look at the Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena WWE Title match and Randy Orton cashing in after Triple H turns.
- We're live from the Honda Center in Anaheim, California as Michael Cole welcomes us. We go to the ring and out comes John Cena to a very mixed reaction.
Cena says he is disgusted about what happened at SummerSlam. A “Cena sucks” chant breaks out. Cena talks about Daniel Bryan now. Cena says two weeks ago, WWE medical staff told him the giant ball of fluid on his elbow was the result of a torn tricep. Cena says they wanted to cancel the match at SummerSlam but he used. Cena says he isn’t using this as an excuse. He admits he was beaten by a better man in a clean fight. Cena says all he wanted was a clean fight. Cena says he’s not putting surgery off, he’s leaving WWE. Fans cheer and Cena cracks a smile. Cena says he will miss all this. He starts praising Daniel Bryan and introduces him. Bryan comes out to a huge pop. Before he can speak,here comes Stephanie McMahon.
Stephanie is met with boos. She says Bryan earned the right to become WWE Champion last night and she’s sorry. She says Bryan didn’t deserve what happened but her husband Triple H did what’s best for business. A “no” chant breaks out. Bryan says he expected something like that from Stephanie or Vince McMahon, but not Triple H. Bryan says it must be true that when you lie down with trash, sooner or later you start to stink. Stephanie says she knows Bryan is upset so she will let that slide. Bryan mocks her and asks if she’s going to fire him. Bryan says he will go back to wrestling in armories and selling t-shirts in his car because he’s not afraid of getting fired. Bryan says but before he leaves, he’s going to get his money worth. Bryan says he will get either Randy Orton or Triple H and give Stephanie a real reason to fire him. Stephanie says nobody wants to fire Bryan. She and Triple H believe Bryan is of value but not everyone can be the face of the company, not everyone can be WWE Championship material. She mocks his height and weight, and his looks. Stephanie talks down to Bryan and says he might not be an A, but he’s a B+… a solid B+. Bryan says she is reminding him of a word that starts with the letter B right now. A “bitch” chant barely starts up from the crowd. Bryan says he doesn’t have to accept what happened and just move on. Bryan says he can be WWE Champion and he doesn’t care what Stephanie thinks. She suggests he calms down and he knocks the microphone out of his hand. She asks for another. Stephanie gets upset and tells Bryan to calm down. She refuses to be disrespected by him and calls for security. Stephanie says Bryan is forcing her hand. She asks security to escort Bryan out of the building. Stephanie says Bryan has no one to blame but himself. Fans chant his name. Bryan leaves the ring and security follows. Bryan turns around on the ramp and looks back at Stephanie before getting a “no” chant going. We go to commercial.
Damien Sandow vs. Cody Rhodes
Back from the break and both men are in the ring for a SummerSlam rematch. They lock up and Sandow goes to work in the corner, beating Cody down. Rhodes turns it around but Sandow takes him back to the corner.
Sandow with a series of knees but Rhodes sends Sandow to the mat. Sandow with shoulders in the corner but Rhodes punches back. Rhodes does to the turnbuckles and connects with an elbow to the back of the head and he gets a near fall. Rhodes with a gourdbuster. Sandow tries to send Cody into the ring post from the apron but Cody blocks it and he hits a springboard drop kick for a near fall.
Cody clotheslines Sandow over the top rope to the floor and he suplexes Sandow on the floor. Rhodes gets a near fall. Rhodes with a hammer lock using his leg for extra pressure. Sandow with punches but Cody holds on to the ropes. Cody with an elbow and Rhodes is sent to the floor by Sandow. Sandow goes to the floor and he connects with a clothesline to the back of the head.
They return to the ring and Sandow with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Sandow with a head butt and Rhodes rolls to the apron. Cody with a shoulder and he goes up top but Sandow with an arm wringer to send Cody to the mat and he gets a near fall. Sandow with a kick to the back and we go to commercial.
We are back and Sandow gets a near fall. Sandow with a reverse chin lock. Rhodes with punches to Sandow but Sandow with a knee to the midsection and he hits the side Russian Leg Sweep followed by the Elbow of Disdain and he connects and gets a near fall. Sandow with a front face lock and he kicks Rhodes in the head.
Sandow puts Rhodes on the turnbuckles and Rhodes with elbows to knock Sandow off the turnbuckles followed by a moonsault. Rhodes with a back body drop followed by two clotheslines. Rhodes with the drop down uppercut and a jackknife cover for a near fall. Sandow with a snap mare to counter Cross Rhodes. Sandow with an Edge-cution for a near fall.
Rhodes with a forearm to the back of the head followed by Beautiful Disaster but Sandow rolls to the apron. Sandow drops Rhodes on the top rope. Rhodes floats over into a sunset flip for the three count.
Winner: Cody Rhodes
Brad Maddox is in the interview area and after the events of last night, many individuals made comments about Triple H. Dolph Ziggler’s comments are put on the screen where he questions the actions of Triple H. Dolph Ziggler will be in a three on one match against The Shield.
- Paul Heyman walks in the back and we go to commercial.
In the Arena:
We are back and Paul Heyman is in the center of the ring. Paul’s arm is in a sling as he addresses the crowd. He says last night, CM Punk was defeated by BROCK LESNAR. Tonight, he is going to give everyone a lesson in life. Like any rebellious child, he needed to leave the nest to prove his self worth.
Paul says that CM Punk gave Brock all that Brock could handle. Where do we go from here. Paul says that he has the answer. Where we go from here, it is time to end this family feud. He has been more of a father figure to CM Punk than the man who sired him in Chicago. When big brother Brock knocked some sense into his head, Paul says that he realized it is not time for retribution or revenge. Paul says that he forgives Punk. He tells Punk to listen to him. When Punk apologizes to him, he will take Punk back.
Punk is better with him than without him. When reunited, they will achieve greater heights than they attained before. Paul says that he still loves Punk. He will guide Punk to the WWE Championship and the main event at Wrestlemania. Together, they will be the Best in the World.
- Cameron and Naomi are stretching in the back and the Bellas wish them luck because they are representing their show. Cameron has to calm Naomi down as we go to commercial.
Cameron and Naomi vs. Layla and AJ Lee
Back from the break and out first comes Cameron and Naomi. Layla is out next followed by WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee.
AJ and Layla attack their partners before the bell even starts. The bell rings and it’s AJ going at it with Naomi. AJ with a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Cameron and Naomi end up getting the win after shocking Layla.
Winners: Cameron and Naomi
- Dolph Ziggler is backstage walking as we go to commercial.
- We are back with a look back at highlights from the opening segment with John Cena’s elbow, Stephanie McMahon’s apology and grade for Daniel, and Daniel Bryan’s anger at what happened.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns
Ambrose starts off and he goes to a stalemate with Ziggler. They lock up and go to another stalemate. Ziggler with a waist lock take down and elbows. Ziggler with another waist lock and Rollins tags in. Ziggler punches Rollins and he gives Rollins a back body drop and he punches Rollins. Rollins with a punch to Ziggler and Reigns makes the tag and he connects with a clothesline from the apron. Reigns with punches. Reigns tosses Ziggler into the corner and Ambrose tags back in.
Ambrose with kicks to the head followed by a snap elbow drop for a near fall. Rollins tags back in and kicks Ziggler in the ribs. Ambrose tags in and he punches Ziggler while Rollins holds him. Ambrose with a series of crossfaces to the head and then he stomps on the abdomen. Ambrose with a rear chin lock while trapping the legs and then he rubs his forearm across the face. Ziggler bites Ambrose’s hand.
Ziggler with a sleeper but Ambrose returns fire but Ziggler with a jawbreaker and both men are down. Reigns tags in and he takes his time going across the ring and Ziggler with a drop kick followed by a neck breaker and a Fameasser. Ambrose goes after Ziggler but Ziggler sends him over the top rope to the floor. Ziggler with a DDT for a near fall. Ziggler with a knee to Rollins to stop a suplex and Ziggler suplexes Rollins over the top rope to the floor and Rollins holds his knee.
Ziggler charges into the corner and Reigns meets him with a spear for the three count.
Winners: Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose
After the match, Reigns, Rollins, and Ambrose set for the Cerberus Bomb and they hit it. Back to commercial.
Sin Cara vs. Alberto Del Rio
Back from the break and out comes World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio. Sin Cara is out next.
Del Rio has made sure that the ring has Mexican flags for all of his matches now. Del Rio strikes first and beats Cara down. Cara dives out onto Del Rio and it looks like Cara has injured himself. Dr. Sampson checks on Cara but Del Rio brings him in the ring. The bell is called for. As the doc tries to check on Cara, Del Rio stomps on him and talks trash.
Winner by Referee Stoppage: Alberto Del Rio
After the match, Del Rio says at SummerSlam he proved why he’s the best World Champion in history. He says he also proved to the Latino community that they finally have someone to cheer for. Del Rio goes on but out comes Ricardo Rodriguez. Ricardo disagrees and says Del Rio is not a hero. Ricardo is happy he doesn’t have to stand by Del Rio’s side any more. Ricardo says he is proud to represent someone new. Ricardo introduces Rob Van Dam and out he comes to a big pop. RVD hits the ring and Del Rio attacks him. They go at it as the fans chant for RVD. RVD drops Del Rio with a superkick. RVD goes up top for the frogsplash but Del Rio escapes the ring.
- Still to come, CM Punk will address Paul Heyman’s comments from earlier. Back to commercial.
- We are back and Zeb says that the WWE have been in the headlines and he wants to give everyone a headline. What about Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro being Real Americans. They should be celebrated for their courage and convictions and they are pure. That is unlike the cesspool they are in. Zeb says that he is embarrassed to be here because he was standing in line behind illegal immigrants who were speaking a language he did not know. He says that they probably stole a job from an American after Sneaking across the border. Zeb says that they will look forward to seeing LAX behind them.
Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro vs. Darren Young and Titus O’Neil
Cesaro kicks Young and he connects with a European uppercut and punches. Young with a hip toss but Cesaro with a punch and Swagger tags in. Young with a hip toss and he tags in Titus. Young and O’Neil with a double shoulder tackle. Titus punches Swagger in the corner. Swagger gets his boots up for Titus and Cesaro tags in.
Cesaro with a dead lift side salto for a near fall. Cesaro with a European uppercut and he tags in Swagger. Swagger with knees in the corner and then Cesaro with a choke while Swagger distracts the referee. Titus punches Swagger and he knocks Cesaro off the apron but Swagger hits Titus from behind.
Swagger with a step over toe hold. Titus kicks Swagger to get out of the hold. Swagger with kicks to Titus followed by a slam and the double jump Swagger bomb and Cesaro tags in and he hits a leap frog double stomp for a near fall.
Cesaro works on Titus’ neck and he tags Swagger back in. Swagger with a knee and shoulders in the corner. Swagger with a punch but Titus with a spinebuster and both men are down. Young tags in and he punches Cesaro who also tags in. Young with a clothesline and then he hits an overhead belly-to-belly throw. He knocks Swagger off the apron and then Young blocks a kick and he hits a Northern Lights Suplex and he gets a near fall. Titus takes care of Swagger and Cesaro takes care of Titus. Young with the Gut Check for the three count.
Winners: Darren Young and Titus O’Neil
Renee Young is backstage with Big Show. She welcomes him back to RAW. She asks about rumors of he and Mark Henry teaming up to challenge Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. Show says those rumors are true, they’re going for the WWE Tag Team Titles. Brad Maddox walks up and makes Renee leave. Maddox brings up Show’s comments against Triple H after SummerSlam. Maddox books Show vs. The Shield in a handicap match but in this one, all three members of The Shield will be in the ring at the same time. Show asks if Maddox is sure he wants to do that to The Shield and walks off. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Zack Ryder is backstage with Justin Gabriel, a Foot Locker referee and a bunch of Foot Locker gear. Summer Rae and Fandango come in dancing. Fandango takes a pair of shoes he likes and dances away with them.
- We get another look back at Punk vs. Lesnar and Cena vs. Bryan from SummerSlam.
Ryback confronts some guys in the locker room. He runs some off and starts bullying one guy. He throws the guys bag and keeps telling him to go get it but steps on it before the guy can pick it up. Fans chant for Goldberg. Ryback slaps the guy hard in the face. He makes the guy open up his bag and spray all his belongings with water. Ryback tells the guy to get out of his locker room and laughs.
Big Show vs. The Shield
We go to the ring and out comes Big Show. We go to commercial before WWE United States Champion Dean Ambrose and WWE Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns come out. All three members of The Shield will be allowed in the ring at the same time here.
Show sends Reigns to the floor and then he head butts Rollins and he sends Rollins and Ambrose into the corner. Show with punches to Ambrose followed by a slam to Rollins. Show sends Ambrose over the top rope to the floor. Show with a kick and head butt to Rollins. Show sends Rollins over the top rope and Rollins holds his knee.
Show with a spear to Reigns but Show does not go for a pin and Ambrose pulls Reigns out of the ring. Rollins and Ambrose figure out how to surround show wile Reigns is still on the ground. Rollins tries to sneak up on Show but Show sees him. Ambrose with a sleeper but Show falls to the mat to get out of the hold.
Rollins with punches to Show but Show with a head butt and then he stands on Rollins’ back. Show sends Rollins over the top rope again and Rollins continues to hold his knee. Show with clotheslines to Ambrose followed by a butt splash into the corner and a running shoulder tackle. Show grabs Ambrose by the throat but Rollins clips Show and then Ambrose with a drop kick to Show against the ropes.
Rollins with a knee off the turnbuckles and Ambrose gets a near fall. Ambrose and Rollins try for a double suplex but it is Show who hits the double suplex. Reigns with a spear to Show and both men are down.
Ambrose says something to Reigns and they signal that they are going to go for the Cerberus Bomb. They pick up Show and they hit the Cerberus Bomb and get the three count.
Winners: The Shield
- Still to come, CM Punk will speak. Back to commercial.
In the Arena:
We are back and CM Punk makes his way to the ring. Punk starts to limp once he gets in the ring. He says that he doesn’t really know what to say now. There is so much going on upstairs right now. He knows that Paul Heyman was out here earlier and he had some personal things to say.
Punk tells someone in the crowd that he can boo him, but if he wants to come through the ropes, he will kick his ass. He challenges him to fight CM Punk.
Paul says that he can give him the WWE Title and Wrestlemania Main Event and those are things he wants. If Paul wants an apology and that is what he wants, he tells Paul to come to the ring and that might be what he wants.
Paul makes his way onto the stage with Curtis Axel.
Punk tells Paul that the doctors tell him that he is not cleared to wrestle, but he is in his gear. Punk says that he was in a fight last night and he has had his ass kicked before, but he is here standing.
Punk says that he is sorry. He is sorry he took his eyes off Brock Lesnar for a moment to go after Paul. He is sorry that he did not take Paul’s arm from his body. The next time he has his hands on Heyman, he will choke him out. Then he will wake him up and spit in Paul’s face and he will rip his arm off.
Punk says that he will get his hands on Paul and he will get his revenge. He wants it to happen tonight. He tells Paul to have the guts that the fat guy in the crowd doesn’t and step in the ring with him.
Paul says that there is an apology that is due tonight and it should come from him. Paul tells Punk that he is sorry. He is sorry for what is about to happen to him. Paul tells Curtis to go to the back to tape up his hands for a fight. Punk has pushed him too far once too often. Paul says that he is not the fat guy sitting in the front row. He can be the worst nightmare that Punk has ever encountered in his life.
Paul tells Punk that if he is in the ring when we come back from commercial, Curtis Axel will go to the ring thanks to Paul Heyman and he will finish the job that BROCK LESNAR started last night. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Punk is in the ring still. Axel comes into the ring and Punk with a double sledge and then he drops Axel onto the chair and he hits Axel in the back with the chair. Punk throws Axel to the floor but Axel with a shoulder and punch. Axel with punches to Punk and a chop. Punk with a knee and forearms. Axel Irish whips Punk into the ringside barrier. Axel with kicks and punches to Punk while we watch Heyman enjoy this. Axel with a punch but Punk with a back body drop that sends Axel into the Roberts cubicle. Punk thinks about going after Heyman but instead he hits a plancha onto Axel and he hits Axel with a case. Punk gets the bell and he hits Axel in the midsection with it.
They return to the ring and Punk gets Axel on his shoulder but Axel escapes and he hits Punk in the back of the leg. Axel with kicks to the leg. Axel drops the knee into the mat. Axel hits Punk in the leg with the chair. Axel with the neck breaker driver. Axel puts the chair on the leg and Paul tells Axel to break Punk’s leg because Punk broke his heart.
Punk moves out of the way and he sends the chair into Axel’s midsection. Punk hits Axel with the chair but he has trouble standing up. Punk hits Axel in the back. Punk sends Axel into the ring steps a few times. Punk picks up Axel and he drops Axel on the ring steps.
- Still to come, Randy Orton’s WWE Championship Coronation. Up next, Bray Wyatt will be in action. Back to commercial.
R-Truth vs. Bray Wyatt
Back from the break and out comes R-Truth. The lights go out, the lantern is lit and here comes Bray Wyatt with Erick Rowan and Luke Harper – The Wyatt Family. The bell rings and Bray attacks. Truth tries to fight him off and dances around a few moves. Truth drops Wyatt and hits Harper but Bray comes back and runs him over.
Bray with more offense. He yells that he is the new face of fear. Wyatt hits his finisher on Truth for the win.
Winner: Bray Wyatt
After the match, The Wyatt Family poses over Truth before we go to commercial.
- Back from the break and we get a matador vignette for Primo and Epico, apparently under new names. Los Matadores will be coming soon.
Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal vs. The Usos
We go to the ring and 3MB is out. Next comes The Usos. Jey Uso starts things out with Slater.
Slater and Jey start things off and Slater pushes him away and he does some air guitar. Slater with a waist lock but Jey with an arm wringer. Jimmy tags in and they hit a double back elbow and double elbow drop for a near fall. Jimmy with forearms and Slater goes to the floor but Jimmy grabs him. Drew with a kick and Mahal tags in and he kicks Jimmy.
Mahal chokes Jimmy and Drew gets in a shot on Jimmy. Mahal with a swinging neck breaker followed by knee drops. Mahal with a reverse chin lock. Mahal pulls Jimmy to the mat by the hair. Slater tags in and he hits a leg lariat and gets a near fall.
Slater with kicks to Jimmy. Slater with punches to Jimmy. Slater with a reverse chin lock. Slater with kicks. Jimmy has a kick blocked and Jimmy hits an enzuigiri and both men are down. Jey and Jinder tag in and he connects with forearms and an uppercut. Jey with a flying shoulder tackle. Jey with a splash into the corner followed by the running butt splash. Jey gets a near fall but Slater breaks it up. Jimmy sends Slater to the floor and then Jey with a super kick to Mahal and Jey with a plancha onto Slater and McIntyre while Jimmy is tagged in and Jimmy with the superfly splash for the three count.
Winners: The Usos
- Still to come, Orton’s coronation. Back to commercial.
The Miz vs. Wade Barrett
Back from the break and here comes The Miz. Wade Barrett is out next. Barrett with a kick and side head lock and shoulder tackle. Miz with a flap jack and an Awesome Clothesline. Miz goes up top for a double sledge but Barrett moves and Wade with a boot to the head for a near fall. Barrett with head butts. Barrett chokes Miz in the ropes and then he connects with knees and a boot that sends Miz to the floor.
We go to Barrett sends Miz back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a reverse chin lock. Miz with elbows and Barrett with a knee. Miz lands on the apron and he slides in and gets a near fall with a rollup. Barrett with a back elbow and reverse chin lock. Miz with punches and a jaw breaker. Miz with a running forearm and kick followed by a running knee lift and clothesline. Barrett backs into the corner and Miz goes for the Awesome Clothesline but Barrett gets his leg up.
Miz sends the leg into the ropes and he kicks it and hits a drop kick. Barrett avoids the figure four leg lock and then he kicks Miz and puts him on the turnbuckles. Miz with a sunset flip and he rolls into the figure four leg lock before Barrett can tap out, Fandango hits the FandangoBama Jam and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Miz (by disqualification)
- Brad Maddox walks through the back and he tells Stephanie McMahon that Daniel Bryan is back in the building. Stephanie thanks Brad for the update. We go to commercial.
In the Arena:
Back from the break and Stephanie McMahon is already in the ring with Vince McMahon. Triple H comes out next and we see The Shield standing guard in front of the ring. Vince says to give it up for The Game. Triple H joins his family in the ring. Vince says it’s a wonderful night. Vince says there’s a WWE Champion we can all be proud of now. He says he’s proud of his son-in-law. Vince and Triple H hug.
Fans chant “you sold out” at Triple H. He laughs and talks about how fans never see the bigger picture. He did what he did to guarantee the future of WWE. He did it for the fans. He did it for his wife and kids so WWE can continue to exist in all of our futures. Triple H says he didn’t want to do that to Daniel Bryan but let’s face it… WWE Champion and face of WWE? Not Bryan. Triple H says the fans deserve better than that. Triple H goes on and doesn’t care about Bryan’s personal problems. Triple H says Bryan is just selfish. Triple H brings out what he calls the future and the face of WWE, the new WWE Champion Randy Orton. Out comes Orton to boos and we see the WWE roster gathered on the ramp. Everyone looks at Orton as he heads to the ring.
Orton shakes hands with Triple H and Vince before hugging Stephanie. They all applaud him. Orton says he told us when he cashed in we wouldn’t see it coming. Orton isn’t ashamed to say it – he owes everything to Triple H. They shake hands and embrace again. Orton yells that everyone should stand on their feet and show Triple H some respect. Triple H knows Bryan is in the building and calls him out to settle his personal issue. Triple H asks The Shield to step to the side because they’re intimidating. Triple H doesn’t want anyone touching Bryan. He calls him to the ring. Triple H gets the fans to chant “yes” for Bryan and has his music played.
Bryan comes out and as he’s entering the ring, The Shield attacks him at ringside. Bryan fights them off and throws them all into the steel steps. Ambrose stops Bryan from coming in but they brawl up the ramp. Bryan takes out Rollins with a roundhouse. Ambrose goes down. Triple H tells Bryan to get all his feelings out. Bryan approaches the ring but Reigns takes him out with a spear on the floor. The Shield go back to stomping on Bryan. They go for the triple powerbomb on the floor but Triple H stops them. He tells Bryan to come in the ring and get everything off his chest but Bryan struggles to get up to his feet. Triple H taunts and mocks Bryan as he tries to get up and into the ring. Bryan barely enters the ring and gets dropped with a RKO from Orton. Vince, Orton, Stephanie and Triple H raise their hands in victory over Bryan as Orton’s music plays. RAW goes off the air.
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