WWE Smackdown Results, August 30 30 Aug 2013 / By Kumar Anubhav Jha
WWE Smackdown on SyFy Live Coverage
Taped on 8/27 in Las Vegas, Nevada [Q1] The Smackdown intro aired and The Miz was already in the ring. He welcomed everyone to MizTV and said there was a lot to talk about, so he would get right to it. He then introduced Big Show, who came out to applause. He then welcomed Dolph Ziggler, who got a surpisingly good reaction. They showed a video of what happened this past Monday during the main event, with Ziggler and Show failing to intervene on behalf of Bryan. Miz said they were told that they needed to watch the destruction of Daniel Bryan, and if they interfered in any manner they would no longer be WWE Superstars, and their careers would be made a living hell. Miz then said “this was a free country”, and it was time the WWE Universe heard their opinions on how management was running the WWE. Miz then handed things off to The Miz. Show spoke a little brokenly, and said it was one of the toughest things he ever had to do in his career. He shook his head and couldn't continue, and handed the mic to Dolph Ziggler. Dolph looked despondent and couldn't say anything, and asked Big Show to finish his thought. Miz took over after Show didn't speak again, but didn't get in many worse edge wise before Triple H's music hit. Triple H smiled on the top of the ramp and made his way to the ring. Triple H asked Miz why he wasn't in a suit, and he responded that he never knew when a fight was going to break out. Miz asked if he could ask Triple H a question, and Triple H said no. He said he had some questions, and asked them first why they wanted to make everything personal. He claimed what he was doing in best for business, and he didn't understand where they were coming from. Randy Orton is not some guy that can't back it up. He is a guy that is big enough. He then said that Randy Orton is what's best for everyone, because everyone makes more money with him in charge. Triple H said Miz was angry because he had the WWE Championship a long time ago, and never got near it since. He then said since he was such a nice guy, he would give him a shot at Randy Orton “tonight”. He said Ziggler was mad because the last time he met The Shield, he got the crap beat out of him, and he would get a chance at revenge in a handicap match with The Shield tonight as well. That left Big Show, who Triple H commanded to walk over to him. Show resisted at first and then complied. Triple said if looks could kill.....and mentioned that Big Show had smoke coming out of his ears on Monday. He said Show would have the night off, and he would sit at ringside in a chair and watch everything on the show and do nothing about it. He then told Show to go sit in his chair, and Show looked angry but complied. JBL made a passing contract that if Show didn't comply Triple H would rip his guaranteed contract to shreds. WAT? Show then sat in a chair at ringside, and Triple H told Dolph to run along to the back and get ready. He then said it was fortuitous that the Miz wore his gear, because his match was now. Triple H introduced Randy Orton, calling him the face of the company and the WWE Champion. Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: segment that really cemented Triple H as a total dick. The faces showing disgust but unable to challenge the boss isn't the greatest, but as long as light at the end of the tunnel seems possible it's not that bad. Hopefully they quickly progress to showing some resistance, because one sided beatings on Daniel Bryan are going to get boring pretty quickly. [Q2] 1. The Miz vs. Randy Orton: They went back and forth early with Miz going or the figure four, but failing to apply it. There were plenty of shots of Big Show at ringside looking angry. Orton took control and got a near fall off of a suplex, and then dumped Miz to the floor. Orton followed to the outside and then hit a back suplex on the barricade. Back in the ring, Orton continued the beating until Miz caught him with an uppercut and followed up with a clothesline in the corner. Miz tried a top rope double axe handle, but Orton avoided it. Orton then attempted a rope DDT, but Miz shoved him to the outside. The Shield's music hit, and they headed to the ring through the crowd...[c] The Shield were at ringside and observed Randy Orton put a beating on The Miz on the outside. Orton hit a clothesline on the outside that sent Miz to the floor, and then tossed Miz back in the ring. Orton then hit some elbows and stomps on the ground. The Shield continued to stand on the ramp facing the tron while Orton continued his offense. Miz started a comeback and hit some knee lefts, followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Show cheered him on from his chair, and Miz set up for the skull crushing finale, but Orton slipped out and hit his second rope DDT. [Q3] Orton fired up for the RKO and taunted the crowd. Miz avoided and hit a backslide for another close fall. He then hit a kneebreaker out of the corner, and locked in a figure four leg lock. Orton reached the ropes after a tense moment, and Show cheered on Miz. Orton rolled to the apron, and Miz tried to grab him, only to get an uppercut. Orton followed up with an RKO for the victory. Randy Orton defeated The Miz at 14:16. Post match, The Shield attempted to beat down The Miz until the only guy with balls on the whole roster, Daniel Bryan, came down with a chair and cleared house. The crowd went insane. Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: A good effort from The Miz and Orton, and a good post match interaction to pump up the hot crowd. A Los Matadores promo aired, and everybody laughed. Maybe that was just me. Backstage, Daniel Bryan walked in to Vickie Guerrero. She called him a bully for what he did to Orton and The Shield, and in her world when people Bully, they get bullied back. She then told him to meet his opponent for later tonight. Ryback then walked up, and said if there is one thing he can't stand, it's a bully. He then said he would see him out there later. Cole and JBL then introduced a video package that showed the emotional segment from Monday with CM Punk, Curtix Axel, and Paul Heyman. [Q4] Cole said we would hear from Heyman later. Ricardo Rodriguez then came on stage in an RVD shirt to introduce RVD. RVD then made his ring entrance for a match next...[c] Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: That Vickie and Bryan segment was a bit bizarre. The video package was good though. RVD and Ricardo still don't click to me. I don't know what Ricardo brings to his act. A video aired or RVD defeating Del Rio on Monday with Ricardo's help. Damien Sandow then made his ring entrance. He had a microphone and said what happens in Las Vegas will not stay in Las Vegas. People may be content with wasting their lives in a casino, but what we does will go worldwide. He said he is the uncrowned World Champion, and soon he would take his throne. You're Welcome. 2. RVD vs. Damien Sandow: Van Dam hit a quick and got a fast near fall. He then dropped a leg from the top rope for another one. Sandow recovered and tossed Van Dam shoulder first into the post and rolled him up for a near fall of his own. He followed up with rapid fire knees, and the elbow of disdain for two. Big Show was still at ringside, looking near tears. RVD crotched Sandow on the tope rope, and followed up with kick from the top rope. He then followed up with the five star frog splash for the win. RVD defeated Damien Sandow at 2:39. After the match, Del Rio walked out and interrupted. He said RVD got his title shot by getting together with a man who betrayed his own people. He said if you sleep with dogs, you get fleas. Del Rio said RVD might have rolling thunder, but at Night of Champions he would make it rain on his parade. He then said that after the match, RVD would know why he is the World Heavyweight Champion...[c] Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: A total throwaway match, but the promo by Del Rio afterward was solid. I still haven't figured out why Ricardo is there, other than giving Del Rio an excuse to talk about Latinos. It seems like they are just using RVD to set up another feud, which is odd. [Q5] The Shield were already in the ring, and then Dolph Ziggler made his entrance for the massacre. Big Show just shook his head and buried his face in his hands, rocking back and forth. 3. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Shield: Dolph went after Ambrose and Reigns on the apron, and hit a cross body on Rollins in the ring. Rollins quickly backed Ziggler into the corner and stomped him before tagging in Reigns. Reigns tossed Ziggler around, and hit a Samoan Drop that got a two count. Ambrose then tagged in and stomped on Dolph's fingers and paint brushed him across the face. Ambrose tossed Ziggler into the turnbuckle, and stomped on his fingers again. He then continued the assault with chops in the corner. He then tossed him to the opposte corner and jawed at Ziggler. Dolph then slapped the taste out of his mouth and hit a back body drop that sent Ambrose to the outside. Rollins tagged in and almost got rolled up by Ziggler for a three count. Rollins hit a blind tag to Reigns, and Ziggler went for a Rocker Dropper on Rollins. He reversed into a buckle bomb, and then Reings followed up with a spear for the win. The Shield defeated Dolph Ziggler at 4:01. Post match, The Shield choked Ziggler on the ropes while Big Show was forced to watch. They then picked up Ziggler and dropped him with the Triple Powerbomb. Show boiled at ringside and The Shield left. Cole plugged Paul Heyman's talk as next...[c] Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: A solid effort, with the real story of the match being Big Show's torment. The comeuppance for the heels will make the crowd go mental, and I hope they get the chance soon. This never ending series of handicap matches and stacked odds won't be compelling for very long. [Q6] Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel were introduced by Lilian Garcia, and made their way to the ring. Axel smiled and said that this past Monday, the WWE universe witnessed his mentor and hero Paul Heyman perform one of the bravest acts a man can ever muster up the courage to perform. A video was then shown of Heyman beating Punk with the Kendo Stick and screaming at him. Heyman asked the crowd what they wanted from him. He asked if they wanted him to feel guilty about the beating he gave to his prodigal son, CM Punk? He screamed that he was not seeking forgiveness. He was not there to atone. He said the crowd forced him into a situation where he would be beaten, and again asked what they expected him to do. Paul then said for 434 consecutive days, he and CM Punk were the WWE Champion, and all challengers were put down like a rabid dog. It was his strategy and Punk's execution. He asked why he was still standing if all those enemies were put down, it's because Punk should see be worshipping him as the god that he is. Heyman then reminded us that he has a handicap match with Punk at Night of Champions, and that he can't escape. He claimed WWE was virtually guaranteeing that if you order Night of Champions, you will see him get a beating at the hands of CM Punk. He told Curtis Axel that he is afraid, because if CM Punk gets his hands on him, nobody will see Paul Heyman again. He said his fear could be Punk's worst enemy, because not even he knows what he's capable of when he's faced with a guaranteed beating. He said at Night of Champions, he and Curtis Axel would own CM Punk. After the promo, Cole plugged the main event and the Wyatt family for next...[c] Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: Another excellent promo from Heyman. He is really coming off deranged and it's working for him. Axel still can't summon an ounce of charisma, but it appears he's at least trying to deliver his lines with more inflection. [Q7] The Funkadactyl's were in the ring dancing, with Brodus and Tensai. The Wyatt's then made their entrance. 4. Tons of Funk vs. Rowan and Harper: Tons of Funk controlled the match early on. Tensai knocked Rowan from ringside and Brodus kept him there. Rowan recovered and tossed Brodus into the barricade. He then distracted Tensai, who took a big boot. Rowan then tagged in and hit a splash and got the win... Rowan and Harper defeated Tons of Funk at 1:13. After the match, Wyatt entered the ring and hit Sister Abigail on Tensai. Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: Quick and painless. Not even time for a piss break. After another Los Matadores promo, a recap of the AJ promo from Monday was shown. JBL said “crazy was speaking the truth”. Ryback made his ring entrance for the main event...[c] Daniel Bryan then made his ring entrance, to a fantastic reaction. They showed clips of Bryan painting Orton's gifted SUV from Raw. 5. Daniel Bryan vs. Ryback: Bryan opened up aggressivley and hit a running kick on Ryback. He continued to strike Ryback until getting caught for a power slam. Ryback tossed Daniel Bryan into the turn buckle. He followed up with a running head butt in the corner, and some trash talk. The beating continued until Ryback went for a spear, and Bryan avoided it and he hit the post. Bryan followed up with a trio of kicks in the corner that sent Ryback to the outside. He followed up with a suicide dive to the outside. [Q8] Orton walked to the outside, and Ryback was able to take control with a distraction...[c] Ryback hit a nice looking spinebuster after the break. Bryan and Ryback ended up on the ropes, and Bryan knocked Ryback down with headbutts. Bryan followed up with a missile dropkick off the top. He continued with kicks to the chest and one to the head, and got a near fall. He transitioned into the yes lock, and Ryback was nearly tapping out when Orton intervened. Bryan put him in the Yes Lock, but The Shield interfered and beat him down. Big Show stewed at ringside, and then finally decided to enter the ring. Triple H ran down to ringside and demanded that he leave the ring. The crowd chanted No, and Big Show looked on the verge of tears again. He initially refused, but eventually left the ring. The match ended in a no contest at 13:58 Triple H told him to go to the back. He mouthed damn it, and he walked to the back to major boos from the crowd. After he left, The Shield put the boots to Bryan, and Orton hit some punches and kicks while The Shield held him up. The Shield then hit a triple Power Bomb, and Orton spray painted No on Daniel Bryan's chest to close the show. Kumar Anubhav Jha Brief: A very well executed close to the show. I'm not particularly a fan of the story they are telling here, but they are telling it very deliberately and getting a strong fan reaction. I totally get the idea of portraying Triple H as having the power to reduce a man to near tears, but I just have no confidence the comeuppance will be told as completely as this shaming. I hope I'm wrong. |
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WWE Smackdown Results, August 30
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