WWE Night of Champions WWE Sunday, 15 September 04:30AM On Channel Number 5.

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WWE WrestleMania 30 Results, April 6

Pre-Show Elimination Match for the WWE Tag Team Titles
Cesaro & Jack Swagger vs. Los Matadores vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel vs. The Usos

We go to the ring and Zeb Colter is in the ring for a promo. He introduces The Real Americans and out comes Cesaro and Jack Swagger. Michael Cole welcomes us to the Superdome. He's joined by JBL and Jerry Lawler. Ryback and Curtis Axel are out next. Los Matadores are out next with El Torito. WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos are out next with their big entrance.

Axel starts off with Jey Uso. They lock up and trade holds. Uso takes Axel down and a "we the people" chant starts up. Uso and Axel trade chops. Cesaro avoids a tag from Axel. Axel with a big dropkick on Uso. Ryback tags in and bullies Uso around. Uso fires back but catches a big boot. Ryback readies for a Meathook clothesline but Diego tags himself in and steals a 2 count. Uso goes at it with Diego now. Jimmy Uso tags in for some double teaming. Uso and Diego trade holds. Fernando tags in for some double teaming. 2 count on Uso. Cesaro tags himself in and hits Fernando with uppercuts. Swagger tags in for a big double team in the corner. Swagger levels Fernando for a 2 count. Another "we the people" chant starts up. Fernando with a springboard back elbow and some moves off the ropes. Swagger catches him in mid-air but they both tumble out to the floor. Cesaro gets sent to the floor. Uso sends Ryback to the floor. Fernando dropkicks Uso to the floor. Los Matadores leap out from the top onto everyone else on the floor. El Torito hits the ring and starts jumping on the ropes. He goes up but Axel throws him to the mat. Axel climbs to the top but Matadores stop him. Torito ends up knocking Axel and Matadores out onto everyone else on the floor. All teams are down at ringside. Swagger and one of the Matadores come back in. Swagger hits a superplex into a Patriot Lock and Los Matadores are eliminated.

Uso goes at it with Swagger. Uso blocks a Patriot Lock. They go at it until Axel cuts them off. Ryback comes back in and lifts Uso for a long vertical suplex. Ryback with a 2 count. Ryback with a slam. He comes off the top with a splash. Axel tags in and also hits a splash on Uso for a 2 count. More tags by Ryback and Axel as they keep Uso in their corner. Ryback ends up on the floor and Axel comes in. Uso fights back. Swagger comes in and has a Swagger Bomb blocked by Uso. Ryback comes in with spinebusters. He calls for the clothesline on Swagger and nails it. Ryback goes for Shellshocked on Swagger but Cesaro tags in and makes the save. Ryback sends Swagger to the floor and drop Cesaro. Cesaro nails a huge uppercut on Ryback out of nowhere. Cesaro with the Neutralizer on Ryback for the elimination. Ryback and Axel are eliminated.

Both teams face off in the ring. We get a big "we the people" and they go at it. They end up on the floor and the Usos leap out with splashes. Cesaro ends up in the ring with Jimmy and has a Neutralizer blocked by a jackknife pin. They trade holds and Cesaro goes for the Cesaro Swing but Uso blocks it. Cesaro hits the other Uso with a big uppercut and brings him in. Swagger tags in but they miss a double team move. Uso leaps off the top and takes them both off for a 2 count on Swagger. Swagger blocks the splash in the corner and applies the Patriot Lock. They struggle but Swagger gets it locked in. Cesaro runs in and blocks the other Uso. Cesaro hits a big uppercut. The other Uso with a Samoan Drop on Cesaro. Fans chant "this is awesome" as Cesaro waits for a tag. Both teams tag in. Cesaro runs into Swagger after a throw from Uso and knocks Swagger off the apron. Usos hit a double team move on Cesaro. They go to separate corners and splash Cesaro at the same time for the win.

Winners: The Usos

After the match, The Usos celebrate with their titles before heading up the ramp. Zeb Colter is in the ring with Cesaro, who is still down. Swagger comes in and yells at Cesaro for losing the match and knocking him off the apron. Fans start chanting for Cesaro. Zeb tries to calm Swagger down. Swagger applies the Patriot Lock on Cesaro, briefly before Zeb stops him. Zeb and Swagger argue. Zeb tells Swagger to shake hands and apologize. Swagger extends his hand and fans boo. Fans chant "no" as Cesaro gets to his feet. They shake hands but Cesaro tackles him and does a big Cesaro Swing. Zeb looks on and throws a fit in the corner. Cesaro sends Swagger flying and the crowd pops. Cesaro gets the crowd hype and they do a big "we the people" as he makes his exit to the Real Americans theme. Cesaro heads up the ramp and looks back at the ring smiling.

WrestleMania 30 Opener:

The show opens with a video package highlighting WrestleMania being in New Orleans with a bit of the history of Mania shown, intercut with footage of a Jazz band walking down the street, and revelers in Mardi Gras style costumes partying with WWE Superstars. We also get a bit of hype for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match, Bryan/Triple H and Cena/Wyatt.

An amazing amount of pyro goes off, and the crowd is HOT as Michael Cole welcomes us to WrestleMania XXX. Justin Roberts welcomes the host of WrestleMania, Hulk Hogan, who comes out to a big pop from the fans in attendance.

Hogan poses at the top of the ramp before heading down the very long walkway to the ring.

Hogan has the mic, and he soaks up some of the Hogan chants for a bit, smiling and looking around at the crowd. He says he’s going to tell the crowd something, brother. First off, he’d like to welcome everyone at the SilverDome to WrestleMania, as well as everyone watching the WWE Network. Of course we’re really at the SUPERDome. He talks about being at the first WrestleMania, and now at WrestleMania XXX, he can’t believe he’s the guest host for WrestleMania. Hogan apologizes and says he is at the SuperDome after the fans chant ‘SuperDome’ for a bit. He talks about thinking about slamming Andre at WrestleMania 3, and that’s why he brought up the SuperDome. He says tonight will be full of WrestleMania moments, and you never know… and he’s then interrupted by Stone Cold Steve Austin’s music!

Austin makes his way toward the ring while Lawler shouts ‘Special moment! Special moment!’. Austin mounts the turnbuckle and throws up his arms, getting some huge pops from the crowd. Austin has a mic of his own and he gets eye to eye with Hogan. Austin says if you’re ready for WrestleMania XXX, give him a hell yeah! Austin says it’s good to be back at the SilverDome in a nice little dig. Austin says normally, he’s come out and open up a can of whoop ass, and beat the hell out of whoever’s in the ring. He asks the fans if they want to see him open a can of whoop ass, and they give another hell yeah. Austin says he was next to Hogan at the Hall of Fame, and he saw everything Hogan did through the years at WrestleMania. Hogan kicked a lot of ass, and they’ve both been protective of their legacy. Austin says after the dues he’s paid, Austin’s got nothing but respect for Hogan. They shake hands, and Hogan gets the crowd to give Austin a hell yeah, which they do. Austin says tonight’s about wrestlers coming out and giving their best because of the road that Hogan and he laid down over the years. Tonight is the night for the current regime of superstars to come out and give everything they’ve got for the fans. But always remember that ‘Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass’. Austin is in turn interrupted by The Rock’s music.

Rock walks out on stage to another big pop from the fans. Rock walks the length of the stage and it gives you an idea of how HUGE the setup for tonight really is, and the scale of the arena. The SuperSilverDome is PACKED!

JBL calls this trio the Mount Rushmore of sports entertainment. Rock gives Hogan a hug, and slaps hands with, then hugs Austin. Rock grabs a mic of his own. He says it is a true WrestleMania moment when all five of your senses are on fire. He says you see it, hear it, and smell it, because finally, The Rock has come back to New Orleans. Which means finally, Rock has come back to WrestleMania. By the way, it means that he, Austin and Hogan have finally come back to the SuperDome. He shakes Hogan’s hand and smiles while the fans chant for the SuperDome. When Rock looks across this ring, he doesn’t see two of the biggest legends, or icons of all time. He sees his good buddy Austin, and his childhood hero Hogan, and without a shadow of a doubt, he sees without question, the two biggest names in the history of the WWE.

Rock says he’s had the honor of facing both men at WrestleMania, and they’ve had an impact on Rock’s career, and on the locker room. And tonight, a man’s going to come out and fight in the name of hustle, loyalty and respect, but tonight, someone doesn’t come out to do that if it wasn’t for someone coming out talking about eating their vitamins and saying their prayers. Tonight, someone’s going to rise up against the authority, fans begin chanting ‘yes’. Here’s another fact, Rock says a lot of fans have birthdays nine months after WrestleMania, because after watching WrestleMania, fans were so full of passion, that they had to go start making babies. Rock says there’ll be a lot of Rock babies around January. Rock rattles off some of the famous stars that have been at WrestleMania over the years, rhyming the whole time. Rock says it’s an honor to be in front of the Universe, and it’s boots to asses time, if you smell what the Rock is cooking. Austin says that’s the bottom line ’cause Stone Cold says so. Hogan asks whatcha gonna do when Austin, the Rock, Hogan, and the SUPERDome run wild on you? Austin hands out the beers, and Lawler says the celebration is just beginning.

- Michael Cole says this never gets old. JBL calls it the best WrestleMania in history, and says it hasn’t even started yet.

- Cole begins hyping Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H, and we get a video package highlighting the history of Daniel Bryan, which looks to be the opening match.

- Back at ringside, Justin Roberts welcomes Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie says she’s honored to introduce the most powerful member of the WWE, and the future World Heavyweight Champion, the King of Kings, Triple H. Hunter gets a pretty epic ring entrance, coming out of a giant throne in front of a huge metal skull in the background while intense classical music plays. Hunter has a couple of girls sitting around him on the throne. He’s wearing a crazy golden skull mask/crown, and a red robe. The girls take the robe off of Hunter, and he removes the crown/mask combo. The lights go out, and Hunter makes his way down the ramp to his normal entrance music.

Hunter actually gets a pretty favorable reaction from the crowd, as Stephanie stands in the ring, clapping for her husband.

Daniel Bryan’s music hits, and the fans are going wild, chanting ‘yes!’ and throwing their arms up in unison with Bryan as he makes his way down to the ring.

Stephanie scowls at Bryan, and gives Hunter a kiss before exiting the ring. The bell rings, and we’re ready to begin.

Hunter smirks at Bryan, and both men stare each other down while the fans chant for Bryan.

Hunter offers his hand to Bryan, but Bryan kicks it away and goes for a roll up, getting a two count. Hunter charges and backs Bryan into the corner. Bryan ducks a punch and kicks at Hunter’s chest until Hunter bails, heading to the outside, and into the arms of Stephanie. Stephanie tries to calm Hunter down and Bryan offers his hand to Hunter.

Hunter slowly makes his way back into the ring. We get another lockup and Hunter goes to work on Bryan’s taped up arm. Bryan fights out of the hold and knocks Hunter away with a dropkick before taking Hunter over with a headlock takeover. Hunter fights up to his feet, pushing Bryan off and taking him to the mat with a shoulder block. Hunter hits the ropes and runs right into a knee to the gut from Bryan. Bryan takes Hunter over with another headlock takeover.

Hunter reverses things with a headscissors, but it’s not long before Bryan fights out and gets Hunter into another headlock. Bryan and Hunter wrestle on the mat for a bit before standing. Bryan hits a couple of big uppercuts, and Bryan goes right back to the headlock. Hunter backs Bryan into the corner and buries his shoulder in Bryan’s midsection. Hunter slams Bryan’s arm down across the rope. Bryan comes back with a forearm and a couple of kicks, but Hunter grabs Bryan’s leg and jams it down into the mat. Hunter grabs Bryan’s arm and heads to the outside, looking to use the ring post, but Bryan pulls his arm back. Bryan hits Hunter with a dropkick through the ropes, sending him crashing back to the floor. Bryan goes to the apron and leaps off, planting Hunter with a flying tornado DDT.

Stephanie looks concerned, checking on Hunter. Bryan goes to the top rope and leaps off, front flipping right into Hunter’s face. Bryan hits the gound hard and immediately grabs at his ribs. Bryan brings things back into the ring for a quick two count.

Bryan heads to the top rope, but Hunter hits the ropes and crotches Bryan on the top turnbuckle. Stephanie is screaming at Bryan, trash talking him the whole time. Hunter clotheslines Bryan, sending him crashing out to the floor. Hunter follows out and takes apart the announcer’s table. Hunter sets up for a pedigree on the announcer’s table, but Bryan fights it off. Hunter grabs Bryan’s arm and jumps to the floor, slamming Bryan’s arm and shoulder into the announcer’s table.

Bryan struggles, but makes it back into the ring at 7. Hunter drives an elbow down into Bryan’s side, then drops a couple of knees to the injured body part. Hunter wrenches Bryan’s arm back, stretching Bryan while Stephanie looks on. Bryan won’t give up, and he fights to his feet and out of the hold. Hunter hits a knee to the chest and tosses Bryan into the ropes. Bryan low bridges Hunter and sends him to the floor. Bryan sets up for the suicide dive,but he runs face first into a big right hand from Hunter.

Hunter gets Bryan onto the apron, and he belly to back suplexes Bryan on the apron, keeping Bryan’s arm trapped behind his back the whole time. Bryan screams in pain while Stephanie continues to talk trash. Bryan still won’t give up, making it back into the ring at 9. Hunter goes right back to work on the arm, clamping on a modified cross face chicken wing.

Hunter drives Bryan o the mat and locks in a crossface. Bryan inches toward the ropes, grabbing hold and forcing Hunter to break the hold. Hunter waits to break the hold, using the ref’s count to his advantage. Hunter grabs Bryan’s arm and wrenches it hard, driving him down to the mat. Hunter picks Bryan up and hits him with a couple of big rights, backing him into the corner where he continues hitting Bryan in the face repeatedly. Bryan blocks a right and comes up with one of his own. Bryan and Hunter trade rights. Bryan ducks a clothesline and hits a flying forearm, knocking the Game to the mat.

Bryan scores with a couple of kicks, but Hunter kicks him back low. Bryan does his backflip, but Hunter sees it coming. Bryan is able to catch Hunter with a bridging German suplex for two, but he hangs on. We get a second bridging German for another two, but Hunter blocks an attempted third suplex with another cross face chicken wing. Hunter traps Bryan’s arms, and suplexes him back, dumping Bryan right on his head. Hunter goes for the pin, but he’s only able to get two.

Hunter picks Bryan up and seats him on the top turnbuckle. Hunter follows Bryan up and goes for a superplex. Bryan blocks it and both men get in a couple of shots to the ribs. Bryan flips through and takes Hunter over with a sunset powerbomb from the middle rope.

Bryan catches Hunter with a dropkick in the corner, then another. When he tries for a third, he runs right into a giant clothesline from Triple H.

Hunter picks Bryan up and goes for the pedigree, but Bryan fights out and rolls Hunter up for two. Bryan stands and kicks Hunter in the side of the head, dropping him to the mat. Bryan heads to the top rope, leaping off with a flying head butt. Hunter gets his knee up, and goes right back into the cross face. Bryan crawls toward the rope, but Bryan is starting to fade. Bryan tries to roll Hunter up, but Hunter rolls through and Bryan ends up back in the middle of the ring. Bryan crawls toward the other side of the ring.

Bryan refuses to give up, and he rolls Hunter up for two. Hunter breaks the hold, and Bryan transitions right into the yes lock. Hunter is screaming in pain. Hunter drags Bryan toward the ropes, and he’s able to grab on to them to force a break.

Hunter rolls out to the floor where he collapses. Bryan stands in the middle of the ring, hits the ropes, and flies through them with a suicide dive. Bryan heads back in and hits a second suicide dive. Bryan tattoos Hunter’s chest with a couple of big kicks against the barricade. Bryan sends Hunter into the ring and heads to the top, flying off with a huge missile dropkick. Bryan kips up, and kicks Hunter in the chest, getting big yes chants from the crowd. Bryan rears back and hits a big kick to the side of Hunter’s head, but it’s still not enough for three.

Bryan stands in the corner, and gets himself psyched up. Bryan goes for the flying knee, but he runs right into a spinebuster from Hunter. Hunter hits the pedigree and goes for the pin, but Bryan kicks out at two!

Hunter backs into the ropes, looking distraught. Hunter uses the ropes to stand, and Bryan catches him in a small package for two.

Hunter stands and picks Bryan up, dragging him into the corner. Hunter lays in with a series of right hands. Hunter picks Bryan up to his feet, and he goes for another pedigree. Bryan flips Hunter over into a pin for two. Hunter hangs on to Bryan’s arms and goes for the pedigree again, but Bryan drops to his knees. Hunter hits a couple of knees to the side of Bryan’s head, driving him to the mat. Hunter goes for the pedigree again, but Bryan reverses out with a kick to the side of the head. Hunter avoids another kick, but misses with a suplex. Bryan lands on his feet, and hits the flying knee, dropping Hunter to the mat. Bryan goes for the pin and gets the three count.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

Bryan celebrates, and Stephanie is in, slapping Bryan across the face. Bryan smiles, but he’s attacked from behind by Hunter. Hunter grabs Bryan’s arm and puts it against the ring post. Hunter grabs a chair and whacks Bryan’s arm. Bryan grabs at his arm while Stephanie gives Bryan a frowny face. The trainer is in checking on Bryan while Stephanie and Hunter walk up the ramp toward the back.

Bryan walks to the back with the ref and trainer trailing him. Bryan yells that he’s fine, and we cut to a Mountain Dew commercial.

- Back in the arena, the New Age Outlaws make their way to the ring. Road Dogg talks about how they’re representing the Authority, and the hounds of justice are about to learn a lesson. They’re interrupted by The Shield’s music, and Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins make their way to the ring through the crowd to a big pop from the fans.

Kane’s music hits, and the big red machine makes his way down toward the ring with the Outlaws in tow.

Six Man Tag Team Match
The New Age Outlaws and Kane vs. The Shield

Ambrose and Kane look to kick things off. Kane takes Ambrose right into the corner with a series of strikes. Ambrose comes right back, hitting a rebound lariat. Reigns and Billy Gunn tag in. Reigns hits a couple of big clotheslines. Reigns ducks a clothesline from Billy and hits a flying clothesline. Reigns hits another flying clothesline on Dogg, then a Samoan drop on Kane. Reigns splashes Dogg, and avoids a splash from Billy. Reigns hits his kick to the side of the head on both Gunn and Dogg. Reigns hits the superman punch on Dogg, but Kane blocks a second attempt. Kane goes for a chokeslam, but it’s broken up by Rollins. Rollins sends Kane to the outside and leaps out on top of him. Ambrose takes Dogg to the outside and slams him into the barricade. Reigns hits a superman punch on Gunn. Rollins and Ambrose dive onto the Outlaws on the outside. Reigns hits a spear on Kane, and then a double spear on the Outlaws, this one is crazy!

The Shield grab both Outlaws, and put them up for a three-man double powerbomb for Reigns, it’s a pretty insane visual. Rollins pins Gunn, and this one is over.

Winners: The Shield


Sgt. Slaughter and Hacksaw are shown playing with some WWE toys. Hacksaw beats Slaughter, and asks who’s next. Rickie Steamboat comes in, and says he’ll take Duggan on. An announcer comes in and grabs the toys, saying they belong to someone else. Ted Dibiase comes in and says everyone’s got a price for the million dollar man. Ron Simmons comes in from out of nowhere with a surprised ‘Damn!’.

- Big Show’s music hits in the arena, and it’s time for the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

Everyone’s in the ring already for this one. Sheamus comes out next, and gets a decent reaction from the fans in attendance.

Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Things are crazy, with everyone brawling from the get-go. Yoshi Tatsu is eliminated. Kofi Kingston is able to avoid elimination, and he and Cody Rhodes kick at each other for a bit before heading back into the ring. Brad Maddox is eliminated after a big chop from Khali.

Brodus Clay is sent to the apron, and chopped in the head by Khali, sending Brodus to the floor. 3 Man Band get together and are able to eliminate Khali with a bit of help. This whole thing is a mess. Zack Ryder is eliminated by 3MB.

There’s not much to say as everyone is punching and kicking each other with some eliminations sprinkled in. Darren Young is sent to the outside. Mark Henry takes out Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal together before tossing Heath Slater out on top of them. Big Show topples Mark Henry over the top and to the floor.

Big Show pie faces Titus O’Neil over the top rope and to the outside. Santino’s got the cobra out and ready. Miz tries to fight it off, but Xavier Woods ends up breaking things up. Woods punches at Santino, but Santino ends up connecting with the cobra to Miz, who’s on the apron, sending him to the outside. Alberto Del rio sends Santino over the top and to the outside with a clothesline. Sheamus and Cesaro fights. Cody Rhodes hits the beautiful disaster kick on Sandow, and Goldust sends him out.

Big E is able to eliminate Justin Gabriel, then David Otunga. Big E goes to the apron, and he pulls Fandango out with him. Both men fight on the apron. Fandango kicks Big E in the head, and Big E falls to the floor. Fandango dances on the apron for a bit, gloating, but Sheamus traps his arms and hits some clubbing blows to the dancer’s chest, somewhere around 30, before he shoves Fandango to the floor.

Big Show presses R-Truth and sends him crashing out to the floor. Mysterio begs off from Show,and Show stares down at him. Tyson Kidd heads to the top, but Del Rio hits an enzugiri that sends him crashing to the floor. Cody Rhodes almost eliminates Cesaro, but Cesaro hangs on. Del Rio hits Goldust with an enzugiri that sends him to the floor, eliminating him. Cody and Del Rio square off. Cody sits on the top turnbuckle, and Del Rio shoves him to the outside. Sheamus tries to eliminate Big Show. Mysterio hits the 619 on Del Rio. Mysterio goes to the top and sends Cesaro into the ropes, but Cesaro grabs hits legs, sends him to the apron, and hits a giant uppercut to knock Rey to the floor. Ziggler jumps on Cesaro’s back, and he hits a giant pop-up uppercut. Kife attacks Cesaro, and Kofi falls out, but his feet don’t hit the floor, and he stands on the ring steps. Kofi heads to the top and leaps on top of Cesaro, then hits Sheamus with a springboard cross body, and hits truoble in paradise on Del Rio. Kofi hits trouble in paradise on Big Show as well. Cesaro catches Kofi’s leg, and he goes into the big swing. Cesaro gets in a ton of revolutions, I lost count, but he eats a chokeslam from Show. Sheamus hits the brogue kick on Show, and eliminates Kofi with another Brogue kick.

Ziggler DDT’s Sheamus, but he’s eliminated by DelRio. It’s down to Del Rio, Sheamus, Big Show, and Cesaro. Sheamus and Del Rio square off. Sheamus shoulders Del Rio, but Del Rio fights out and locks on the cross armbreaker. Sheamus picks Del Rio up and both men fall out over the top rope. It’s down to Cesaro and Show.

Show goes for the chokeslam, but Cesaro fights out. Cesaro goes for a clothesline over the top, but he can’t get Show out. Show tosses Cesaro out to the apron. Cesaro gets to the top, but leaps right into a giant chop to the chest. Show picks Cesaro up and shoulders him. Cesaro fights out of it, and he picks Show up, and body slams him over the top rope to win the match.

Winner: Cesaro

Big Show offers Cesaro his hand, and he shakes it, offering his respect. We get a replay of Cesaro lifting Show, and it is really an incredible display of strength, as he held show up for a good couple of seconds before dumping him over the top.

Cesaro is given the trophy, and he lifts it high over his head, to the cheers of the crowd.

- We get a video package for Cena vs. Wyatt, which highlights some of the history of John Cena in general, and some of the more recent history between Cena and Wyatt that lead directly to this match.

- Back in the arena, a woman is dancing with swords in front of flaming barrels, and somewhat of a voodoo-looking altar. She dances while tribal style drums play, and then Bray Wyatt is shown lighting his lantern. Harper and Rowan walk in, and Wyatt tells New Orleans that they’re here. A live band plays Bray out to the ring, some of the members are wearing creepy masks, and the singer has his face painted like a skull.

Wyatt makes his way down to the ring with Harper and Rowan in tow, and the crowd is eerily quiet.

The lights come up, and Bray does have a good amount of fans in attendance here at the SuperDome.

John Cena’s music hits, and he makes his way out to a bit of boos, but a good bit of love from the fans in New Orleans.

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

Harper and Rowan make their way to the floor, and Bray sits on the top rope. The bell rings, and we’re ready to go. Bray drops to his knees, and spreads his arms. He tells Cena this can end right now. He tells Cena to give the fans what they came to see. He tells Cena to finish him. Cena yells at Wyatt to get up.

Wyatt charges, and Cena takes him down with a side headlock. Wyatt fights up to his feet, and pushes Cena into the corner. Cena takes Wyatt back down to the mat with another headlock takeover. Wyatt fights up once more, and hits a back elbow to break the hold. Wyatt knocks Cena to the mat with a big right hand. Wyatt takes Cena into the corner and hits a couple of big body shots, laughing and saying Cena doesn’t even want to fight him. Wyatt kicks at Cena’s head disrespectfully, then hits him with another big right. Wyatt drops a couple of big head butts, then stomps down repeatedly on Cena’s chest.

Wyatt sends Cena into the ropes and hits a huge flying back elbow. Wyatt screams to the crowd that this is their hero, before dropping an elbow on the crown of Cena’s head. Wyatt whips Cena across the ring hard, and Cena looks to be ‘Hulking up’. Cena stands, and hits Bray with a giant running clothesline. Cena looks upset with himself, putting his head on the turnbuckle for a bit before turning around and punching and ripping at Wyatt’s face. Wyatt laughs, so Cena picks him up and drops him with a huge right. Cena punches at Wyatt in the corner for a bit.

Harper and Rowan get up to the apron, but Bray shouts at them to get down. Cena chokes Wyatt and continues ripping at his face. Cena picks Bray up and hits a huge forearm, then a running big boot. Cena stares down at Harper and Rowan, and Harper tells Cena to let it out. Cena mounts Bray with a series of punches, and screams, seemingly upset with himself.

Cena looks conflicted, dropping to his knees and grabbing his head in his hands. Wyatt stands and kicks Cena in the knee, then suplexes him over, simply throwing him across the ring. Wyatt mounts Cena and hits a series of forearms to Cena’s face.

Wyatt picks Cena up by the ears. Cena ducks a clothesline and hits a big dropkick. Fans are chanting for Daniel Bryan. Bray whips Cena into the ropes, and locks in a sleeper hold.

Cena fights up to his feet, but Bray kicks Cena in the chest and goes right back into the sleeper. Wyatt smiles at Harper on the outside, and Harper smiles back. Cena fights back up to his feet, and powers out of the hold. Wyatt goes for another kick, but Cena ducks and hits two flying shoulder blocks. Cena follows up with the belly to back suplex, and here come the boos. Cena tells Bray he can’t see him, and he hits the ropes, but Wyatt pops up into the spider walk. Rowan causes a distraction, and Wyatt his a urunage for a two count.

The crowd is singing ‘he’s got the whole world in his hands’, while Bray conducts them, before he backs up and splashes Cena in the corner. Bray goes for another splash, but Cena stops him with a boot to the face, and hits a tornado DDT for a two count.

Cena heads to the top rope slowly. Cena leaps off, but Bray catches him and powerbombs him to the mat for two. Wyatt screams at Cena, but Cena’s able to take him to the mat. Cena hits another belly to back suplex, and connects with the five knuckle shuffle. Cena shoulders Wyatt, but Wyatt fights out, gets John Cena in a cradle, and tosses Cena around so he lands chest first on Wyatt’s knee. Cena rolls to the apron, and Wyatt hits him with a big right. Wyatt goes to the apron. Cena shoulders Wyatt, but Wyatt fights out and DDT’s Cena on the ring apron.

Wyatt drags Cena into the ring and gets two. The crowd continues to sing for Bray, and Bray looks pretty happy about it. Wyatt seats Cena on the top rope and slaps him hard, then head butts him. Wyatt follows up after Cena, going for the superplex. Cena fights back, hitting Bray with a couple of head butts of his own and sending him crashing to the mat. Cena stands on the top rope, and leaps out with a giant cross body to the outside, taking out Harper and Rowan.

Wyatt follows Cena to the outside, kicking at him and throwing him into the ring steps. Wyatt grabs the upper half of the steps, but Cena pops up and kicks Bray in the gut, then sends him shoulder first into the ring post. Cena grabs the top half of the steps, and raises them over his head, but he tosses them to the ground. Cena sends Wyatt back into the ring, and he eats another flying back elbow from Bray for two.

Wyatt cradles Cena’s head in his lap and begins to sing ‘he’s got the whole world in his hands’. Wyatt gets up and goes for a senton splash, but Cena rolls out of the way. Cena hits the AA, but Wyatt is able to kick out at two.

Rowan struggles to get into the ring, but the ref holds him back. Harper catches Cena with a kick to the side of the head while the ref’s distracted, and Wyatt follows up with a senton splash for two. Wyatt sends Cena through the ropes and to the outside.

Cena pops up and sees Harper standing near him. Cena spears Harper into the timekeeper’s area through the barricade. Wyatt stomps on Cena and asks Harper if he’s ok. Wyatt brings things back into the ring. Wyatt bends over backwards in the corner to look at Cena, then he goes for Sister Abigail. Cena turns it around, clamping Wyatt into the STF. Wyatt reaches the ropes and forces Cena to break the hold.

Wyatt catches Cena out of nowhere with Sister Abigail, but Cena is able to kick out at two. Wyatt looks shocked, but still smiles and laughs in the corner.

Wyatt heads to the floor and rips apart the Spanish announcer’s table. Wyatt grabs a steel chair, and brings it back into the ring with him. Rowan distracts the ref, and Wyatt tosses the chair to Cena. Wyatt gets down on his knees, and spreads his arms wide again, telling Cena to finish him. Cena has the chair in his hands, and Wyatt is screaming at Cena. Cena rears back with the chair, but uses it to hit Rowan on the apron. Wyatt rolls up Cena for two. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail again, but Cena counters into the AA. Cena pins Wyatt for three.

Winner: John Cena

The Wyatt’s stagger to the back as Cena celebrates in the ring, saluting the crowd. Cena hugs family members, and high fives fans, then hugs the Rock’s mom before heading to the back.

- Cole talks about the tradition of the night before WrestleMania, and the Hall of Fame induction ceremony. We get a recap of the inductees, and snippets of their speeches to the crowd.

- When we cut back to the arena, Howard Finkel introduces all members of the class of 2014 WWE Hall of Fame inductees. Everyone gets nice pops from the crowd. Lita gets lots of love, as does Scott Hall, and of course so does the Ultimate Warrior.

- Daniel Bryan is shown in the back being checked out by the trainer. Bryan grimaces as he lifts his arm and clenches his fist.

- Cole says that it’s streak time, as he throws it to a video package highlighting the history of the streak, and the threat that Brock Lesnar poses to the streak tonight.

Brock Lesnar vs. Undertaker

Back in the arena, Brock Lesnar’s music hits, and the Lesnar makes his way to the ring to a nice pop, getting some impressive pyro on his way to the ring. Of course Lesnar’s also got Heyman in tow.

Taker of course gets a very ominous and creepy entrance. There’s a nice video package as well, which shows the victims of the streak, falling to Undertaker over the years. The lights go out, and Taker comes out to a great reaction from the fans.

Taker turns his head to the left as he comes out on the ramp, and a casket with the number 22 on it pops open, in a bit of foreshadowing for Lesnar. Lightning comes down and strikes the casket, setting it on fire, and Lesnar looks concerned. It’s worth noting that Taker’s in some old school Taker attire, with his wide brimmed hat and duster jacket, instead of the hooded robe outfit he’s worn more recently.

Taker and Lesnar get eye to eye before backing away slowly. The bell rings, and Lesnar goes for a right hand. Taker blocks it and lays in with a series of body shots and strikes to the face. Lesnar comes back, whipping Taker across the ring and hitting a belly to belly suplex. Lesnar clotheslines Taker over the top rope, and Taker lands on his feet. Taker gets up to the apron and Lesnar buries his knee in Taker’s stomach. Lesnar hits a couple of clubbing blows to Taker’s chest, but Taker sends Lesnar’s neck snapping across the top rope. Taker comes back into the ring and hits a series of right hands before wrapping Lesnar’s arm around the top rope and wrenching back. Taker sends Lesnar shoulder first into the ring post.

Lesnar bails to the outside and Taker follows, sending Brock crashing shoulder first into the ring post again. Taker pushes Brock back into the ring and he follows, wrenching Brock’s arm and heading to the top. Brock avoids Old School by catching Taker with a big right hand. Lesnar whips Taker across the ring, but he misses a spear and connects shoulder first with the ring post again. Both men head to the outside and Taker slams Lesnar’s head into the ring steps, then kicks at Brock’s arm. Right hands from Taker stagger Lesnar, sending him reeling. Taker sends Lesnar into the ring, and places his head on the apron. Taker kicks Lesnar in the side of the head, then stands on the apron, hitting a big leg drop across Lesnar’s throat.

Taker picks Lesnar up and shoulders him, dropping him face first on the turnbuckle. Taker goes for a chokeslam, but Lesnar fights out and shoulders Taker. Taker fights down to his feet and shoves Lesnar into the corner. Taker charges in with a big boot, but Lesnar ducks and Taker gets caught on the top rope. Lesnar grabs Taker’s leg and slams him ankle, then his thigh into the ring post. Lesnar hits Taker with some clubbing blows on the outside, but he walks right into a big elbow to the nose. Lesnar grabs Taker’s leg and plants him on the floor, sending him crashing to his back hard. Brock sends Taker back into the ring, and he follows, kicking him in the chest.

Lesnar grabs Taker’s leg and slams it to the mat, then kicks him in the chest again. Lesnar knees Taker in the side, then chokes Taker with his boot. Lesnar drags Taker to the middle of the ring and stomps away at him. Lesnar punches Taker, and knocks him back to the mat. Heyman yells for Lesnar to break him down. Lesnar kicks Taker in the back of the knee, then stomps repeatedly at Taker’s knee. Lesnar wraps Taker’s let around the bottom rope and wrenches back. Taker drops down to the floor.

Lesnar follows to the outside and kicks Taker in the back of the leg. Taker blocks a whip into the ring steps, but ends up whipped into the barricade instead. Lesnar sends Taker back into the ring, and he follows. Lesnar powers Taker up, and suplexes him over. Lesnar knees Taker repeatedly in the chest, and Taker falls to the mat.

Brock clubs Taker’s back repeatedly, but Taker won’t stay down. Body shots from Lesnar stagger Taker. Lesnar whips Taker into the ropes, and Taker comes back with a DDT out of nowhere.

Both men stagger to their feet, and Lesnar runs into a big boot from Taker. Taker hits a big right hand, then another few. Taker whips Brock into the corner and follows with a big clothesline. Taker backs up and hits another running clothesline. Taker shoulders Brock and drops him face first into the top turnbuckle again, the hits a big boot. Taker hits a leg drop and pins Brock for two.

Taker signals for the chokeslam while Heyman screams. Taker gets Lesnar up and slams him to the mat, but he’s only able to get a two count.

Taker shoulders Lesnar, but Lesnar fights out and shoulders Taker, hitting the F5. Lesnar goes for the pin, but Taker kicks out at two.

Lesnar stands over Taker, and Taker gets him in Hell’s gate out of nowhere. Lesnar teases tapping, but instead, he stands and picks Taker up, slamming him back down to the mat to break the hold.

Both men struggle to get to their feet, and Heyman screams encouragement at Lesnar. Lesnar pulls Taker into the middle of the ring, and Taker clamps on Hell’s gate again. Lesnar won’t quit, again picking Taker up and slamming him back down to the mat hard.

Both men get to their knees, and Lesnar traps Taker in the kimura lock. Taker screams in pain, but he refuses to give up. Taker reverses the hold into a kimura of his own. Lesnar sweeps Taker’s leg, but Taker won’t break the hold. Lesnar gets to the ropes to force a break.

Lesnar backs Taker into the corner and hits a couple of shots to the kidney, then buries his shoulder in Taker’s midsection. Lesnar backs up and runs right into a big boot from Taker. Taker looks exhausted. Taker grabs Lesnar’s arm and heads to the top rope. Taker walks the ropes, but falls across Lesnar’s shoulders for another F5. Taker is still able to kick out at two.

Taker uses the ropes to pull himself up. Lesnar stalks Taker, sending him over with a big German suplex. Lesnar keeps his hands clasped and hits another big German, launching Taker across the ring.

Brock walks over to Taker in the corner, and stomps away at his chest, hard. Lesnar picks Taker up and continues to lay in with shots to the body. Lesnar stands on the middle rope and hits Taker with a series of rights. Taker grabs Lesnar and hits him with a powerbomb, not quite a last ride, but still impressive.

Taker waits for Lesnar to stand, and he shoulders him. Taker hits the tombstone, and he pins Lesnar, but Lesnar kicks out at two, and Taker looks worried.

Undertaker sits straight up. He drags his thumb across his throat, then picks Lesnar up. Taker shoulders Lesnar, but Lesnar counters, getting Taker over his shoulders again. Lesnar hits a third F5, and gets the three count.

Winner: Brock Lesnar

Fans are completely in shock, and there are many, many dropped jaws. It’s like the air completely went out of the SuperDome. Fans are not happy with the outcome of this match.

Crowd shots continue to show people saying ‘Wow!’ or simply shaking their head. Lesnar walks to the back with Heyman telling Brock how great he is. Lesnar raises his hands high, and Taker is still laid out in the ring.

Taker sits up slowly, then falls to his back. He sits up again, and fans are chanting, and clapping for the dead man. Taker gets to his knees, and slowly makes it up to his feet.

The announcer’s, and fans all stand to clap for Taker. Lots of ‘Thank you Taker’ chants from the crowd, as 21-1 is shown on screens around the arena.

Taker walks slowly to the back. Fans are cheering for Taker, but still seem completely in shock. You have to wonder what this means for a possible match against Sting at Mania 31. Taker’s music plays, and he walks slowly into the fog.

- It’s time for the Vickie Guerrero Invitational. AJ Lee is the first Diva to make her way out to the ring, and I’m guessing we won’t be seeing too much life out of the fans for this match after the gut-punch that was the last match.

All the other Diva’s are in the ring.

Vickie Guerrero excuses herself, and wishes all of the Diva’s good luck, especially AJ.

Vickie Guerrero Invitational

AJ and Tamina go back to back as soon as the bell rings, and things break down, right into a big brawl. I’m guessing this will be an even bigger mess than the Andre the Giant battle royal. Layla tries to body press the Bella’s, but is caught and slammed down across their knees. Natalya takes Alicia Fox to the mat, then Summer Rae, and someone else, and tries for a triple sharpshooter, but is rolled up. A lot of Diva’s suplex the other Diva’s, and everyone goes for the pin. The ref counts for everyone, but every pin is broken up.

Emma traps someone in the tarantula hold before splashing Summer Rae in the corner. Alicia Fox hits an axe kick on Emma. Layla kicks Fox. Aksana slams Layla. Natalya slams Aksana. Everyone gets a shot in. Tamina superkicks Cameron. Eva Maria shoves Tamina to the mat. Tamina doesn’t look too happy. She stands and chases Eva to the outside. Brie hits a missile dropkick, sending Tamina to the outside. The Bella’s hit the ropes and dive out on top of all of their competitors.

Brie and Nikki get back in the ring and stare each other down. We get a bit of shoving, and Nikki shoulders Brie, dropping to her knees and racking Brie across her back. A pin is broken up, and Fox hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on one, and Natalya suplexes the other. Tamina hits a Samoan drop on Natalya, then heads to the top. Tamina is shoved by Naomi, and she falls to the outside. Aksana stops Naomi on the top rope, and hits a superplex while being powerbombed by Natalya. Tamina drags both women from the ring. Natalya drops Tamina with a clothesline. AJ locks in the octopus hold on Naomi,and Naomi is forced to tap out.

Winner and STILL WWE Divas Champion: AJ Lee

AJ walks over to Vickie to grab her title, and she holds it high, laughing and screaming ‘forever’. Aj smirks at Vickie before skipping and twirling around the ring.


Mene Gene Okerlund is standing by. He invites the host of WrestleMania XXX. Hulk says they’re rocking the SuperDome. Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff walk in. Piper compliments Hogan. He says he knows talking is not Hogan’s strong suit, and he heard Hogan yapping about beating them at WrestleMania 1. Orndorff says he always heard that he lost the match at the first WrestleMania, and asks how it makes him feel. Orndorff said if he’d had a partner that watched his back, he wouldn’t have lost it. Mr T. is in out of nowhere, and he says he pities the fool who talks about his man Hulk. Pat Patterson is in in old school referee attire and asks to break it up. Hogan tells Piper to be a man and let it go. Everyone shakes hands, Piper even shakes hands with Mr. T after some belly-aching.

- Bruno Sammartino, Harley Race, Bob Backlund, Dusty Rhodes and Bret Hart are shown sitting ringside.

- It’s time for the main event, as Rev Theory is out playing Randy Orton’s theme. Orton walks slowly to the ring to little reaction from the fans in the crowd.

Batista is out next, and the Animal gets more boos than Orton on his way into the stadium. Batista surprisingly doesn’t get a super-impressive display of pyro on his way down the ramp.

Daniel Bryan is the last man to make his way down to the ring, and he’s the first thing to breathe life into the crowd since that Taker loss. Bryan is holding his arm and only ‘yes’-ing with one arm on his way down to the ring.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan

We get formal ring introductions for all three men involved and we are ready to go!

Bryan charges in and hits a dropkick to Orton in the corner. Batista goes for the Batista bomb on Bryan, but Bryan counters with a hurricanrana that sends him to the outside. Bryan kicks Orton in the chest, but Orton wrenches his arm hard and kicks at Bryan’s elbow, sending him to the outside. Batista buries his shoulder in Orton’s midsection, then clotheslines Orton in the corner. Batista shoulders Orton, but Orton drops down and hits his signature backbreaker. Orton knocks Bryan from the apron to the floor, and Orton is sent to the outside by Batista. Batista picks Orton up and slams him back first into the ring apron before slamming his head off of the announcer’s table. Batista whips Orton into the barricade hard.

Orton fights back with big right hands, but Batista whips Orton into the ring steps before slamming his head into those same steps. Batista tosses aside the top half of the steps, and gets Orton in position for a Batista bomb. Orton counters, back dropping Batista on the ring steps. Orton goes over and grabs Bryan, tossing him shoulder first into the barricade before hitting a belly to back suplex to lay him on the barricade. Orton goes over and hits a belly to back suplex on Batista as well, laying him out on the barricade before standing on the steps and posing to lots of heat from the crowd.

Orton tosses Batista in the ring and goes for the pin, getting two. Orton stomps at Batista’s joints, then puts his finger up to his ear, getting tons of heat. Orton backs up and hits a knee drop on Batista’s face for another two count. Bryan comes in out of nowhere, hitting a missile dropkick from the top rope to both Batista and Orton. Bryan kicks Orton, then Batista, and trades off between the two for a bit. Bryan kicks Batista in the side of the head, but Orton avoids it, hitting an exploder suplex. Orton goes for the pin, but it’s broken up by Batista. Batista shoulders Orton and slams him to the mat for two, before Bryan breaks up the pin.

Batista stomps on Bryan in the corner, but when he charges in, Bryan hits a drop toe hold to send Batista crashing into the middle turnbuckle. Bryan hits three corner dropkicks on Orton, and two on Batista. Bryan seats Orton on the top rope, and follows up, hitting a top rope hurricanrana for two.

Bryan is caught by Batista, who hits a couple of clubbing blows, and suplexes him to the outside from the apron. Batista goes to the top, but he’s stopped by Orton with a series of rights, and a head butt. Orton goes up after Batista and tries for a superplex, but Batista fights back. Orton won’t give up, head butting Batista, and connecting with the superplex. Bryan comes flying in with a flying head butt to Batista out of nowhere. Bryan clamps on the yes lock. Triples H and Stephanie come out through the crowd, and pull the ref from the ring.

Hunter stares at Bryan, and Bryan stands. Bryan walks right into a spinebuster from Batista. Scott Armstrong comes in out of nowhere, and Batista hits the Batista bomb in the middle of the ring. Batista goes for the pin, but Bryan kicks out.

Fans are going wild for Bryan. Batista goes for the spear, but Bryan avoids it and Batista crashes shoulder first into the ring post. Armstrong leans in to check on Bryan, but Bryan kicks him in the side of the head. Bryan leaps out of the ring with a suicide dive, taking out Stephanie, Hunter, and Armstrong.

Hunter gets to his feet and begins looking under the ring. Hunter comes up with the sledge hammer, and he gets to the apron. Bryan kicks Hunter and grabs the hammer, using it to bash Hunter in the face. Bryan rolls up Batista, but Orton breaks it up. Orton tosses Bryan out to the floor and follows, hitting a couple of big uppercuts, then tossing Bryan into the barricade. Orton stomps away at Bryan, and tosses him into a big clothesline from Batista.

Batista and Orton team up, Batista dropping Bryan across the barricade, and Orton slamming the ring steps into Bryan’s shoulder. Batista and Orton stare each other down, and Orton nods at Batista. They immediately begin taking apart two of the announcer’s tables at ringside. Batista pulls one of the monitors out and slams it into Bryan’s shoulder. Orton sets up the stairs next to the table. Batista places Bryan on one of the tables. Batista gets Bryan into position, powerbombing Bryan into a RKO from Orton.

Batista walks over, surveying the damage as trainers come in to check on Bryan and Orton. Medical staff are bringing out a stretcher from the back and heading toward the ring. Batista grabs Orton and pulls him out of the wreckage, slamming him back down as a neck brace is put onto Bryan. Batista slams Orton into the barricade, then throws him into the ring post. Batista slams Orton head first into the apron, then tosses him into the barricade again.

Orton tries to fight back, but Batista hits him with a couple of rights and sends him back into the ring. Bryan is being stretchered to the back. Orton tries for the suspension DDT, but Batista backdrops him to the outside. Orton gets to his feet and hits the suspension DDT from the apron to the arena floor. Bryan is stirring, and he pushes away trainers, getting up off the stretcher.

Bryan crawls toward the ring. Orton throws him into the ring steps. Orton tosses Bryan into the ring, and follows after him. Fans are completely behind Bryan. Orton holds his arms out and calls for more from the fans. Orton drops to the mat and sets up for the RKO. Bryan stands, but he reverses an RKO into the yes lock. Bryan rears back and Orton screams. Batista is in to break it up. He goes to grab Bryan, but Bryan clamps on the yes lock to Batista. Orton breaks the hold this time, and tosses Bryan into the corner.

Orton slams Batista into the corner and hits a series of rights. The crowd is still chanting for Bryan. Orton tries for the RKO on Batista, but Batista shoves him away. Batista goes for the spear, but Orton leaps up and Batista hits Bryan, knocking him from the ring. Orton hits the RKO on Batista, but only gets two.

Orton backs away from Batista, he goes for the punt, but Bryan comes in out of nowhere with the flying knee. Batista tosses Bryan from the ring and goes for the pin, but Orton kicks out at two.

Batista connects with the Batista bomb on Orton, and Bryan hits the flying knee on Batista. Bryan traps Batista in the yes lock, and Batista taps! Daniel Bryan is your new champion!

Winner and NEW WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Daniel Bryan

Everyone is cheering for Bryan and joining in on the yes chants as Bryan holds his titles high. Bryan stands on the announcer’s table and holds his belts up while pyro goes off and confetti blows into the air. THIS is a WrestleMania moment!

Bryan calls for a little girl to come into the ring (his neice, maybe?), along with her mother. He gives both a hug, and continues the celebration.

Bryan screams ‘yes’ over and over, and shoulders both belts. Bryan looks legitimately choked up, laying both titles on the mat and looking down at them. King calls it ‘yeslemania’. The show ends with an insane amount of confetti falling from the ceiling and fans chanting yes.

WWE WrestleMania 30 Results, April 6

Pre-Show Elimination Match for the WWE Tag Team Titles
Cesaro & Jack Swagger vs. Los Matadores vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel vs. The Usos

We go to the ring and Zeb Colter is in the ring for a promo. He introduces The Real Americans and out comes Cesaro and Jack Swagger. Michael Cole welcomes us to the Superdome. He's joined by JBL and Jerry Lawler. Ryback and Curtis Axel are out next. Los Matadores are out next with El Torito. WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos are out next with their big entrance.

Axel starts off with Jey Uso. They lock up and trade holds. Uso takes Axel down and a "we the people" chant starts up. Uso and Axel trade chops. Cesaro avoids a tag from Axel. Axel with a big dropkick on Uso. Ryback tags in and bullies Uso around. Uso fires back but catches a big boot. Ryback readies for a Meathook clothesline but Diego tags himself in and steals a 2 count. Uso goes at it with Diego now. Jimmy Uso tags in for some double teaming. Uso and Diego trade holds. Fernando tags in for some double teaming. 2 count on Uso. Cesaro tags himself in and hits Fernando with uppercuts. Swagger tags in for a big double team in the corner. Swagger levels Fernando for a 2 count. Another "we the people" chant starts up. Fernando with a springboard back elbow and some moves off the ropes. Swagger catches him in mid-air but they both tumble out to the floor. Cesaro gets sent to the floor. Uso sends Ryback to the floor. Fernando dropkicks Uso to the floor. Los Matadores leap out from the top onto everyone else on the floor. El Torito hits the ring and starts jumping on the ropes. He goes up but Axel throws him to the mat. Axel climbs to the top but Matadores stop him. Torito ends up knocking Axel and Matadores out onto everyone else on the floor. All teams are down at ringside. Swagger and one of the Matadores come back in. Swagger hits a superplex into a Patriot Lock and Los Matadores are eliminated.

Uso goes at it with Swagger. Uso blocks a Patriot Lock. They go at it until Axel cuts them off. Ryback comes back in and lifts Uso for a long vertical suplex. Ryback with a 2 count. Ryback with a slam. He comes off the top with a splash. Axel tags in and also hits a splash on Uso for a 2 count. More tags by Ryback and Axel as they keep Uso in their corner. Ryback ends up on the floor and Axel comes in. Uso fights back. Swagger comes in and has a Swagger Bomb blocked by Uso. Ryback comes in with spinebusters. He calls for the clothesline on Swagger and nails it. Ryback goes for Shellshocked on Swagger but Cesaro tags in and makes the save. Ryback sends Swagger to the floor and drop Cesaro. Cesaro nails a huge uppercut on Ryback out of nowhere. Cesaro with the Neutralizer on Ryback for the elimination. Ryback and Axel are eliminated.

Both teams face off in the ring. We get a big "we the people" and they go at it. They end up on the floor and the Usos leap out with splashes. Cesaro ends up in the ring with Jimmy and has a Neutralizer blocked by a jackknife pin. They trade holds and Cesaro goes for the Cesaro Swing but Uso blocks it. Cesaro hits the other Uso with a big uppercut and brings him in. Swagger tags in but they miss a double team move. Uso leaps off the top and takes them both off for a 2 count on Swagger. Swagger blocks the splash in the corner and applies the Patriot Lock. They struggle but Swagger gets it locked in. Cesaro runs in and blocks the other Uso. Cesaro hits a big uppercut. The other Uso with a Samoan Drop on Cesaro. Fans chant "this is awesome" as Cesaro waits for a tag. Both teams tag in. Cesaro runs into Swagger after a throw from Uso and knocks Swagger off the apron. Usos hit a double team move on Cesaro. They go to separate corners and splash Cesaro at the same time for the win.

Winners: The Usos

After the match, The Usos celebrate with their titles before heading up the ramp. Zeb Colter is in the ring with Cesaro, who is still down. Swagger comes in and yells at Cesaro for losing the match and knocking him off the apron. Fans start chanting for Cesaro. Zeb tries to calm Swagger down. Swagger applies the Patriot Lock on Cesaro, briefly before Zeb stops him. Zeb and Swagger argue. Zeb tells Swagger to shake hands and apologize. Swagger extends his hand and fans boo. Fans chant "no" as Cesaro gets to his feet. They shake hands but Cesaro tackles him and does a big Cesaro Swing. Zeb looks on and throws a fit in the corner. Cesaro sends Swagger flying and the crowd pops. Cesaro gets the crowd hype and they do a big "we the people" as he makes his exit to the Real Americans theme. Cesaro heads up the ramp and looks back at the ring smiling.

WrestleMania 30 Opener:

The show opens with a video package highlighting WrestleMania being in New Orleans with a bit of the history of Mania shown, intercut with footage of a Jazz band walking down the street, and revelers in Mardi Gras style costumes partying with WWE Superstars. We also get a bit of hype for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match, Bryan/Triple H and Cena/Wyatt.

An amazing amount of pyro goes off, and the crowd is HOT as Michael Cole welcomes us to WrestleMania XXX. Justin Roberts welcomes the host of WrestleMania, Hulk Hogan, who comes out to a big pop from the fans in attendance.

Hogan poses at the top of the ramp before heading down the very long walkway to the ring.

Hogan has the mic, and he soaks up some of the Hogan chants for a bit, smiling and looking around at the crowd. He says he’s going to tell the crowd something, brother. First off, he’d like to welcome everyone at the SilverDome to WrestleMania, as well as everyone watching the WWE Network. Of course we’re really at the SUPERDome. He talks about being at the first WrestleMania, and now at WrestleMania XXX, he can’t believe he’s the guest host for WrestleMania. Hogan apologizes and says he is at the SuperDome after the fans chant ‘SuperDome’ for a bit. He talks about thinking about slamming Andre at WrestleMania 3, and that’s why he brought up the SuperDome. He says tonight will be full of WrestleMania moments, and you never know… and he’s then interrupted by Stone Cold Steve Austin’s music!

Austin makes his way toward the ring while Lawler shouts ‘Special moment! Special moment!’. Austin mounts the turnbuckle and throws up his arms, getting some huge pops from the crowd. Austin has a mic of his own and he gets eye to eye with Hogan. Austin says if you’re ready for WrestleMania XXX, give him a hell yeah! Austin says it’s good to be back at the SilverDome in a nice little dig. Austin says normally, he’s come out and open up a can of whoop ass, and beat the hell out of whoever’s in the ring. He asks the fans if they want to see him open a can of whoop ass, and they give another hell yeah. Austin says he was next to Hogan at the Hall of Fame, and he saw everything Hogan did through the years at WrestleMania. Hogan kicked a lot of ass, and they’ve both been protective of their legacy. Austin says after the dues he’s paid, Austin’s got nothing but respect for Hogan. They shake hands, and Hogan gets the crowd to give Austin a hell yeah, which they do. Austin says tonight’s about wrestlers coming out and giving their best because of the road that Hogan and he laid down over the years. Tonight is the night for the current regime of superstars to come out and give everything they’ve got for the fans. But always remember that ‘Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass’. Austin is in turn interrupted by The Rock’s music.

Rock walks out on stage to another big pop from the fans. Rock walks the length of the stage and it gives you an idea of how HUGE the setup for tonight really is, and the scale of the arena. The SuperSilverDome is PACKED!

JBL calls this trio the Mount Rushmore of sports entertainment. Rock gives Hogan a hug, and slaps hands with, then hugs Austin. Rock grabs a mic of his own. He says it is a true WrestleMania moment when all five of your senses are on fire. He says you see it, hear it, and smell it, because finally, The Rock has come back to New Orleans. Which means finally, Rock has come back to WrestleMania. By the way, it means that he, Austin and Hogan have finally come back to the SuperDome. He shakes Hogan’s hand and smiles while the fans chant for the SuperDome. When Rock looks across this ring, he doesn’t see two of the biggest legends, or icons of all time. He sees his good buddy Austin, and his childhood hero Hogan, and without a shadow of a doubt, he sees without question, the two biggest names in the history of the WWE.

Rock says he’s had the honor of facing both men at WrestleMania, and they’ve had an impact on Rock’s career, and on the locker room. And tonight, a man’s going to come out and fight in the name of hustle, loyalty and respect, but tonight, someone doesn’t come out to do that if it wasn’t for someone coming out talking about eating their vitamins and saying their prayers. Tonight, someone’s going to rise up against the authority, fans begin chanting ‘yes’. Here’s another fact, Rock says a lot of fans have birthdays nine months after WrestleMania, because after watching WrestleMania, fans were so full of passion, that they had to go start making babies. Rock says there’ll be a lot of Rock babies around January. Rock rattles off some of the famous stars that have been at WrestleMania over the years, rhyming the whole time. Rock says it’s an honor to be in front of the Universe, and it’s boots to asses time, if you smell what the Rock is cooking. Austin says that’s the bottom line ’cause Stone Cold says so. Hogan asks whatcha gonna do when Austin, the Rock, Hogan, and the SUPERDome run wild on you? Austin hands out the beers, and Lawler says the celebration is just beginning.

- Michael Cole says this never gets old. JBL calls it the best WrestleMania in history, and says it hasn’t even started yet.

- Cole begins hyping Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H, and we get a video package highlighting the history of Daniel Bryan, which looks to be the opening match.

- Back at ringside, Justin Roberts welcomes Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie says she’s honored to introduce the most powerful member of the WWE, and the future World Heavyweight Champion, the King of Kings, Triple H. Hunter gets a pretty epic ring entrance, coming out of a giant throne in front of a huge metal skull in the background while intense classical music plays. Hunter has a couple of girls sitting around him on the throne. He’s wearing a crazy golden skull mask/crown, and a red robe. The girls take the robe off of Hunter, and he removes the crown/mask combo. The lights go out, and Hunter makes his way down the ramp to his normal entrance music.

Hunter actually gets a pretty favorable reaction from the crowd, as Stephanie stands in the ring, clapping for her husband.

Daniel Bryan’s music hits, and the fans are going wild, chanting ‘yes!’ and throwing their arms up in unison with Bryan as he makes his way down to the ring.

Stephanie scowls at Bryan, and gives Hunter a kiss before exiting the ring. The bell rings, and we’re ready to begin.

Hunter smirks at Bryan, and both men stare each other down while the fans chant for Bryan.

Hunter offers his hand to Bryan, but Bryan kicks it away and goes for a roll up, getting a two count. Hunter charges and backs Bryan into the corner. Bryan ducks a punch and kicks at Hunter’s chest until Hunter bails, heading to the outside, and into the arms of Stephanie. Stephanie tries to calm Hunter down and Bryan offers his hand to Hunter.

Hunter slowly makes his way back into the ring. We get another lockup and Hunter goes to work on Bryan’s taped up arm. Bryan fights out of the hold and knocks Hunter away with a dropkick before taking Hunter over with a headlock takeover. Hunter fights up to his feet, pushing Bryan off and taking him to the mat with a shoulder block. Hunter hits the ropes and runs right into a knee to the gut from Bryan. Bryan takes Hunter over with another headlock takeover.

Hunter reverses things with a headscissors, but it’s not long before Bryan fights out and gets Hunter into another headlock. Bryan and Hunter wrestle on the mat for a bit before standing. Bryan hits a couple of big uppercuts, and Bryan goes right back to the headlock. Hunter backs Bryan into the corner and buries his shoulder in Bryan’s midsection. Hunter slams Bryan’s arm down across the rope. Bryan comes back with a forearm and a couple of kicks, but Hunter grabs Bryan’s leg and jams it down into the mat. Hunter grabs Bryan’s arm and heads to the outside, looking to use the ring post, but Bryan pulls his arm back. Bryan hits Hunter with a dropkick through the ropes, sending him crashing back to the floor. Bryan goes to the apron and leaps off, planting Hunter with a flying tornado DDT.

Stephanie looks concerned, checking on Hunter. Bryan goes to the top rope and leaps off, front flipping right into Hunter’s face. Bryan hits the gound hard and immediately grabs at his ribs. Bryan brings things back into the ring for a quick two count.

Bryan heads to the top rope, but Hunter hits the ropes and crotches Bryan on the top turnbuckle. Stephanie is screaming at Bryan, trash talking him the whole time. Hunter clotheslines Bryan, sending him crashing out to the floor. Hunter follows out and takes apart the announcer’s table. Hunter sets up for a pedigree on the announcer’s table, but Bryan fights it off. Hunter grabs Bryan’s arm and jumps to the floor, slamming Bryan’s arm and shoulder into the announcer’s table.

Bryan struggles, but makes it back into the ring at 7. Hunter drives an elbow down into Bryan’s side, then drops a couple of knees to the injured body part. Hunter wrenches Bryan’s arm back, stretching Bryan while Stephanie looks on. Bryan won’t give up, and he fights to his feet and out of the hold. Hunter hits a knee to the chest and tosses Bryan into the ropes. Bryan low bridges Hunter and sends him to the floor. Bryan sets up for the suicide dive,but he runs face first into a big right hand from Hunter.

Hunter gets Bryan onto the apron, and he belly to back suplexes Bryan on the apron, keeping Bryan’s arm trapped behind his back the whole time. Bryan screams in pain while Stephanie continues to talk trash. Bryan still won’t give up, making it back into the ring at 9. Hunter goes right back to work on the arm, clamping on a modified cross face chicken wing.

Hunter drives Bryan o the mat and locks in a crossface. Bryan inches toward the ropes, grabbing hold and forcing Hunter to break the hold. Hunter waits to break the hold, using the ref’s count to his advantage. Hunter grabs Bryan’s arm and wrenches it hard, driving him down to the mat. Hunter picks Bryan up and hits him with a couple of big rights, backing him into the corner where he continues hitting Bryan in the face repeatedly. Bryan blocks a right and comes up with one of his own. Bryan and Hunter trade rights. Bryan ducks a clothesline and hits a flying forearm, knocking the Game to the mat.

Bryan scores with a couple of kicks, but Hunter kicks him back low. Bryan does his backflip, but Hunter sees it coming. Bryan is able to catch Hunter with a bridging German suplex for two, but he hangs on. We get a second bridging German for another two, but Hunter blocks an attempted third suplex with another cross face chicken wing. Hunter traps Bryan’s arms, and suplexes him back, dumping Bryan right on his head. Hunter goes for the pin, but he’s only able to get two.

Hunter picks Bryan up and seats him on the top turnbuckle. Hunter follows Bryan up and goes for a superplex. Bryan blocks it and both men get in a couple of shots to the ribs. Bryan flips through and takes Hunter over with a sunset powerbomb from the middle rope.

Bryan catches Hunter with a dropkick in the corner, then another. When he tries for a third, he runs right into a giant clothesline from Triple H.

Hunter picks Bryan up and goes for the pedigree, but Bryan fights out and rolls Hunter up for two. Bryan stands and kicks Hunter in the side of the head, dropping him to the mat. Bryan heads to the top rope, leaping off with a flying head butt. Hunter gets his knee up, and goes right back into the cross face. Bryan crawls toward the rope, but Bryan is starting to fade. Bryan tries to roll Hunter up, but Hunter rolls through and Bryan ends up back in the middle of the ring. Bryan crawls toward the other side of the ring.

Bryan refuses to give up, and he rolls Hunter up for two. Hunter breaks the hold, and Bryan transitions right into the yes lock. Hunter is screaming in pain. Hunter drags Bryan toward the ropes, and he’s able to grab on to them to force a break.

Hunter rolls out to the floor where he collapses. Bryan stands in the middle of the ring, hits the ropes, and flies through them with a suicide dive. Bryan heads back in and hits a second suicide dive. Bryan tattoos Hunter’s chest with a couple of big kicks against the barricade. Bryan sends Hunter into the ring and heads to the top, flying off with a huge missile dropkick. Bryan kips up, and kicks Hunter in the chest, getting big yes chants from the crowd. Bryan rears back and hits a big kick to the side of Hunter’s head, but it’s still not enough for three.

Bryan stands in the corner, and gets himself psyched up. Bryan goes for the flying knee, but he runs right into a spinebuster from Hunter. Hunter hits the pedigree and goes for the pin, but Bryan kicks out at two!

Hunter backs into the ropes, looking distraught. Hunter uses the ropes to stand, and Bryan catches him in a small package for two.

Hunter stands and picks Bryan up, dragging him into the corner. Hunter lays in with a series of right hands. Hunter picks Bryan up to his feet, and he goes for another pedigree. Bryan flips Hunter over into a pin for two. Hunter hangs on to Bryan’s arms and goes for the pedigree again, but Bryan drops to his knees. Hunter hits a couple of knees to the side of Bryan’s head, driving him to the mat. Hunter goes for the pedigree again, but Bryan reverses out with a kick to the side of the head. Hunter avoids another kick, but misses with a suplex. Bryan lands on his feet, and hits the flying knee, dropping Hunter to the mat. Bryan goes for the pin and gets the three count.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

Bryan celebrates, and Stephanie is in, slapping Bryan across the face. Bryan smiles, but he’s attacked from behind by Hunter. Hunter grabs Bryan’s arm and puts it against the ring post. Hunter grabs a chair and whacks Bryan’s arm. Bryan grabs at his arm while Stephanie gives Bryan a frowny face. The trainer is in checking on Bryan while Stephanie and Hunter walk up the ramp toward the back.

Bryan walks to the back with the ref and trainer trailing him. Bryan yells that he’s fine, and we cut to a Mountain Dew commercial.

- Back in the arena, the New Age Outlaws make their way to the ring. Road Dogg talks about how they’re representing the Authority, and the hounds of justice are about to learn a lesson. They’re interrupted by The Shield’s music, and Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins make their way to the ring through the crowd to a big pop from the fans.

Kane’s music hits, and the big red machine makes his way down toward the ring with the Outlaws in tow.

Six Man Tag Team Match
The New Age Outlaws and Kane vs. The Shield

Ambrose and Kane look to kick things off. Kane takes Ambrose right into the corner with a series of strikes. Ambrose comes right back, hitting a rebound lariat. Reigns and Billy Gunn tag in. Reigns hits a couple of big clotheslines. Reigns ducks a clothesline from Billy and hits a flying clothesline. Reigns hits another flying clothesline on Dogg, then a Samoan drop on Kane. Reigns splashes Dogg, and avoids a splash from Billy. Reigns hits his kick to the side of the head on both Gunn and Dogg. Reigns hits the superman punch on Dogg, but Kane blocks a second attempt. Kane goes for a chokeslam, but it’s broken up by Rollins. Rollins sends Kane to the outside and leaps out on top of him. Ambrose takes Dogg to the outside and slams him into the barricade. Reigns hits a superman punch on Gunn. Rollins and Ambrose dive onto the Outlaws on the outside. Reigns hits a spear on Kane, and then a double spear on the Outlaws, this one is crazy!

The Shield grab both Outlaws, and put them up for a three-man double powerbomb for Reigns, it’s a pretty insane visual. Rollins pins Gunn, and this one is over.

Winners: The Shield


Sgt. Slaughter and Hacksaw are shown playing with some WWE toys. Hacksaw beats Slaughter, and asks who’s next. Rickie Steamboat comes in, and says he’ll take Duggan on. An announcer comes in and grabs the toys, saying they belong to someone else. Ted Dibiase comes in and says everyone’s got a price for the million dollar man. Ron Simmons comes in from out of nowhere with a surprised ‘Damn!’.

- Big Show’s music hits in the arena, and it’s time for the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

Everyone’s in the ring already for this one. Sheamus comes out next, and gets a decent reaction from the fans in attendance.

Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Things are crazy, with everyone brawling from the get-go. Yoshi Tatsu is eliminated. Kofi Kingston is able to avoid elimination, and he and Cody Rhodes kick at each other for a bit before heading back into the ring. Brad Maddox is eliminated after a big chop from Khali.

Brodus Clay is sent to the apron, and chopped in the head by Khali, sending Brodus to the floor. 3 Man Band get together and are able to eliminate Khali with a bit of help. This whole thing is a mess. Zack Ryder is eliminated by 3MB.

There’s not much to say as everyone is punching and kicking each other with some eliminations sprinkled in. Darren Young is sent to the outside. Mark Henry takes out Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal together before tossing Heath Slater out on top of them. Big Show topples Mark Henry over the top and to the floor.

Big Show pie faces Titus O’Neil over the top rope and to the outside. Santino’s got the cobra out and ready. Miz tries to fight it off, but Xavier Woods ends up breaking things up. Woods punches at Santino, but Santino ends up connecting with the cobra to Miz, who’s on the apron, sending him to the outside. Alberto Del rio sends Santino over the top and to the outside with a clothesline. Sheamus and Cesaro fights. Cody Rhodes hits the beautiful disaster kick on Sandow, and Goldust sends him out.

Big E is able to eliminate Justin Gabriel, then David Otunga. Big E goes to the apron, and he pulls Fandango out with him. Both men fight on the apron. Fandango kicks Big E in the head, and Big E falls to the floor. Fandango dances on the apron for a bit, gloating, but Sheamus traps his arms and hits some clubbing blows to the dancer’s chest, somewhere around 30, before he shoves Fandango to the floor.

Big Show presses R-Truth and sends him crashing out to the floor. Mysterio begs off from Show,and Show stares down at him. Tyson Kidd heads to the top, but Del Rio hits an enzugiri that sends him crashing to the floor. Cody Rhodes almost eliminates Cesaro, but Cesaro hangs on. Del Rio hits Goldust with an enzugiri that sends him to the floor, eliminating him. Cody and Del Rio square off. Cody sits on the top turnbuckle, and Del Rio shoves him to the outside. Sheamus tries to eliminate Big Show. Mysterio hits the 619 on Del Rio. Mysterio goes to the top and sends Cesaro into the ropes, but Cesaro grabs hits legs, sends him to the apron, and hits a giant uppercut to knock Rey to the floor. Ziggler jumps on Cesaro’s back, and he hits a giant pop-up uppercut. Kife attacks Cesaro, and Kofi falls out, but his feet don’t hit the floor, and he stands on the ring steps. Kofi heads to the top and leaps on top of Cesaro, then hits Sheamus with a springboard cross body, and hits truoble in paradise on Del Rio. Kofi hits trouble in paradise on Big Show as well. Cesaro catches Kofi’s leg, and he goes into the big swing. Cesaro gets in a ton of revolutions, I lost count, but he eats a chokeslam from Show. Sheamus hits the brogue kick on Show, and eliminates Kofi with another Brogue kick.

Ziggler DDT’s Sheamus, but he’s eliminated by DelRio. It’s down to Del Rio, Sheamus, Big Show, and Cesaro. Sheamus and Del Rio square off. Sheamus shoulders Del Rio, but Del Rio fights out and locks on the cross armbreaker. Sheamus picks Del Rio up and both men fall out over the top rope. It’s down to Cesaro and Show.

Show goes for the chokeslam, but Cesaro fights out. Cesaro goes for a clothesline over the top, but he can’t get Show out. Show tosses Cesaro out to the apron. Cesaro gets to the top, but leaps right into a giant chop to the chest. Show picks Cesaro up and shoulders him. Cesaro fights out of it, and he picks Show up, and body slams him over the top rope to win the match.

Winner: Cesaro

Big Show offers Cesaro his hand, and he shakes it, offering his respect. We get a replay of Cesaro lifting Show, and it is really an incredible display of strength, as he held show up for a good couple of seconds before dumping him over the top.

Cesaro is given the trophy, and he lifts it high over his head, to the cheers of the crowd.

- We get a video package for Cena vs. Wyatt, which highlights some of the history of John Cena in general, and some of the more recent history between Cena and Wyatt that lead directly to this match.

- Back in the arena, a woman is dancing with swords in front of flaming barrels, and somewhat of a voodoo-looking altar. She dances while tribal style drums play, and then Bray Wyatt is shown lighting his lantern. Harper and Rowan walk in, and Wyatt tells New Orleans that they’re here. A live band plays Bray out to the ring, some of the members are wearing creepy masks, and the singer has his face painted like a skull.

Wyatt makes his way down to the ring with Harper and Rowan in tow, and the crowd is eerily quiet.

The lights come up, and Bray does have a good amount of fans in attendance here at the SuperDome.

John Cena’s music hits, and he makes his way out to a bit of boos, but a good bit of love from the fans in New Orleans.

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

Harper and Rowan make their way to the floor, and Bray sits on the top rope. The bell rings, and we’re ready to go. Bray drops to his knees, and spreads his arms. He tells Cena this can end right now. He tells Cena to give the fans what they came to see. He tells Cena to finish him. Cena yells at Wyatt to get up.

Wyatt charges, and Cena takes him down with a side headlock. Wyatt fights up to his feet, and pushes Cena into the corner. Cena takes Wyatt back down to the mat with another headlock takeover. Wyatt fights up once more, and hits a back elbow to break the hold. Wyatt knocks Cena to the mat with a big right hand. Wyatt takes Cena into the corner and hits a couple of big body shots, laughing and saying Cena doesn’t even want to fight him. Wyatt kicks at Cena’s head disrespectfully, then hits him with another big right. Wyatt drops a couple of big head butts, then stomps down repeatedly on Cena’s chest.

Wyatt sends Cena into the ropes and hits a huge flying back elbow. Wyatt screams to the crowd that this is their hero, before dropping an elbow on the crown of Cena’s head. Wyatt whips Cena across the ring hard, and Cena looks to be ‘Hulking up’. Cena stands, and hits Bray with a giant running clothesline. Cena looks upset with himself, putting his head on the turnbuckle for a bit before turning around and punching and ripping at Wyatt’s face. Wyatt laughs, so Cena picks him up and drops him with a huge right. Cena punches at Wyatt in the corner for a bit.

Harper and Rowan get up to the apron, but Bray shouts at them to get down. Cena chokes Wyatt and continues ripping at his face. Cena picks Bray up and hits a huge forearm, then a running big boot. Cena stares down at Harper and Rowan, and Harper tells Cena to let it out. Cena mounts Bray with a series of punches, and screams, seemingly upset with himself.

Cena looks conflicted, dropping to his knees and grabbing his head in his hands. Wyatt stands and kicks Cena in the knee, then suplexes him over, simply throwing him across the ring. Wyatt mounts Cena and hits a series of forearms to Cena’s face.

Wyatt picks Cena up by the ears. Cena ducks a clothesline and hits a big dropkick. Fans are chanting for Daniel Bryan. Bray whips Cena into the ropes, and locks in a sleeper hold.

Cena fights up to his feet, but Bray kicks Cena in the chest and goes right back into the sleeper. Wyatt smiles at Harper on the outside, and Harper smiles back. Cena fights back up to his feet, and powers out of the hold. Wyatt goes for another kick, but Cena ducks and hits two flying shoulder blocks. Cena follows up with the belly to back suplex, and here come the boos. Cena tells Bray he can’t see him, and he hits the ropes, but Wyatt pops up into the spider walk. Rowan causes a distraction, and Wyatt his a urunage for a two count.

The crowd is singing ‘he’s got the whole world in his hands’, while Bray conducts them, before he backs up and splashes Cena in the corner. Bray goes for another splash, but Cena stops him with a boot to the face, and hits a tornado DDT for a two count.

Cena heads to the top rope slowly. Cena leaps off, but Bray catches him and powerbombs him to the mat for two. Wyatt screams at Cena, but Cena’s able to take him to the mat. Cena hits another belly to back suplex, and connects with the five knuckle shuffle. Cena shoulders Wyatt, but Wyatt fights out, gets John Cena in a cradle, and tosses Cena around so he lands chest first on Wyatt’s knee. Cena rolls to the apron, and Wyatt hits him with a big right. Wyatt goes to the apron. Cena shoulders Wyatt, but Wyatt fights out and DDT’s Cena on the ring apron.

Wyatt drags Cena into the ring and gets two. The crowd continues to sing for Bray, and Bray looks pretty happy about it. Wyatt seats Cena on the top rope and slaps him hard, then head butts him. Wyatt follows up after Cena, going for the superplex. Cena fights back, hitting Bray with a couple of head butts of his own and sending him crashing to the mat. Cena stands on the top rope, and leaps out with a giant cross body to the outside, taking out Harper and Rowan.

Wyatt follows Cena to the outside, kicking at him and throwing him into the ring steps. Wyatt grabs the upper half of the steps, but Cena pops up and kicks Bray in the gut, then sends him shoulder first into the ring post. Cena grabs the top half of the steps, and raises them over his head, but he tosses them to the ground. Cena sends Wyatt back into the ring, and he eats another flying back elbow from Bray for two.

Wyatt cradles Cena’s head in his lap and begins to sing ‘he’s got the whole world in his hands’. Wyatt gets up and goes for a senton splash, but Cena rolls out of the way. Cena hits the AA, but Wyatt is able to kick out at two.

Rowan struggles to get into the ring, but the ref holds him back. Harper catches Cena with a kick to the side of the head while the ref’s distracted, and Wyatt follows up with a senton splash for two. Wyatt sends Cena through the ropes and to the outside.

Cena pops up and sees Harper standing near him. Cena spears Harper into the timekeeper’s area through the barricade. Wyatt stomps on Cena and asks Harper if he’s ok. Wyatt brings things back into the ring. Wyatt bends over backwards in the corner to look at Cena, then he goes for Sister Abigail. Cena turns it around, clamping Wyatt into the STF. Wyatt reaches the ropes and forces Cena to break the hold.

Wyatt catches Cena out of nowhere with Sister Abigail, but Cena is able to kick out at two. Wyatt looks shocked, but still smiles and laughs in the corner.

Wyatt heads to the floor and rips apart the Spanish announcer’s table. Wyatt grabs a steel chair, and brings it back into the ring with him. Rowan distracts the ref, and Wyatt tosses the chair to Cena. Wyatt gets down on his knees, and spreads his arms wide again, telling Cena to finish him. Cena has the chair in his hands, and Wyatt is screaming at Cena. Cena rears back with the chair, but uses it to hit Rowan on the apron. Wyatt rolls up Cena for two. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail again, but Cena counters into the AA. Cena pins Wyatt for three.

Winner: John Cena

The Wyatt’s stagger to the back as Cena celebrates in the ring, saluting the crowd. Cena hugs family members, and high fives fans, then hugs the Rock’s mom before heading to the back.

- Cole talks about the tradition of the night before WrestleMania, and the Hall of Fame induction ceremony. We get a recap of the inductees, and snippets of their speeches to the crowd.

- When we cut back to the arena, Howard Finkel introduces all members of the class of 2014 WWE Hall of Fame inductees. Everyone gets nice pops from the crowd. Lita gets lots of love, as does Scott Hall, and of course so does the Ultimate Warrior.

- Daniel Bryan is shown in the back being checked out by the trainer. Bryan grimaces as he lifts his arm and clenches his fist.

- Cole says that it’s streak time, as he throws it to a video package highlighting the history of the streak, and the threat that Brock Lesnar poses to the streak tonight.

Brock Lesnar vs. Undertaker

Back in the arena, Brock Lesnar’s music hits, and the Lesnar makes his way to the ring to a nice pop, getting some impressive pyro on his way to the ring. Of course Lesnar’s also got Heyman in tow.

Taker of course gets a very ominous and creepy entrance. There’s a nice video package as well, which shows the victims of the streak, falling to Undertaker over the years. The lights go out, and Taker comes out to a great reaction from the fans.

Taker turns his head to the left as he comes out on the ramp, and a casket with the number 22 on it pops open, in a bit of foreshadowing for Lesnar. Lightning comes down and strikes the casket, setting it on fire, and Lesnar looks concerned. It’s worth noting that Taker’s in some old school Taker attire, with his wide brimmed hat and duster jacket, instead of the hooded robe outfit he’s worn more recently.

Taker and Lesnar get eye to eye before backing away slowly. The bell rings, and Lesnar goes for a right hand. Taker blocks it and lays in with a series of body shots and strikes to the face. Lesnar comes back, whipping Taker across the ring and hitting a belly to belly suplex. Lesnar clotheslines Taker over the top rope, and Taker lands on his feet. Taker gets up to the apron and Lesnar buries his knee in Taker’s stomach. Lesnar hits a couple of clubbing blows to Taker’s chest, but Taker sends Lesnar’s neck snapping across the top rope. Taker comes back into the ring and hits a series of right hands before wrapping Lesnar’s arm around the top rope and wrenching back. Taker sends Lesnar shoulder first into the ring post.

Lesnar bails to the outside and Taker follows, sending Brock crashing shoulder first into the ring post again. Taker pushes Brock back into the ring and he follows, wrenching Brock’s arm and heading to the top. Brock avoids Old School by catching Taker with a big right hand. Lesnar whips Taker across the ring, but he misses a spear and connects shoulder first with the ring post again. Both men head to the outside and Taker slams Lesnar’s head into the ring steps, then kicks at Brock’s arm. Right hands from Taker stagger Lesnar, sending him reeling. Taker sends Lesnar into the ring, and places his head on the apron. Taker kicks Lesnar in the side of the head, then stands on the apron, hitting a big leg drop across Lesnar’s throat.

Taker picks Lesnar up and shoulders him, dropping him face first on the turnbuckle. Taker goes for a chokeslam, but Lesnar fights out and shoulders Taker. Taker fights down to his feet and shoves Lesnar into the corner. Taker charges in with a big boot, but Lesnar ducks and Taker gets caught on the top rope. Lesnar grabs Taker’s leg and slams him ankle, then his thigh into the ring post. Lesnar hits Taker with some clubbing blows on the outside, but he walks right into a big elbow to the nose. Lesnar grabs Taker’s leg and plants him on the floor, sending him crashing to his back hard. Brock sends Taker back into the ring, and he follows, kicking him in the chest.

Lesnar grabs Taker’s leg and slams it to the mat, then kicks him in the chest again. Lesnar knees Taker in the side, then chokes Taker with his boot. Lesnar drags Taker to the middle of the ring and stomps away at him. Lesnar punches Taker, and knocks him back to the mat. Heyman yells for Lesnar to break him down. Lesnar kicks Taker in the back of the knee, then stomps repeatedly at Taker’s knee. Lesnar wraps Taker’s let around the bottom rope and wrenches back. Taker drops down to the floor.

Lesnar follows to the outside and kicks Taker in the back of the leg. Taker blocks a whip into the ring steps, but ends up whipped into the barricade instead. Lesnar sends Taker back into the ring, and he follows. Lesnar powers Taker up, and suplexes him over. Lesnar knees Taker repeatedly in the chest, and Taker falls to the mat.

Brock clubs Taker’s back repeatedly, but Taker won’t stay down. Body shots from Lesnar stagger Taker. Lesnar whips Taker into the ropes, and Taker comes back with a DDT out of nowhere.

Both men stagger to their feet, and Lesnar runs into a big boot from Taker. Taker hits a big right hand, then another few. Taker whips Brock into the corner and follows with a big clothesline. Taker backs up and hits another running clothesline. Taker shoulders Brock and drops him face first into the top turnbuckle again, the hits a big boot. Taker hits a leg drop and pins Brock for two.

Taker signals for the chokeslam while Heyman screams. Taker gets Lesnar up and slams him to the mat, but he’s only able to get a two count.

Taker shoulders Lesnar, but Lesnar fights out and shoulders Taker, hitting the F5. Lesnar goes for the pin, but Taker kicks out at two.

Lesnar stands over Taker, and Taker gets him in Hell’s gate out of nowhere. Lesnar teases tapping, but instead, he stands and picks Taker up, slamming him back down to the mat to break the hold.

Both men struggle to get to their feet, and Heyman screams encouragement at Lesnar. Lesnar pulls Taker into the middle of the ring, and Taker clamps on Hell’s gate again. Lesnar won’t quit, again picking Taker up and slamming him back down to the mat hard.

Both men get to their knees, and Lesnar traps Taker in the kimura lock. Taker screams in pain, but he refuses to give up. Taker reverses the hold into a kimura of his own. Lesnar sweeps Taker’s leg, but Taker won’t break the hold. Lesnar gets to the ropes to force a break.

Lesnar backs Taker into the corner and hits a couple of shots to the kidney, then buries his shoulder in Taker’s midsection. Lesnar backs up and runs right into a big boot from Taker. Taker looks exhausted. Taker grabs Lesnar’s arm and heads to the top rope. Taker walks the ropes, but falls across Lesnar’s shoulders for another F5. Taker is still able to kick out at two.

Taker uses the ropes to pull himself up. Lesnar stalks Taker, sending him over with a big German suplex. Lesnar keeps his hands clasped and hits another big German, launching Taker across the ring.

Brock walks over to Taker in the corner, and stomps away at his chest, hard. Lesnar picks Taker up and continues to lay in with shots to the body. Lesnar stands on the middle rope and hits Taker with a series of rights. Taker grabs Lesnar and hits him with a powerbomb, not quite a last ride, but still impressive.

Taker waits for Lesnar to stand, and he shoulders him. Taker hits the tombstone, and he pins Lesnar, but Lesnar kicks out at two, and Taker looks worried.

Undertaker sits straight up. He drags his thumb across his throat, then picks Lesnar up. Taker shoulders Lesnar, but Lesnar counters, getting Taker over his shoulders again. Lesnar hits a third F5, and gets the three count.

Winner: Brock Lesnar

Fans are completely in shock, and there are many, many dropped jaws. It’s like the air completely went out of the SuperDome. Fans are not happy with the outcome of this match.

Crowd shots continue to show people saying ‘Wow!’ or simply shaking their head. Lesnar walks to the back with Heyman telling Brock how great he is. Lesnar raises his hands high, and Taker is still laid out in the ring.

Taker sits up slowly, then falls to his back. He sits up again, and fans are chanting, and clapping for the dead man. Taker gets to his knees, and slowly makes it up to his feet.

The announcer’s, and fans all stand to clap for Taker. Lots of ‘Thank you Taker’ chants from the crowd, as 21-1 is shown on screens around the arena.

Taker walks slowly to the back. Fans are cheering for Taker, but still seem completely in shock. You have to wonder what this means for a possible match against Sting at Mania 31. Taker’s music plays, and he walks slowly into the fog.

- It’s time for the Vickie Guerrero Invitational. AJ Lee is the first Diva to make her way out to the ring, and I’m guessing we won’t be seeing too much life out of the fans for this match after the gut-punch that was the last match.

All the other Diva’s are in the ring.

Vickie Guerrero excuses herself, and wishes all of the Diva’s good luck, especially AJ.

Vickie Guerrero Invitational

AJ and Tamina go back to back as soon as the bell rings, and things break down, right into a big brawl. I’m guessing this will be an even bigger mess than the Andre the Giant battle royal. Layla tries to body press the Bella’s, but is caught and slammed down across their knees. Natalya takes Alicia Fox to the mat, then Summer Rae, and someone else, and tries for a triple sharpshooter, but is rolled up. A lot of Diva’s suplex the other Diva’s, and everyone goes for the pin. The ref counts for everyone, but every pin is broken up.

Emma traps someone in the tarantula hold before splashing Summer Rae in the corner. Alicia Fox hits an axe kick on Emma. Layla kicks Fox. Aksana slams Layla. Natalya slams Aksana. Everyone gets a shot in. Tamina superkicks Cameron. Eva Maria shoves Tamina to the mat. Tamina doesn’t look too happy. She stands and chases Eva to the outside. Brie hits a missile dropkick, sending Tamina to the outside. The Bella’s hit the ropes and dive out on top of all of their competitors.

Brie and Nikki get back in the ring and stare each other down. We get a bit of shoving, and Nikki shoulders Brie, dropping to her knees and racking Brie across her back. A pin is broken up, and Fox hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on one, and Natalya suplexes the other. Tamina hits a Samoan drop on Natalya, then heads to the top. Tamina is shoved by Naomi, and she falls to the outside. Aksana stops Naomi on the top rope, and hits a superplex while being powerbombed by Natalya. Tamina drags both women from the ring. Natalya drops Tamina with a clothesline. AJ locks in the octopus hold on Naomi,and Naomi is forced to tap out.

Winner and STILL WWE Divas Champion: AJ Lee

AJ walks over to Vickie to grab her title, and she holds it high, laughing and screaming ‘forever’. Aj smirks at Vickie before skipping and twirling around the ring.


Mene Gene Okerlund is standing by. He invites the host of WrestleMania XXX. Hulk says they’re rocking the SuperDome. Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff walk in. Piper compliments Hogan. He says he knows talking is not Hogan’s strong suit, and he heard Hogan yapping about beating them at WrestleMania 1. Orndorff says he always heard that he lost the match at the first WrestleMania, and asks how it makes him feel. Orndorff said if he’d had a partner that watched his back, he wouldn’t have lost it. Mr T. is in out of nowhere, and he says he pities the fool who talks about his man Hulk. Pat Patterson is in in old school referee attire and asks to break it up. Hogan tells Piper to be a man and let it go. Everyone shakes hands, Piper even shakes hands with Mr. T after some belly-aching.

- Bruno Sammartino, Harley Race, Bob Backlund, Dusty Rhodes and Bret Hart are shown sitting ringside.

- It’s time for the main event, as Rev Theory is out playing Randy Orton’s theme. Orton walks slowly to the ring to little reaction from the fans in the crowd.

Batista is out next, and the Animal gets more boos than Orton on his way into the stadium. Batista surprisingly doesn’t get a super-impressive display of pyro on his way down the ramp.

Daniel Bryan is the last man to make his way down to the ring, and he’s the first thing to breathe life into the crowd since that Taker loss. Bryan is holding his arm and only ‘yes’-ing with one arm on his way down to the ring.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan

We get formal ring introductions for all three men involved and we are ready to go!

Bryan charges in and hits a dropkick to Orton in the corner. Batista goes for the Batista bomb on Bryan, but Bryan counters with a hurricanrana that sends him to the outside. Bryan kicks Orton in the chest, but Orton wrenches his arm hard and kicks at Bryan’s elbow, sending him to the outside. Batista buries his shoulder in Orton’s midsection, then clotheslines Orton in the corner. Batista shoulders Orton, but Orton drops down and hits his signature backbreaker. Orton knocks Bryan from the apron to the floor, and Orton is sent to the outside by Batista. Batista picks Orton up and slams him back first into the ring apron before slamming his head off of the announcer’s table. Batista whips Orton into the barricade hard.

Orton fights back with big right hands, but Batista whips Orton into the ring steps before slamming his head into those same steps. Batista tosses aside the top half of the steps, and gets Orton in position for a Batista bomb. Orton counters, back dropping Batista on the ring steps. Orton goes over and grabs Bryan, tossing him shoulder first into the barricade before hitting a belly to back suplex to lay him on the barricade. Orton goes over and hits a belly to back suplex on Batista as well, laying him out on the barricade before standing on the steps and posing to lots of heat from the crowd.

Orton tosses Batista in the ring and goes for the pin, getting two. Orton stomps at Batista’s joints, then puts his finger up to his ear, getting tons of heat. Orton backs up and hits a knee drop on Batista’s face for another two count. Bryan comes in out of nowhere, hitting a missile dropkick from the top rope to both Batista and Orton. Bryan kicks Orton, then Batista, and trades off between the two for a bit. Bryan kicks Batista in the side of the head, but Orton avoids it, hitting an exploder suplex. Orton goes for the pin, but it’s broken up by Batista. Batista shoulders Orton and slams him to the mat for two, before Bryan breaks up the pin.

Batista stomps on Bryan in the corner, but when he charges in, Bryan hits a drop toe hold to send Batista crashing into the middle turnbuckle. Bryan hits three corner dropkicks on Orton, and two on Batista. Bryan seats Orton on the top rope, and follows up, hitting a top rope hurricanrana for two.

Bryan is caught by Batista, who hits a couple of clubbing blows, and suplexes him to the outside from the apron. Batista goes to the top, but he’s stopped by Orton with a series of rights, and a head butt. Orton goes up after Batista and tries for a superplex, but Batista fights back. Orton won’t give up, head butting Batista, and connecting with the superplex. Bryan comes flying in with a flying head butt to Batista out of nowhere. Bryan clamps on the yes lock. Triples H and Stephanie come out through the crowd, and pull the ref from the ring.

Hunter stares at Bryan, and Bryan stands. Bryan walks right into a spinebuster from Batista. Scott Armstrong comes in out of nowhere, and Batista hits the Batista bomb in the middle of the ring. Batista goes for the pin, but Bryan kicks out.

Fans are going wild for Bryan. Batista goes for the spear, but Bryan avoids it and Batista crashes shoulder first into the ring post. Armstrong leans in to check on Bryan, but Bryan kicks him in the side of the head. Bryan leaps out of the ring with a suicide dive, taking out Stephanie, Hunter, and Armstrong.

Hunter gets to his feet and begins looking under the ring. Hunter comes up with the sledge hammer, and he gets to the apron. Bryan kicks Hunter and grabs the hammer, using it to bash Hunter in the face. Bryan rolls up Batista, but Orton breaks it up. Orton tosses Bryan out to the floor and follows, hitting a couple of big uppercuts, then tossing Bryan into the barricade. Orton stomps away at Bryan, and tosses him into a big clothesline from Batista.

Batista and Orton team up, Batista dropping Bryan across the barricade, and Orton slamming the ring steps into Bryan’s shoulder. Batista and Orton stare each other down, and Orton nods at Batista. They immediately begin taking apart two of the announcer’s tables at ringside. Batista pulls one of the monitors out and slams it into Bryan’s shoulder. Orton sets up the stairs next to the table. Batista places Bryan on one of the tables. Batista gets Bryan into position, powerbombing Bryan into a RKO from Orton.

Batista walks over, surveying the damage as trainers come in to check on Bryan and Orton. Medical staff are bringing out a stretcher from the back and heading toward the ring. Batista grabs Orton and pulls him out of the wreckage, slamming him back down as a neck brace is put onto Bryan. Batista slams Orton into the barricade, then throws him into the ring post. Batista slams Orton head first into the apron, then tosses him into the barricade again.

Orton tries to fight back, but Batista hits him with a couple of rights and sends him back into the ring. Bryan is being stretchered to the back. Orton tries for the suspension DDT, but Batista backdrops him to the outside. Orton gets to his feet and hits the suspension DDT from the apron to the arena floor. Bryan is stirring, and he pushes away trainers, getting up off the stretcher.

Bryan crawls toward the ring. Orton throws him into the ring steps. Orton tosses Bryan into the ring, and follows after him. Fans are completely behind Bryan. Orton holds his arms out and calls for more from the fans. Orton drops to the mat and sets up for the RKO. Bryan stands, but he reverses an RKO into the yes lock. Bryan rears back and Orton screams. Batista is in to break it up. He goes to grab Bryan, but Bryan clamps on the yes lock to Batista. Orton breaks the hold this time, and tosses Bryan into the corner.

Orton slams Batista into the corner and hits a series of rights. The crowd is still chanting for Bryan. Orton tries for the RKO on Batista, but Batista shoves him away. Batista goes for the spear, but Orton leaps up and Batista hits Bryan, knocking him from the ring. Orton hits the RKO on Batista, but only gets two.

Orton backs away from Batista, he goes for the punt, but Bryan comes in out of nowhere with the flying knee. Batista tosses Bryan from the ring and goes for the pin, but Orton kicks out at two.

Batista connects with the Batista bomb on Orton, and Bryan hits the flying knee on Batista. Bryan traps Batista in the yes lock, and Batista taps! Daniel Bryan is your new champion!

Winner and NEW WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Daniel Bryan

Everyone is cheering for Bryan and joining in on the yes chants as Bryan holds his titles high. Bryan stands on the announcer’s table and holds his belts up while pyro goes off and confetti blows into the air. THIS is a WrestleMania moment!

Bryan calls for a little girl to come into the ring (his neice, maybe?), along with her mother. He gives both a hug, and continues the celebration.

Bryan screams ‘yes’ over and over, and shoulders both belts. Bryan looks legitimately choked up, laying both titles on the mat and looking down at them. King calls it ‘yeslemania’. The show ends with an insane amount of confetti falling from the ceiling and fans chanting yes.